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7 am homeschool schedule baby

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I have a baby ten months who is very active and it is very hard to homeschool my oldest children with her. She chews on books and school supplies, is very loud and the other kids tend to get distracted. I decided to try to wake up my oldest at 7 am and do reading and math before baby gets up. This would be a huge help. Has anyone tried this? I am finding it very hard to homeschool with baby can anyone offer solutions that have worked. She hates high chairs,pack and plays, cribs, and being restrained. All she wants to do is be on the floor.



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I get up with my oldest at 6 and we get nearly two hours of uninterrupted school time. It's so much less stressful and she enjoys her free time in the afternoon.

We keep an early bedtime for everyone.

But our early start time has been so so helpful. Best decision ever!

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My babies would wake if I tried to get up earlier than them, and the cranky baby would less helpful in school time. 


One of my twins was like that as a baby and toddler. It didn't matter when I got up, she would figure it out within a day or two and adjust her wake up time to five minutes after mine, the little stinker. She's still my earliest riser, but at least she sleeps more than five minutes past my wake up time most days!


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You don't know until you try! I get up 90 minutes before my kids so I can have a little quiet time and then get a start to the day. It's amazing what you can get done when kids sleep! My kids get up not long after the sun rises so I adjusted my wake up time to between 5 and 5:30, but it's worth it. Even with a toddler (and previously with a baby), if I get up early and go to bed early, I do quality stuff in the morning. If I sleep in and stay up late, I end up watching tv or wasting time online ;)

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I just have one child, but just thought I'd mention this. DD and I both shower in the evenings so we both just get up and get dressed so our wake up time is about 5:30-5:45 to get started by 6. We also usually start our day with something video- or audio- based so we can both eat breakfast while we start. So, it's often something like Great Courses, Coursera, etc. type of thing for us. It also gives her brain some time to wake up a bit before it has to produce anything. :-)


Beyond that, our situation isn't typical because DH and I both work full time, and jointly share household duties or outsource them.




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My babies would wake if I tried to get up earlier than them, and the cranky baby would less helpful in school time. 

Luna sleeps in our room. I think she can hear me get up, no matter how quiet I try to be. She's an early riser, so she is always up before me. I can count on three fingers the Times I have left her sleeping in the morning, all while she was sick. 


I second schooling at naptime, evenings, whenever you can. Also, do you have a safe, contained space where baby can play and be close without getting in your hair?

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I get up with my oldest at 6 and we get nearly two hours of uninterrupted school time. It's so much less stressful and she enjoys her free time in the afternoon.

We keep an early bedtime for everyone.

But our early start time has been so so helpful. Best decision ever!


Thanks so much I am going to try 6:30 am and get two hours in! I think its brilliant. The baby is sleeping until 8! Love this well see how it goes!




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My oldest has woken up early to do math with me for the last 3 yrs. My 10yo started doing the same at the end of last year. It is a great schedule for us.


Flowergirl159, here is what a typical day looks like in my house:


5:00 - I wake up and do my yoga routine and shower.

5:45 - Math with dd12

6:30 - Math and Writing with ds10 (dd practices piano and starts breakfast)

7:30 - Breakfast

8:15 - dd12 goes off to do independent work, ds10 takes care of chickens and practices piano (then starts independent work), I work with younger kids for the remainder of the morning

11:00 - lunch, followed by a read aloud. Then I meet 1-1 with the older kids to go over independent work. If we are very efficient, we can be done with school by 1:00, although it often takes until 2:00.


This schedule allows for us to be done early in the day and to tackle the hardest subjects without little kid distractions. We have always been early birds around here, so taking advantage of that makes sense for us.

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My oldest has woken up early to do math with me for the last 3 yrs. My 10yo started doing the same at the end of last year. It is a great schedule for us.


Flowergirl159, here is what a typical day looks like in my house:


5:00 - I wake up and do my yoga routine and shower.

5:45 - Math with dd12

6:30 - Math and Writing with ds10 (dd practices piano and starts breakfast)

7:30 - Breakfast

8:15 - dd12 goes off to do independent work, ds10 takes care of chickens and practices piano (then starts independent work), I work with younger kids for the remainder of the morning

11:00 - lunch, followed by a read aloud. Then I meet 1-1 with the older kids to go over independent work. If we are very efficient, we can be done with school by 1:00, although it often takes until 2:00.


This schedule allows for us to be done early in the day and to tackle the hardest subjects without little kid distractions. We have always been early birds around here, so taking advantage of that makes sense for us.


TracyP that is so helpful!! Thank you :)


Two of my girls and I are early birds too, so I should make the most of that time of day for us.


I have always loved having an hour or so to myself first thing in the morning, and it is the middle of winter of here so its dark until 6:30am. Which means that everyone is enjoying sleeping in a little more than the rest of the year. I can see though how this could work for us come September :)


I usually have everyone doing the same thing at the same time: get up and work on chores; have breakfast; do maths at the same time. Perhaps I could change some things around. We don't all have to do chores at the same time, nor maths ;)


I think I will begin with my oldest as she is just about always up when I am :)

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My oldest has woken up early to do math with me for the last 3 yrs. My 10yo started doing the same at the end of last year. It is a great schedule for us.


Flowergirl159, here is what a typical day looks like in my house:


5:00 - I wake up and do my yoga routine and shower.

5:45 - Math with dd12

6:30 - Math and Writing with ds10 (dd practices piano and starts breakfast)

7:30 - Breakfast

8:15 - dd12 goes off to do independent work, ds10 takes care of chickens and practices piano (then starts independent work), I work with younger kids for the remainder of the morning

11:00 - lunch, followed by a read aloud. Then I meet 1-1 with the older kids to go over independent work. If we are very efficient, we can be done with school by 1:00, although it often takes until 2:00.


This schedule allows for us to be done early in the day and to tackle the hardest subjects without little kid distractions. We have always been early birds around here, so taking advantage of that makes sense for us.

I like the idea of waking up at 5 am to take care of your well being first and do yoga. I read an article that the most successful people wake up very early and have a morning ritual in which they take care of themselves in the morning. Getting up, working out and doing spiritual work then starting the day instead of waking up when kids get up and just reacting to the daily demands. I am more efficient when I wake up early. Thanks for your comment.



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