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Having cleaning people/ stressful?

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I think it is too stressful for me. I am not entirely pleased with the situation. I don't think my expectations are totally reasonable. But I want what I want, you know. I don't think I can go on with the arrangement. Getting it all picked up properly before they come, being around while they are cleaning, and being not totally happy afterwards. All too much for me. I am feeling better now and think I should just do it myself and save the money.


I want a thoroughly cleaned house. I am very picky. When I clean, I really clean. I expect others that I am paying to do the same. But that is not really the way it works.

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You should not pay for anything less.

For $35/hour my list looks like this:

Dust from the tops of everything down with swiffer, this includes baseboards and all molding, televisions and heating elements

vacuum entire house top to bottom

toilets, showers, sinks and counters inside and out.

mirrors as needed, cleaned and polished

clean and buff stainless steel appliances

run laundry (but I do not fold, iron or put away)

clean inside of refrigerator and microwave

(stoves are on a monthly schedule, and get done once a month)

mop kitchen

do dishes and or load and empty dishwasher

water the houseplants


If you are not getting good service, demand better or find someone else

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I agree with you that some are really no ldifferent than paying to nag your kids. Many I called on last year said, "We send out 1 or 2 maids and they do whatever you tell them to do for 2 hours for this fee." Well heck I can follow my kids around for 2 hours telling them what to do and getting annoyed when they don't do it my way for free.:glare:


I can't afford it, but if I could, I'd contract a good company.


There are some that do a great job without you having to stand over them and say what you want. Their maids are regulars, so you can request a particuliar one (vs many that have a constant turn-over rate) and they do a very thorough job. You don't stand over them, you can leave knowing they will do the cleaning as requested. They are a bit more expensive, but really not much more considering the superior job they do.


I'd call around. My grandmother in law has an awesome service that comes once a week.


Right now... I'm training the kids to do most things around here.


My dream would be to pay someone to come in once a month and do all the non daily stuff we seems to let fall to the wayside. Things like detailing the kitchen (eww what is it with those venthoods?) and shower rails and ceiling fans/light fixtures and wood paneling....

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I did it. I left a message for them releasing of the arrangements. I went the chicken route and called their home knowing they would be out and on the cell. I just told them that some unexpected things have come up so that we would have to stop the situation. Didn't say what the unexpected things were. Just that it makes it so that we cannot continue any longer. Whew! I hate potential confrontation. Eats me alive.

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Dh and I used to own a cleaning business. We did all the work ourselves. Most of the people we worked for expected a general cleaning for each visit. We did work to accommodate the wishes of individuals.


If I were you I would contact the company and address specifics of what you feel is not getting cleaned properly.


Maybe leave a written list each visit on an area that you feel requires extra attention. We would get those, like we had guests this week, please take extra care in the guest room and bath.


It is stressful to have people in your home. Most of our clients were not home, but I was always more nervous cleaning while they were there.


ETA: I see you have come to a resolution. I hope you are able to find another company that will listen to your needs.

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I felt a tad intimidated by them. They are husband and wife. There is a certain air about them that makes me feel that way. It might be cultural (they are from Czech/Slov. ) I have worked with men from that area that were intimidating. It may just be a fluke or it may be cultural. The man somewhat intimidates me. I didn't feel comfortable telling him what I wanted. I know that is my issue, but it is an issue.


I felt uncomfortable having people in my home cleaning. Especially those that I don't feel totally at ease with. I may look into someone else. But I may just let it go for now. We have some home projects in the works and things are in a bit of an upheaval. It might be easier to just deal with it ourselves for now.

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You should not pay for anything less.

For $35/hour my list looks like this:

Dust from the tops of everything down with swiffer, this includes baseboards and all molding, televisions and heating elements

vacuum entire house top to bottom

toilets, showers, sinks and counters inside and out.

mirrors as needed, cleaned and polished

clean and buff stainless steel appliances

run laundry (but I do not fold, iron or put away)

clean inside of refrigerator and microwave

(stoves are on a monthly schedule, and get done once a month)

mop kitchen

do dishes and or load and empty dishwasher

water the houseplants


If you are not getting good service, demand better or find someone else


Wow! Can I hire you?:) I have had cleaning services off and on for most of my married life (when I worked and after each baby and now due to some health issues.) Non of them have EVER been that good. The inside of a refrigerator? WOW! How many hours are you there for a 3 br 2 ba home?

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:grouphug:I'm glad you found your solution. And I for one understand how you feel too...I'm picky...So picky that I'd rather do things on my own even with help around. The good news was/is that now that my littles are big it's easy...It wasn't, but it is now. I'd love to have a cleaning lady, but the only one who would get things done my way is my mom. Geeze, can you say with me..."I am my mother." No more worry about turning into her...I'm there.;)


:grouphug:Don't beat yourself up over this. It just wasn't right solution for you.:grouphug:


PS...My basement is a disaster...

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