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Christopher Buckley comes out for Obama

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Chris Buckley is spot-on in this article, including the hopes (and cautions) he has of an Obama Administration.


I'd did chuckle about the "Or would they?" aside, after he mentioned his parents would have cut off his allowance.


I would not be the least bit surprised if William F. Buckley were living that he wouldn't have reached the same conclusion as his son. In fact, I think it is highly likely. But who knows?


I will say I sure miss WFB, he was a singular fellow.



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just another journalist being swayed by the obama god mentality
I would venture to say that Christopher Buckley is not "just another journalist" with respect to his education and his family. You could perhaps make an elitism claim, but I think that would be as unfair to Christopher Buckley and his father as it is to left-leaning intellectuals.
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just another journalist being swayed by the obama god mentality


I would venture to say that Christopher Buckley is not "just another journalist" with respect to his education and his family. You could perhaps make an elitism claim, but I think that would be as unfair to Christopher Buckley and his father as it is to left-leaning intellectuals.


I commend you for your calm response, Moira. :thumbup:


At what age is a child too old for a spanking?;)


touché :D

Edited by Apiphobic
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Risking being bashed, again, for stating my opinion, I agree with everything he said about McCain changing in this election. I used to think quite highly of him, but not anymore.


I commend him for his decision, and for being brave enough to publicly state it.


There is nothing wrong with posting a legitimate article like you did. The problem comes when you are so giddy about not liking the canidate. If you are going to put your opinion out there in such a gleeful manner you need to put on your rhino skin.

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just another journalist being swayed by the obama god mentality


So, only people who vote for McCain are using their brains? Everyone else is just swayed by a mentality that says Obama is God? He actually seems pretty reserved about Obama ....


Anyway, I love Christopher Buckley's humor. I don't put a lot of stock in his political writing, but I do think he captured what a lot of fiscal conservatives who aren't as whipped up over social issues are thinking.


I really really really admired McCain. I very much wanted him to get the nomination in 2000, and I think we would be living in a very different and much better United States if he had.


But I am sort of baffled by how he has conducted this campaign, and it does erode my admiration for him considerably.

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Yep. Any journalist ~ or anyone else for that matter ~ who casts a vote for Obama is a delusional idol-worshipper. No question. Good logic!


Careful, Colleen, you'll be lambasted for including "Cheers" in your siggy unless you're not posting something along the lines of wishing for world peace and a cherry on top for everybody at the ice cream social. :chillpill:

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But I am sort of baffled by how he has conducted this campaign, and it does erode my admiration for him considerably.
I'm beyond baffled, I'm appalled. :sad:
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Careful, Colleen, you'll be lambasted for including "Cheers" in your siggy unless you're not posting something along the lines of wishing for world peace and a cherry on top for everybody at the ice cream social. :chillpill:


Now, now, artist-formerly-known-as-Linksalot:D, you know very well I mentally distribute cherry-laden hot fudge sundaes with each and every one of my posts!:)

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Yep. Any journalist ~ or anyone else for that matter ~ who casts a vote for Obama is a delusional idol-worshipper. No question. Good logic!


You know I am just going to chalk it up to a lack of social skills. I mean surely if some people on this board realized how they were coming across they wouldn't type half the crap they do right?? :tongue_smilie:


So from now on I am just going to respond with a "Well bless her heart she just doesn't know any better, or Well bless her heart she just can't help herself."

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You know I am just going to chalk it up to a lack of social skills. I mean surely if some people on this board realized how they were coming across they wouldn't type half the crap they do right?? :tongue_smilie:


So from now on I am just going to respond with a "Well bless her heart she just doesn't know any better, or Well bless her heart she just can't help herself."


I have to pee.


Does this mean bless my heart, ah just don't know any bettuh or ah just cain't hepp mahself?

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Well bless your heart you just can't help yourself can you?

Methinks we need a head patting smiley... :D


I try to say calm and respectful in my posts... I really do. I got a little snarky this morning in another thread, but I think it was deserved.

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There is nothing wrong with posting a legitimate article like you did. The problem comes when you are so giddy about not liking the canidate. If you are going to put your opinion out there in such a gleeful manner you need to put on your rhino skin.


You see, though, I thought it was hilarious, and I know you would have had it been anyone else! The person being investigated, the day before a decision is made, saying "I held my own investigation and I found myself innocent!"?? It wasn't McCain saying it--it was HER!!! Please tell me that wasn't funny?


Also, I can't believe the names the dems are called here! Obama's "god mentality"? Saying it is good WFB is dead? (sorry, not trying to pick on anyone--those are the only ones I can think of at the moment) If I had posted something like that, you would have villified me--I put a smilie and said it was hilarious that she declared herself innocent! Which it is! (you know it is!;))


And, for the record--I don't hate her! Hate is not a word I use freely. I don't think she is even close to qualified, I think she operates with bias, dirty politics, I disagree with every stance that she has taken, but hate is not a word I would ever use for her--I hate Hitler, and what he did--I dislike her politics, and would be terrified of her ever having a position of power in this country.

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You see, though, I thought it was hilarious, and I know you would have had it been anyone else! The person being investigated, the day before a decision is made, saying "I held my own investigation and I found myself innocent!"?? It wasn't McCain saying it--it was HER!!! Please tell me that wasn't funny?


Also, I can't believe the names the dems are called here! Obama's "god mentality"? Saying it is good WFB is dead? (sorry, not trying to pick on anyone--those are the only ones I can think of at the moment) If I had posted something like that, you would have villified me--I put a smilie and said it was hilarious that she declared herself innocent! Which it is! (you know it is!;))


And, for the record--I don't hate her! Hate is not a word I use freely. I don't think she is even close to qualified, I think she operates with bias, dirty politics, I disagree with every stance that she has taken, but hate is not a word I would ever use for her--I hate Hitler, and what he did--I dislike her politics, and would be terrified of her ever having a position of power in this country.



You, Mom to Aly, are a very interesting person. On one hand I can see what you are saying, on the other you are sometimes so offensive in your dislike for the side you do not agree with that you annoy me. I would like to think it would still annoy me if I agreed with "your side" but I am seeing that even with people that agree with what I believe, they annoy me as well in their delivery.


Just trying to keep it real.


ETA: My last sentence does not make sense. What I am trying to say is whoever likes Obama probably doesn't want to read snarky gleeful people dissing him, that goes for the peeps that like Palin too.

Edited by Momto4kids
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And, for the record--I don't hate her! Hate is not a word I use freely. I don't think she is even close to qualified, I think she operates with bias, dirty politics, I disagree with every stance that she has taken, but hate is not a word I would ever use for her--I hate Hitler, and what he did--I dislike her politics, and would be terrified of her ever having a position of power in this country.


Exactly. Shs seems like a nice enough person, other than the fact that she thinks killing animals is entertainment. But I disagree with her on pretty much every issue. And the fact that she is being promoted as "one of us" doesn't impress me. Personally, I want leaders whom I believe are more intelligent, better informed, better educated and more qualfied than I am to run my country. And, after everything I've read--even the positive stuff that's been posted here--I don't believe any of that is true of Ms. Palin.


I don't hate her. I don't know her well enough to hate her. I just don't want her in a position to affect my life.

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You, Mom to Aly, are a very interesting person. On one hand I can see what you are saying, on the other you are sometimes so offensive in your dislike for the side you do not agree with that you annoy me. I would like to think it would still annoy me if I agreed with "your side" but I am seeing that even with people that agree with what I believe, they annoy me as well in their delivery.


Just trying to keep it real.


ETA: My last sentence does not make sense. What I am trying to say is whoever likes Obama probably doesn't want to read snarky gleeful people dissing him, that goes for the peeps that like Palin too.


Well, I really wasn't trying to be gleeful, and I was stunned at people seeing it that way. I have just sprained my foot, ankle and knee, and had gone to bed after posting that (and pain killers :D) and came down to the whole thing and it being closed, and was crushed by how it all went.


I have to say, I get offensive here, or much more agressive than I would normally, believe me, in real life I am nothing like this, I won't even discuss politics or religion, AT ALL!!, because I feel the conservatives are so abusive to those who are not. I posted the other article first and was called a liar!!! outright for posting an article! Yes, I was--I don't know if she ever came back and admitted it, but I was, because of something from the day before that bashed India, that I responded to (I feel like that hair shampoo commercial--and she told two friends, and she told two friends, and so on, and so on...).


I haven't been on here in a while, because I can't take the politics, really. It depresses me, it angers me. I came back on, ignored them, looked at a couple of things. Then I got drawn back in by something that was posted from a blog I knew wasn't true... & I'm back! I can't help it! And I come off, or am interpreted totally differently than how I mean it, and sometimes it seems to me it must be intentional, because I cannot believe what people say about Obama, and I say anything & I am attacked, over and over again!


I feel like I can't win, but I also feel like, while things are being posted here from blogs as though they are articles, and when things like the two articles that were on the news last night and are big news, IMO, are being ignored here, it is a huge bias, and I can't ignore that. So, if I have to be the one who posts it and takes the abuse, so be it.


But I find it all really depressing, and disheartening. I don't like being criticized for posting something I find. And I think I have the right to post my opinion like anyone else--and I'm not the one who calls names--I may criticize someones stands, but I keep it to the politicians, which is more than I can say for a lot here.

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I wouldn't mind if this thread stayed open. I respectfully request that personal issues be duked out elsewhere... maybe in PM's. Please.

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BTW, when I posted the article about Palin clearing herself, this is what I said:


I found it quite amusing. :D


I don't see how that was snarky or gleeful. I still think it is hilarious!


Ma23peas completely bashed me, but not at all about the article, about something else. I'd like to see if she's brave enough to come out here and tell why.

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OK, I looked for a smilie with a white flag but couldn't find it, so instead, here I am:




OK, OK :lol:


I get too worked up here.


I do love these boards, and the politics gets me over the top. Plus a few other things. God, these elections are never going to end, are they?:confused:

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I'll be the first to admit that politics brings out the worst in me. I had a response all typed earlier in a knee jerk reaction and somehow hit a button that accidentally deleted it. I took it as a sign.


I really have to remember that this is politics, and three weeks before a hard fought election there is passion on both sides, and it's hard to resist. Deep breaths . . .



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you know, I really try to refrain from THESE politcal threads, but sometimes, I just can't ignore the blatant lies out there. I vow to stay polite, but it really irks me that others are so adamant in their personal attacks to others here.


I never said what others implied I said. I simply made a declarative sentence. Take it or leave it. It was my opinion. Oh, wait, since I am a journalist does that mean I have to remain non-biased in every facet of my life? Come on people, everyone has bias!


I am sure that the voter fraud and the electoral college will guarantee who will be in office next year, but I can also assure you that regardless of my political persuasion, we are supposed to be friendly to one another.

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you know, I really try to refrain from THESE politcal threads, but sometimes, I just can't ignore the blatant lies out there. I vow to stay polite, but it really irks me that others are so adamant in their personal attacks to others here.
I'm not sure what you mean by "THESE political threads, as I was just sharing an article by a commentator who I frequently find to be thoughtful. I was quite specific in responding to your post in saying that Christopher Buckley is not "just another journalist" as you claimed, and I didn't attack you.



I never said what others implied I said. I simply made a declarative sentence. Take it or leave it. It was my opinion. Oh, wait, since I am a journalist does that mean I have to remain non-biased in every facet of my life? Come on people, everyone has bias!
You may not have meant it that way, that's how it was read by more than one poster. Perhaps it was poor wording on your part? Perhaps you could rephrase or clarify?


I am sure that the voter fraud and the electoral college will guarantee who will be in office next year, but I can also assure you that regardless of my political persuasion, we are supposed to be friendly to one another.
To what are you referring? GOP voter suppression efforts? ;) And, FWIW, I didn't find your post to be "friendly." It is possible to express disagreement with Mr. Buckley without seemingly disparaging his character by implying he's being duped somehow or starstruck by Mr. Obama.
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I found it interesting that the son of America's (arguably) most important figure in the conservative movement (and no liberal himself) has joined a growing group of conservatives coming out for Mr Obama.


Any thoughts? :tongue_smilie:


Bill (who is shamelessly trying to get this thread back on-topic)

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Responding to moira and Pammy's posts


Here's some possible voter...manipulation: a county in New York sent out absentee ballots with Obama's name as Barack Osama. It also happened in Florida during the primaries.


If voters cross out and spell it correctly, will the vote still count? If voters vote for Barack Osama, will that count, as that exact person doesn't exist?


Common sense can tell you that the people who do either of those things are obviously voting for Obama. But common sense does not always prevail in the world of politics, particularly when an election is at stake.



Perhaps this is an s/o topic.

Edited by Parabola
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I found it interesting that the son of America's (arguably) most important figure in the conservative movement (and no liberal himself) has joined a growing group of conservatives coming out for Mr Obama.


Any thoughts? :tongue_smilie:


Bill (who is shamelessly trying to get this thread back on-topic)


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I found it interesting that the son of America's (arguably) most important figure in the conservative movement (and no liberal himself) has joined a growing group of conservatives coming out for Mr Obama.


Any thoughts? :tongue_smilie:


Bill (who is shamelessly trying to get this thread back on-topic)


Ummm, thinking, thinking, Yes, very interesting, isn't it?


(trying to help you out, Bill, but rather brain dead and tired out, after all the drama)

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I found it interesting that the son of America's (arguably) most important figure in the conservative movement (and no liberal himself) has joined a growing group of conservatives coming out for Mr Obama.


Any thoughts? :tongue_smilie:



Um, he's reached his own conclusions? He's less conservative than his dad? Were WFB to come back from the grave and endorse Obama, now THAT would be something. But his son? Eh, join the club.

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Um, he's reached his own conclusions? He's less conservative than his dad? Were WFB to come back from the grave and endorse Obama, now THAT would be something. But his son? Eh, join the club.


I know it isn't as much as WFB endorsing him, but it is certainly more news than Lieberman jumping ship--the dems needed him to leave a long time ago (sorry, that is one I cannot stand!).


I think what he said in his article really is true. As someone else here said, in 2000, I really wanted McCain to get the nomination. I respected him at that point--I've always worried about his temper. Someone who cannot control himself, even while running for office, or, moreover, especially while running for running for office is frightening, but he was certainly better than Bush.


But now--he has sold out, he has totally changed. In the beginning, I thought that, at least, if he won, we would have a decent government. Now, I know it would be a total disaster. We have fallen so far, our economy is in such a state, we can't take another year, much less four more, of this government. It would be certain doom if McCain were elected.


Obama is the only hope we have. & I think Christopher Buckley is one of many who are seeing it that way.

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I don't see this so much an endorsement for Obama, but a reflection on how many small government conservatives have felt for some time. It's a "we need to destroy the village (the Republican party) to save the village." I definately can agree with much of what he said, I just am not able to give Obama the benefit of the doubt as he seems able to do. Although I think Obama's style of being is attractive, and having read his book, as well, I agree that he's a pretty smart guy. I see how he relates to real situations and he appears to induldge in a lot of abstractions. I don't think he's fast enough on his feet, wet behind the ears, and just not qualified.


If Obama wins I really do wish him success, for all of our sakes as well as his. I just can't see it. I see a Jimmy Carter that many will be reluctant to criticize because of his race. I see increased racial tensions. I see ecomonic atrophy. I see vulnerability to international conflict.

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Does anyone actually care who journalists, economists, musicians, or actors endorse or vote?! Really? I don't care if Oprah prefers Obama, McCain, or writes herself in as a candidate. Who thinks so highly of themselves to believe they can personally sway other voters? (Am I missing the proverbial boat on this?) I'm waving the "McCain/Palin" flag because I'm terrified of the alternative. If I were a non-political public figure it would be different.

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I don't see this so much an endorsement for Obama, but a reflection on how many small government conservatives have felt for some time. It's a "we need to destroy the village (the Republican party) to save the village." I definately can agree with much of what he said, I just am not able to give Obama the benefit of the doubt as he seems able to do. Although I think Obama's style of being is attractive, and having read his book, as well, I agree that he's a pretty smart guy. I see how he relates to real situations and he appears to induldge in a lot of abstractions. I don't think he's fast enough on his feet, wet behind the ears, and just not qualified.


If Obama wins I really do wish him success, for all of our sakes as well as his. I just can't see it. I see a Jimmy Carter that many will be reluctant to criticize because of his race. I see increased racial tensions. I see ecomonic atrophy. I see vulnerability to international conflict.


I don't agree with this--Buckley was very clear about why McCain would not work, not just that the republicans wouldn't work.


And, as far as another Jimmy Carter; if only that were true! I was 14 when Carter left office, and, even then, I knew one of our best presidents ever was leaving. Finally, the rest of the world has caught up with that view. Read books about his presidency now, and you will see how amazing is foreign policy was, the strides he made, his economic policies; he is a brilliant, brilliant man, who did amazing things for this country. Most of the people here were too blind and worried about our image to see it at the time. I can only pray Obama could come close to the type of president Jimmy Carter was.

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