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What is YOUR favorite rider attached to the bailout bill?

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No matter what your personal feelings about the bailout bill, I think we can all sleep better because of this rider that was attached to the bill:


"* It includes various other provisions in apparent bids to secure specific votes. Among these are an exemption for excise taxes on certain wooden arrows designed for use by children .....The arrow provision would aid a company in southwestern Oregon, represented by Democrat Peter DeFazio, who voted no on Monday."


Now, everyone run out and purchase some wooden arrows to celebrate!


My other favorite is this:

* The bill would require insurance plans that offer mental health benefits to offer them at the same level as medical-surgical benefits.


Because this is all making me feel a bit depressed, it's nice to know our leaders are planning for a country of really depressed people.



I actually agree with the second point, but this a really weird bill to which to attach it, doncha think?

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It includes various other provisions in apparent bids to secure specific votes. Among these are an exemption for excise taxes on certain wooden arrows designed for use by children .....The arrow provision would aid a company in southwestern Oregon, represented by Democrat Peter DeFazio, who voted no on Monday


I heard this Congressman DeFazio railing against the bailout on NPR a few days ago. But with moves like this is it any wonder people become cynical?


Bad show Congressman.


Although in the interest of full disclosure, I happen to love wooden arrows :D


Bill (who also likes really fine rum)

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We're actually glad about the mental health parity law. We are hopeful we will get some therapy for ds that we can't afford.




I don't disagree with that! I wish it had been in place YEARS ago.


But you have to admit that the bailout, wooden arrows and mental healthcare really don't have anything to do with each other.

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My other favorite is this:



* The bill would require insurance plans that offer mental health benefits to offer them at the same level as medical-surgical benefits.


This will accomplish two things:

1. Fewer plans will include mental health benefits. So instead of mediocre benefits, more people will have none.

2. The plans that do include mental health benefits will have a higher price tag. So instead of mediocre benefits, more people will have none.


Excuse me while I go :ack2:.


(It's not this provision in particular that makes me sick, but the whole situation.)


On the bright side, now we can afford those wooden arrows the kids have been begging for. *rolling eyes*

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Just a clarification on the tax credit for the childrens' practice arrows. This was due to a glitch in the tax law which taxed the kiddie arrows at the same rate as an adult's hunting arrow. The tax was more than 100% of the cost of the arrow.


Not saying it's good or bad... just what it is.


From my rudimentary understanding of the tax credit/adjusment (whatever), these have all (or mostly) been on the books and were due to be extended now.


450 pages would take me ummm 2 months to read -- so I'm not going to pretend I know everything that's in this bill.


The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

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My favorite?


The $192 million Rum Tax Benefit. :D


You know,


to make more homemade vanilla. :lol:


Bill mentioned the rum also. I was going to say that is one of my favorites.


I was teasing my dh (a business-owner) about there being benefits for encouraging his employees to ride bicycles to work. I can just picture these guys pedaling down I-95 with their laptops hanging at their sides. I suppose he would save money on expense (gas) reimbursement. I wonder what the toll rate would be for a bicycle? :lol:

Edited by beansprouts
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I think it's sad that this bill, of all bills, would have "stuff" attached to it. It's almost like they knew the bill would have to pass so they threw whatever they could at it. This ONE bill, at least, should have been held to the intention of the bill.


It was all about buying votes, Sandy. Everybody wanted a piece of the pie. It is sad.

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It was added in anticipation of the multitudes of people who will now be robbing from the rich to give to the poor. :lol::lol::lol:


And really, does that not explain the mental health benefits AND the rum benefits?:001_smile: It's just our fearless leaders, looking out for us again!

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And really, does that not explain the mental health benefits AND the rum benefits?:001_smile: It's just our fearless leaders, looking out for us again!


Wasn't it Reagan who said some of the scariest words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'

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Get ready for it: EVERYONE has to pay higher insurance premiums now because of mandated mental health care. So in 2 months, when we all get our new insurance bills, eveyone please be ready for the "I can't believe it! Insurance rates up AGAIN" thread. It's coming.


We just got ours a couple of days ago. Ouch! Up about $175/month for our family.

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No matter what your personal feelings about the bailout bill, I think we can all sleep better because of this rider that was attached to the bill:




Now, everyone run out and purchase some wooden arrows to celebrate!




Well actually this is my favorite rider and here is why :) They put a 30 cent tax on wooden arrows used by professional archers. The children's arrows, which our scout troop uses, only cost 32 cents each before the tax and they are a lower quality arrow than what professional archers use. The tax doubled the amount we were paying for cheap arrows to teach archery with. The repealed tax on children's arrows means that we should be paying 32 cents again. Which means that more boys can get their archery merit badges easier because the arrows will cost less.


I know that for most folks this looks lame but it is a big deal for many scout troops, all kinds of summer camps, schools, and after school programs where kids are taught archery. The kids arrows should never have been taxed at such a high rate but when the original tax was made law no one knew or thought about kids practice arrows.

Edited by RebeccaC
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I knew I needed some wooded arrows, but I was really worried about paying the taxes on them. Go Robin Hood, Go!


Oh dear, I think I had this all wrong.:glare: I thought the wooden arrow deal was part of it because with the price of the whole thing we could no longer afford a military or weapons, other than wooden arrows of course.:D

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Well, if I were a bettin' woman, I'd bet another $125 is on the way at the next re-up. You are lucky you got yours before the new bail-out rules hit. We will get our news in December. I don't know how much it will hit us because our state already mandated colonoscopies --and the difference in the amount I pay in insurance premiums is more than I would pay for colonoscopies every 5 years, thank you very much. Also mandated mental health...so our family of 3 went from $275 to $400 in one swell foop.


Thanks for the help, guys. Love this legislation of my medical decisions. Not.


So you are saying the state can now force you to have a colonoscopy?


I am horrified, but not surprised. Many thought I was being silly when I balked a few years ago at mandatory AIDS testing for pregnant women.

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So you are saying the state can now force you to have a colonoscopy?


I am horrified, but not surprised. Many thought I was being silly when I balked a few years ago at mandatory AIDS testing for pregnant women.


No, I think it means that they mandated that insurance companies must cover colonoscopies. Not force people to get them. (At least I hope not.)

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Re the mental health issue: As I understand it, and as wacked as this seems, the entire bailout was actually attached to the mental health bill rather than the other way around. This is because spending bills MUST originate in the House--that durn, pesky Constitution! So the Senate couldn't just up-n-vote on the bailout but instead had to hang it on some other piece of pending legislation. Then while they were at it, they tacked on another few billion dollars' worth of sweeteners to pick up just enough fence-sitters in the House.


But at least we got some spirits out of the thing, right? Woohoo for the rum! We're going to need it, people. :001_huh:

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