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Tell me it is ok and to not feel guilty....


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I know I have to do it but the dang guilty feeling sucks.  The dog has cancer and it is a very aggressive, painful type. The dog was given 1-6 months if we were lucky.  Most dogs are euthanized within a month. Normally, I have never had a problem letting a pet go when they are suffering but for some reason this one is different.  I don't why, maybe because part of me feels we haven't had enough time together or how this dog is bonded with my youngest.  We have had her since she was eight weeks old and she is nearing the average lifespan for her breed. I know how painful this cancer is and it is not fair to the dog to have to suffer. The vet did put her on high doses of pain meds so we could have 2 more weeks together.  The vet is being wonderful with this.  I know I have to let her go before she is no longer enjoying life.


We have had a wonderful week so far.  The dog is enjoying herself. She is getting to do things we normally don't do including special dinners, treats galore and a cupcake. Part of me feels guilty we can't do more.  I know I am doing the right thing.  I also know I can't live being so worried that every time she moves that the leg could break and it is not fair to the dog.  So now we have a week left before we say goodbye to our beloved bernese.




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:grouphug:  I'm so sorry.  Making these decisions is the toughest thing we do for our furry loved ones.  It hurts a ton to lose them, esp when they've been so much a part of our lives for years.  I wish I could make it easier, but I can't.  I will echo the pp in saying there should be no guilt.  Sadness/emptiness/feeling of the end of an era, yes, but guilt?  No.

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