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We resumed school today


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We did not START school today because we still need to finish up some things from the previous school year.

The plan was to school throughout the summer but it just did not get done in June or July. *sigh* So in August, we're resuming.

The goal is to start the NEW school year in September.


Anyone else following an unconventional schedule?

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 One of my kids has a research paper to finish up.  She was away most of the month of July.  We have one quick family trip later this week, then, it'll be time to crank it out before homeschooling and CC dual enrollment start up at the end of August. 


I don't know that there even is a conventional schedule anymore.  Even school kids do summer school, and high schoolers have academic camps, workshops, and such over the summer.  My daughter's public- and private-schooled friends all have assignments over the summer, from reading lists to group projects. 

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Ha! Public schools started on July 29 here. My dh is a teacher, so we go to school when he does, and he had to return on July 25. We get done right before Memorial Day -- I think the schools take a fall break, winter break, spring break... Summer is way too short!




Gosh that's so weird!


They didn't get out for the summer here until, well, after summer started!  End of June. 

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We are still plugging along here, too. 4 dc are working om math, 1 is studying spelling with the hope of trying for nationals next year, 1 is working on PSAT/SAT prep, and even my ds who just graduated from homeschool is studying for challenge exams for his college to try to place out of the basic cs courses. We're a boring bunch!


Most homeschoolers I know do math at least a little through the summer, and many do academic camps or SAT prep, etc, too. Maybe because we live near DC?

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We find ourselves needing to schedule time with friends before the year officially starts for some. So today I'm taking ds and a friend to the movies while dd stays home and works on schoolwork. 

Next week will be interrupted to do when I go on a business trip. Glad we have a flexible schedule!

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I didn't realize just how slow ds13 would be with his Algebra work last year. I let him slide for a few months before I realized that at the rate we were going we'd never be done the book by the end of the year.


I thought, "Well, it's not a big deal. We'll just do some algebra over the summer."


URGH. It's a big deal. I haaaaaaate doing algebra over the summer.


I also wanted to teach him photography for high school credit over this summer and next summer. Doing the photography alone would have been fine, but when we add in the algebra, it's like torture for us all. I do my best not to make it show, but I need (need, need, need) a break from teaching hard subjects.


My youngest doesn't have a mathy brain. I wasted about 2 years from 1-3rd trying to teach him math that he just wasn't ready to understand. Right now we are in the middle of a 5th grade curric. (CLE--now that we switched to CLE he can learn math). I want him to be at the end of the 6th grade books by next May. This means that we have to do his math during the summer as well.


Algebra I, 5th grade math, and photography are making us all miserable. Well, the photography is fun...sort of. The photography part is fun, but I'm making my son answer some (what I thought were easy) questions after each photography lesson and making him write a little summary (like 2 paragraph) in his own words of what he learned that day. Since it's summer, he just has no motivation and those questions and summaries ought to take about 20 minutes, but he drags them out for an hour/hour and a half.


I hate this summer. By the time I drag these unwiling kids through their lessons, I have very little time left over for cleaning, cooking, and planning the next school year. I'm getting down to the wire and will end up having to stay up late to get my planning done.


Oh, and the oldest needs to start reading Gilgamesh next Monday so he's ready for his new writing program that starts on the first day of school. (You start right off with writing an essay about a book you read--so he needs to have the book read by the first day of school.)


Shooooee. It felt good to write all that. I haven't complained to anyone IRL, but I'm SO SICK of doing school in the summer. Never again. I need a break next year. But I don't think I'll get it. There's a program at the aquarium that I think my son might want to do (an hour's drive each way, and if he gets in we'll be doing that drive a few times a week.). And I'll probably have him start in on some SAT/ACT prep during next summer.


And the summer after that is more test prep and then visiting colleges. Blech. And then when the oldest is out of highschool, the next one enters.


Well...now I'm just whining. I wish I'd realized how wonderful those last few summers off were. They're over for the next 7 years or so.


I hope I don't have to get a job until a solid year after the kids graduate so I can try to put my life back in order a bit. I feel overwhelmed by my house and see no way to really organize it for the long haul until the kids are totally independent and working or in college during the day (or have moved out entirely.)

Edited by Garga
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