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PSA: I'm going back on the AIP diet...


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I was on the Auto immune paleo diet for quite a long time.  The last 9 months or so I have only been gluten free and have slowly moved farther and farther away from the AIP.  I have autoimmune issues.  The farther I get away from AIP, the more I battle joint pain, exhaustion, and my weight just keeps creeping up :(


So here it goes...


I have to nix coffee and chocolate and so many awesome things and I am going to be grumpy and awful to be around.  I will probably even have a detox period and it is just going to stink so please excuse me if I am grumpy.  I feel like I need to paste this to my forehead.  Ugh.

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Every once in a while I eat something and it quickly reminds me why I DON'T eat that stuff. Today was one slice of pizza. I instantly felt like I had a head cold. Stuffy sinuses, headache, heaviness, and zero energy.


Wasn't worth it.

Edited by fraidycat
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I feel your pain. I was strictly on for 9 months, since then I've slipped varying degrees(although always GF, usually DF and mostly grain free- its the little things that are getting me). I had actually decided to try to get more strict again this weekend but then my sleep went wonky. UGH. I wish this was easier

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I feel your pain. "The only thing harder than being on <insert name of super-awesome healing diet that really worked for you>, is NOT being on <super-awesome healing diet>."


I'm with you OP. I've been slacking and only maintaining gluten and sugar free and feeling worse and worse. Last week, I cut dairy and other grains back out of my diet. It was a rough couple of days, but I already feel better. You can do it!

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Every once in a while I eat something and it quickly reminds me why I DON'T eat that stuff. Today was one slice of pizza. I instantly felt like I had a head cold. Stuffy sinuses, headache, heaviness, and zero energy.


Wasn't worth it.



I'm sorry you felt bad :(  I kind of wish I had such an obvious reaction...for me it builds over time so I can be stupid if I want and deny that it bothers me, but it eventually catches up to me.  Ugh

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I'm sorry you felt bad :(  I kind of wish I had such an obvious reaction...for me it builds over time so I can be stupid if I want and deny that it bothers me, but it eventually catches up to me.  Ugh

That is totally me. I know it is coming but I still prefer denial. Now to decide how far strict to go. When I added back in nuts previously I felt like I did ok with them. I know eggs and nightshades are issues and chocolate to some degree. It is so much harder to go back on it then to do it the first time.

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That is totally me. I know it is coming but I still prefer denial. Now to decide how far strict to go. When I added back in nuts previously I felt like I did ok with them. I know eggs and nightshades are issues and chocolate to some degree. It is so much harder to go back on it then to do it the first time.



seriously?  You feel this way too?  It came easy the first time but I have been saying for 6 months that "I am going to go back on AIP tomorrow"  haha  So when dd made GF chocolate cake tonight and tried to get me to eat some, saying "you can start tomorrow" I was like no....tomorrow never comes.

Edited by Attolia
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seriously?  You feel this way too?  It came easy the first time but I have been saying for 6 months that "I am going to go back on AIP tomorrow"  haha  So when dd made GF chocolate cake tonight and tried to get me to eat some, saying "you can start tomorrow" I was like no....tomorrow never comes.

Totally. The first time your full of all this excitement and enthusiasm, after that you know what your in for- a lot more cooking and just so much focus on the food. 

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I've had to stop eating a lot of different foods because of allergies - and the list just seems to keep growing. It helps if I embrace the delicious foods I can eat and enjoy, and not dwell on what I'm missing.  Maybe find a tea that you love so much that it makes it easy (or at least easier) to pass by coffee. Find a new set of "comfort" foods that look good, taste good and you know won't make you feel pain. Instill help from family, so that they don't bring into the house too many foods that you can't enjoy, and spend more time in the food isles at the grocery store that has foods you can enjoy.  It's not really helpful to spend precious time and energy staring at things you can't have.



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Sometimes I feel like I'm turning orange from all the sweet potatoes...


Yes, this!  I need to embrace that orange potato again.   :D


seriously, I had a friend on a juicing kick once who was consuming so much raw carrot juice that she literally took on an orange hue  :lol:

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I've been having a tantrum and completely off my dietary wagon, but I need to be back on in a big way. Getting over the first three days has defeated me for WEEKS but today is it, because I feel absolutely awful. I can do this, but I have to take it one bite at a time here in the beginning and the detox will suck.

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I've been having a tantrum and completely off my dietary wagon, but I need to be back on in a big way. Getting over the first three days has defeated me for WEEKS but today is it, because I feel absolutely awful. I can do this, but I have to take it one bite at a time here in the beginning and the detox will suck.



Hang in there.  I just started again yesterday.  Day two without coffee :(  We got this!   If we push through we know it will be worth it.

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Thankfully my own plan can handle decaf coffee and I've been backing off my caffeine for weeks, so it won't be like falling off a cliff. I hope your withdrawals are minimal!

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I started Friday trying to clean it up and did pretty good until Sunday and my body said feed me carbs and I had some rice crackers, peanut butter and vegan protein powder smoothie. Le sigh. Back at it again today aiming for perfect compliance of AIP- 30 days- I can do it for 30 days then start trying to reintroduce, instead of just waiting around scared to add anything then I end up adding back in too quick. I was feeling pretty decent but seem to be having a bit of a rough go since coming back from vacation. I think from being really loose with the diet, way too little sleep, and running on adrenaline too much my body needs to rest. I'm retesting my adrenals Wed as I feel like they have went downhill and that is a big part of my fatigue right now. 


Breakfast was sweet potato hash w/ scallions and uncured turkey bacon, Snack was watermelon gummies and 


this is going for lunch


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I started Friday trying to clean it up and did pretty good until Sunday and my body said feed me carbs and I had some rice crackers, peanut butter and vegan protein powder smoothie. Le sigh. Back at it again today aiming for perfect compliance of AIP- 30 days- I can do it for 30 days then start trying to reintroduce, instead of just waiting around scared to add anything then I end up adding back in too quick. I was feeling pretty decent but seem to be having a bit of a rough go since coming back from vacation. I think from being really loose with the diet, way too little sleep, and running on adrenaline too much my body needs to rest. I'm retesting my adrenals Wed as I feel like they have went downhill and that is a big part of my fatigue right now. 


Breakfast was sweet potato hash w/ scallions and uncured turkey bacon, Snack was watermelon gummies and 


this is going for lunch




Yes, my body will soon start to scream for things like carbs and coffee too.


That salad looks  :001_tt1:

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Soror - I'm having to watch my adrenals like a hawk. This pregnancy is kind of my trial balloon because it was during and after the last baby that my body totally crashed. So supporting my adrenals as much as possible is my goal at this point, and it's HARD to do when my diet isn't right on. I'm also prioritizing sleep but it's been at the expense of exercise.


One step forward, two steps back.

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Soror - I'm having to watch my adrenals like a hawk. This pregnancy is kind of my trial balloon because it was during and after the last baby that my body totally crashed. So supporting my adrenals as much as possible is my goal at this point, and it's HARD to do when my diet isn't right on. I'm also prioritizing sleep but it's been at the expense of exercise.


One step forward, two steps back.

I can't imagine a pregnancy now. My hashi's came out with my last one and it is no small part of why we are not currently planning anymore. I can bet it is especially hard then as pregnancy can mess with your taste buds and appetite. 


My adrenals weren't horrible when I checked them in Dec, although they were low on the first 2 points- the second 2 were optimal. I fear that my newest test won't be as favorable. It is so frustrating b/c it is never just one thing but many. I'm trying to work so hard to get everything good right now, so tired of the up and down. I've not been the best about sleep since vacation- working on getting it better but we are still getting to bed too late for us. 

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I'm going to follow this thread so I can find recipes this summer. I'll be at my parents' house where we've got a whole host of dietary restrictions (paleo/primal/keto/gluten free/dairy free/can eat everything)between all of us, but I think AIP will pretty much feed everyone with minor substitutions + additions.


I'm already learning to be a short-order cook vs. cooking a meal. We share some elements at meal time and not others - so we sit together and eat different things centered around one theme. Hopefully this will serve me well when I triple the amount of eaters I'm trying to feed!!

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W/ Baked Sweet potato 


The fam is having enchilada casserole I just set aside some beef for meatballs for me.



Oh wow, you have an arsenal of awesome recipes.  I'm just so boring, I eat everything so plain :(  

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Oh wow, you have an arsenal of awesome recipes.  I'm just so boring, I eat everything so plain :(

I'm no wizard just looking stuff up. I've been in a cooking rut for a bit so now that I finally have some time I'm enjoying cooking and I'm trying to psych myself up w/ awesome food. I figure if I get some good recipes down pat before school starts back it will make it a lot easier.

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So I am pretty much surviving by taking advantage of the vast amount of fresh fruit available.  Fruit with every meal :)

I usually do apples and berries every day but my coco milk and cream I have now has guar gum so I'm waiting until my order comes in. I did have 2 small apples for an afternoon snack and a boatload of watermelon in the form of the gummies!

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Oh wow, you have an arsenal of awesome recipes.  I'm just so boring, I eat everything so plain :(


Me too.  It's interesting to see the go to meals when time is short and ya gotta grab something.  I eat a lot of sweet potatoes and sardines.  LOL


I usually do apples and berries every day but my coco milk and cream I have now has guar gum so I'm waiting until my order comes in. I did have 2 small apples for an afternoon snack and a boatload of watermelon in the form of the gummies!


I love the coconut milk ice cream where you add coconut milk to fresh berries and whip it up.    But guar gum, that explains it!  LOL    Argh!

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Me too.  It's interesting to see the go to meals when time is short and ya gotta grab something.  I eat a lot of sweet potatoes and sardines.  LOL



I love the coconut milk ice cream where you add coconut milk to fresh berries and whip it up.    But guar gum, that explains it!  LOL    Argh!

I haven't always been so strict w/ the gums as it makes it so much easier to find coco products with it locally BUT I thought I'd give it a go at least for 30 days and I was out of cream anyway. 

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We go to DC in just over a week and I have no idea how to maintain this there - we are in a typical hotel room, no kitchen, etc.  I think there might be a fridge/microwave - I'm hopeful.

I'd start cooking now and bring a cooler with you. If you have food premade you can reheat it in a microwave. We just did 2 wks of traveling- it wasn't too bad when we stayed in one place but we moved around so much it made it difficult. I'd be scouting out grocery stores now. How long will you be there?

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This looks really good. Wish I had some bananas, must remember to put them on the list next week!!


I think I'm using leftover meatballs for soup this am for breakfast. I guess just a broth w/ some zucchini and carrot noodles, garlic and ginger.


Lunch I plan to make the same salad as I have some dressing and chicken left over and it was absolutely fabulous. I'm not sure on supper, I have spaghetti w/ Italian Sausage planned for the family but I'm not sure if the sausage is safe for me. If it is I think I'll whip up some butternut squash soup and throw some in there- I cooked some the other day but never did make it up.

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I'd start cooking now and bring a cooler with you. If you have food premade you can reheat it in a microwave. We just did 2 wks of traveling- it wasn't too bad when we stayed in one place but we moved around so much it made it difficult. I'd be scouting out grocery stores now. How long will you be there?



We are in DC for 3 nights then we are in Lexington for 2-3 nights.  We are in Woodley Park and I believe there is a natural/organic type market right near our hotel.  We may/may not have room for a cooler since we are taking our dog.  If not, I bet I could take a smaller cooler bag and stash a few premade things just for me.  Not sure?  That would be my preference.

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I've never bought a spiralizer. I use a julienne peeler for stuff and it works pretty well for me. Which one did you get? Do you like it?


Day 2 in the books


- I did have some of my coco milk w/ guar gum. (I get my new stuff in today)

Had a workout and needed something to take with me- nuts were out, no jerky I had was safe, etc. Thankfully I did have some pre-made chicken- so I had that and carrots with my smoothie. I usually drink a smoothie before- using non- "safe" protein powder.This time I just used the coco milk, carob(too much it was strong!), frozen cherries, vanilla and a bit of honey. I need some bananas for sweetner!!

-I used some seed based spices(cumin)


I've been reading about the various iterations of the AIP diet as I don't all the research equally compelling

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Yesterday food:

beef meatball soup in broth w/ zucchini, carrot and cilantro

apples w/ dip- coco oil + flakes, dab of honey and cinnamon(wish I would have some cream to throw in there)

basil chicken bistro salad(posted above)

chicken w/ baby carrots

smoothie- cherries- coco milk- carob- honey

burger- roasted broccoli- butternut squash soup- broth- ginger, cumin, cinnamon and salt w/ carmelized onions and bacon

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I've never bought a spiralizer. I use a julienne peeler for stuff and it works pretty well for me. Which one did you get? Do you like it?


Day 2 in the books


- I did have some of my coco milk w/ guar gum. (I get my new stuff in today)

Had a workout and needed something to take with me- nuts were out, no jerky I had was safe, etc. Thankfully I did have some pre-made chicken- so I had that and carrots with my smoothie. I usually drink a smoothie before- using non- "safe" protein powder.This time I just used the coco milk, carob(too much it was strong!), frozen cherries, vanilla and a bit of honey. I need some bananas for sweetner!!

-I used some seed based spices(cumin)


I've been reading about the various iterations of the AIP diet as I don't all the research equally compelling



I got the paderno.  It did an amazing job with the zucchini -the carrots were a little hard, but I think I need larger carrots?  Not sure.

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Day 3 down, Day 4 in progress. I did not eat enough yesterday! I was retaking my cortisol test and had to time eating around that and then we went to visit ds at camp. I woke up at 1am HUNGRY. 


I guess it is going ok, not sure what I'm eating this evening I'm making pizza for the kids for a sleepover. I need to make a good chunk of it, whatever it is. I read diet journals of some people and wonder how bodies can be so different my body rebels when I try to eat too little and it is still twice as much as some people. I need to start working on my menu for next week I go shopping on Sat. I'm going to try some plantain treats again, I have to watch it as it is easy to have too much for my bg but right now I'm not always getting enough carbs.


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That sounds good.


I'm struggling.  Every joint in my body hurts and I feel absolutely unplugged :(  ugh, I hate this feeling.


For breakfast I had avocados, bacon, and strawberries.

Lunch:  very boring salad with tuna and balsamic vinegar/olive oil

Dinner:  Chicken thighs with sautéed cabbage/onions/carrots seasoned with garlic and coconut aminos. Watermelon for dessert.



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