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you might want to watch this

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Oh, come on! I could almost believe the bit about the dollar collapsing and the gov't having an alternative plan, but merging Canada, the US, and Mexico?? Not going to happen.

When we already have NAFTA, it's not a huge stretch. He's not saying that the three countries would become one; he's saying they would use the same currency, much like the Euro in Europe.

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Oh, come on! I could almost believe the bit about the dollar collapsing and the gov't having an alternative plan, but merging Canada, the US, and Mexico?? Not going to happen.


And if it ever did happen I'll be moving in with you, Peela.

That was about the point I started chuckling. Canadians are *very* sensitive about sovereignty issues with respect to the U.S. :D
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Oh, come on! I could almost believe the bit about the dollar collapsing and the gov't having an alternative plan, but merging Canada, the US, and Mexico?? Not going to happen.


And if it ever did happen I'll be moving in with you, Peela.



Oh dear gods, no! :eek:


I came here to get away from there. Merging means I'd have to go ... I don't know ... Greenland???


I've become somewhat cold-hardy, but not that friggin' cold-hardy!

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Thanks for bringing this up, Peela. I was aware of this, and I think he is right on. Our country is going down. There is no way we can sustain the debt we are incurring.


I watched this series last year -- Freedom to Fascism / Aaron Russo -- and it was a real eye-opener for me. It takes a while to get through the whole documentary, but in my opinion totally worth it.




Take care,



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It's been discussed on the Glenn Beck show, Lou Dobbs and Larry King interviewed the ex president of Mexico, who wouldn't discuss the details of a private meeting with Bush, but did confirm the building of the NAFTA super highway and stated that the value of the dollar will crash so badly that Americans will be begging for a new currency.














I've been hearing of Mexamericanada for a few years now and so far everything that has been happening matches up with the plan.


It's scary, but I also think it's quite obvious that we can't fully trust our government.


Thanks for posting this Peela, everyone needs to at least be aware of it whether they choose to believe it will happen or not.

Edited by melmac
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I second this, very informative.



Thanks for bringing this up, Peela. I was aware of this, and I think he is right on. Our country is going down. There is no way we can sustain the debt we are incurring.


I watched this series last year -- Freedom to Fascism / Aaron Russo -- and it was a real eye-opener for me. It takes a while to get through the whole documentary, but in my opinion totally worth it.




Take care,



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Thanks for bringing this up, Peela. I was aware of this, and I think he is right on. Our country is going down. There is no way we can sustain the debt we are incurring.


I watched this series last year -- Freedom to Fascism / Aaron Russo -- and it was a real eye-opener for me. It takes a while to get through the whole documentary, but in my opinion totally worth it.




Take care,




My hubby somehow has this on DVD and made me watch it. Horribly depressing and overwhelming if true.

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Oh, come on! I could almost believe the bit about the dollar collapsing and the gov't having an alternative plan, but merging Canada, the US, and Mexico?? Not going to happen.


And if it ever did happen I'll be moving in with you, Peela.


Well, I've heard it before.

Our money will be in Ameros (like the Euros).

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Oh dear gods, no! :eek:


I came here to get away from there. Merging means I'd have to go ... I don't know ... Greenland???


I've become somewhat cold-hardy, but not that friggin' cold-hardy!


LOL...you and me both!! Greenland is looking pretty good!!

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If I was American, I would want to watch it.


You mean watch it for entertainment value, I hope.


Who would pay to ship all those coins overseas? Hasn't Hal heard of wire transfers? I've never heard of Hal Turner before, but he is obviously into conspiracy theories.

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Even if there is a move to a common currency (which is a natural outgrowth of one economy being so much larger than the other) why would they ever go to the trouble to invent a new one when the US$ would work just as well (or as poorly depending on your point of view)?


Lots of cross border trade is already denominated in US$ as is oil.

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Because the value of the dollar is at an all time low?


Because when the value drops we have to pay more dollars for that barrel of oil than we did the day before when the value was a bit higher?


Because if the merger of America, Mexico and Canada is really going to happen it would just be simpler to have a common currency?


I don't know the answer, but these are just a few of the possible reasons that pop into my mind.



Even if there is a move to a common currency (which is a natural outgrowth of one economy being so much larger than the other) why would they ever go to the trouble to invent a new one when the US$ would work just as well (or as poorly depending on your point of view)?


Lots of cross border trade is already denominated in US$ as is oil.

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Guest janainaz

I think our goverment is corrupt, I would not be surprised if this were true. I did watch something recently from John Paul that raised major concerns with the value of our dollar going way down due to what our goverment is doing.


I do think we are on the verge of catastrophe here. Anyone who is warning us is looked at a bit like Noah building the ark. Maybe we aught to consider these things.

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I should have checked Snopes first. However, maybe there is still some truth in it, I don't know. I do think there are people in the world trying to move us toward more centralisation of power, and as some of you have mentioned, the joining of Canada, America and Mexico has certinaly come up before. But it does look like this particular video is a hoax. Except when I went to the website that Snopes linked to, I couldnt see any Amero there.

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Guest janainaz

I would paste the link instead, but I don't have it and could not find this exact article. It was forward by a friend.


(From Wikipedia)

Rumors of "Amero coins"

In August 2007, rumors and conspiracy theories began circulating across the Internet regarding alleged United States Treasury-issued "amero" coins.


The inspiration behind these rumors may have been the posting of images of medallions created by coin designer Daniel Carr.[1] Carr, who designed the New York and Rhode Island 2001 statehood quarters, sells medals and tokens of his own design on his commercial website, "Designs Computed" (also known as "DC Coin").[1] Among his designs are a series of gold, silver and copper fantasy issues of "amero coins" ranging in denomination from one to one thousand.[1] The coins have the legend "Union of North America" on the back with his company's logo, a stylized "DC",[20] in small type.[21] Concerning his "amero" designs, he mentions on his website:


“ My goal with these coins is not to endorse a Union of North America or a common "Amero" currency. I fully support the United States Constitution, and I would not welcome (in any form) a diminishment of its provisions. I expect that these coins will help make more people aware of the issue and the possible ramifications. I leave it up to others to decide if they are in favor of, or against a North American Union. And I encourage citizens to voice their approval or disapproval of government plans that impact them.[22] ”


Unauthorized postings of images taken from his website have been reposted widely across the Internet, often being used as supposed "proof" of the amero coinage. Notably, former Internet radio talk show host Hal Turner ran a full article on his website about the "amero coin", claiming to have arranged for a United States Government minted "amero" to be smuggled out of the Treasury Department by an employee of that organization.[23]


Following Turner's assertions of federal minting of ameros, a web site marketing the curio coins released a statement debunking Turner's claims of a government cover up regarding Daniel Carr's amero products.[24] The debunking website Snopes also ran a further debunking of Turner's claims, stating:


"Neither the U.S. Mint nor the U.S. Treasury has a hand in creating these 'Ameros'. These coins are merely collectibles offered to the buying public by a private company in the business of manufacturing such curiosities."[25]


Hal Turner claimed that Carr's website had been created in haste in a matter of days expressly to discredit his claim about the coinage. [26] However, Carr's designs have been available through his website since 2005,[27] and according to a WHOIS search at Network Solutions, the domain "dc-coin. com" was registered by Daniel Carr on 27 September 2005.[28]

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I think the real issue here is what Hal is saying about the devaluing of our currency. The dollar is currently being propped up by foreign countries. Hal is saying that at the point when our national debt increases to the level that we are not able to service the interest on it, that is when foreign countries will start dumping US dollars. Hyperinflation will occur and our dollar will be essentially worthless. If your wealth is represented in US dollars, such as money in the bank, stocks, bonds, etc., you will immediately become broke.


He is recommending to buy gold and silver now and to put your money in foreign banks, transferred to foreign currency. He is also predicting February as a possible time when this will happen.


I think most Americans don't realize that our debt and inflation are spiraling out of control. We are on the brink of a economic disaster.


Thanks again, Peela. Good thread.



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I think the real issue here is what Hal is saying about the devaluing of our currency. The dollar is currently being propped up by foreign countries. Hal is saying that at the point when our national debt increases to the level that we are not able to service the interest on it, that is when foreign countries will start dumping US dollars. Hyperinflation will occur and our dollar will be essentially worthless. If your wealth is represented in US dollars, such as money in the bank, stocks, bonds, etc., you will immediately become broke.


He is recommending to buy gold and silver now and to put your money in foreign banks, transferred to foreign currency. He is also predicting February as a possible time when this will happen.


I think most Americans don't realize that our debt and inflation are spiraling out of control. We are on the brink of a economic disaster.


Thanks again, Peela. Good thread.




I think you are right.....I am buying gold and I am in Australia, because what is happening in the U.S. and Europe will affect us down the road, perhaps sooner rather than later. I think gold is a solid place to invest right now.

Yes, I believe it is all spiralling out of control and collapsing, and I am also aware that many people are in denial about how serious it is, because their day to day lives are not yet affected. It may be another month or two before how serious it is dawns on people.

However, I also see it as a good thing, ultimately...for our children and grandchildren and future generations. Its a pretty shameful time to be a human being, the way we are destroying the planet so quickly in the name of nothing else but greed.



ETA: I just received this in my inbox regarding the trustability of Snopes, which i had been wondering about.

Google “snopes credibility”! Seems like they have gaps in their credibility and this may be a case of debunking the debunker. For that matter it is often a good idea to check with other search vehicles to compare the credibility of Google; for example try “Laura Bush murder” on Google and then same on another search engine….and compare. Seems like there will always be some debunking site for any truth that threatens.

Edited by Peela
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I know people can't really give financial advice to someone they've never met on a message board...it's silly to ask...




this whole thread has me rather concerned. There's a lot that I don't understand entirely but honestly, I don't have the time or energy to do the necessary research. SOO...just for curiosity sake....


should I cash out the kids savings bonds that are for their college and buy gold with it instead?? I hate asking this because nobody here even knows me. But dh isn't available to chat and my sister is traveling. Obviously I don't hold anyone accountable for any advice given. I'd just like some counsel if anyone feels comfortable. What would you do?



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I think the real issue here is what Hal is saying about the devaluing of our currency. The dollar is currently being propped up by foreign countries. Hal is saying that at the point when our national debt increases to the level that we are not able to service the interest on it, that is when foreign countries will start dumping US dollars. Hyperinflation will occur and our dollar will be essentially worthless. If your wealth is represented in US dollars, such as money in the bank, stocks, bonds, etc., you will immediately become broke.


He is recommending to buy gold and silver now and to put your money in foreign banks, transferred to foreign currency. He is also predicting February as a possible time when this will happen.


Yes, but he's also recommending to wire our money to foreign bank accounts and have them exchange into their currency.... Ummm...what if all/most Americans actually did that? Wouldn't funneling our wealth out of our country bring economic collapse? I'm no economist, but that like

seems counter-productive advice.


Not sure what to think about plans for the amero coin....


Another thought: it's easy to prey upon panic. Remember Y2K? Dire predicitions. And it is an election year.


Also, about Snopes (this could be a new thread but) who is behind snopes? conservatives? liberals? I've wondered more than a few times.

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If I was American, I would want to watch it.


I don't know about the "Amero" idea he has. I found the same information on Wikipedia as above posters have. I am a bit skeptical.


However, I do think he has some good points - especially about the Congress of the United States destroying this country by it's out of control spending. If the government continues this behavior, it really is no big secret nor a conspiratorial theory that the American economy will self-destruct.

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