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Our Daisy died Sunday morning

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I'm so sorry, Tracy. She was a beautiful cow.


My dog, my first, died on the day after she gave birth to a litter of pups. She gave birth during the night and we found all the pups dead the next morning, still in their sacks. I had some unkind words to say to her about her parenting skills, never dreaming that something was actually WRONG! Ugh. DH went home during his lunch hour to check on her and she was dead. I felt awful and guilty, like I should have seen that something was physically wrong with her, or at least have called the vet about all the dead pups.


I'm so glad you have the calf. I hope she brings you many years of love and pleasure.



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I am sorry to hear of the loss of your Daisy. :crying:

I have lost calves before, but never my cow. it would be devastating to loose the cow, financially ,as well as her being part of the family.


sometimes dairies sell older cows that they are culling from their herds cheaply. It is a long wait for the calf to grow up. I was waiting for my cow to have its calf, only to discover it wasn't pregnant:glare:, just fed too much. just as well the heifer had it's calf.

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Tracy, I am so sorry!:grouphug:

Post partum cows are prone to displaced abomasums, and one that is displaced and twisted (RTA- right torsed abomasum) is the only kind that can kill a cow quickly. The blood supply to the abomasum gets cut off and that part of the stomach dies, electrolytes go haywire, and many toxins are released. That would be my presumptive diagnosis in an early postpartum sudden death. Milk fever is a possibility but you would've seen other signs first. Straightforward rumen bloat is a possibility but usually there are some other signs.

I am soooo sorry.


PS 2 quarts twice a day for that calf for now. Introduce creep feed and small amounts of hay slowly after 3-4 weeks of age.

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(((Tracy))) I'm so sorry! I totally understand! I lost one of my young sheep last year, and my older ewe, Nellie, probably won't make it to the winter.


Regardless of the fact that they are "farm" animals, they are still very much our pets, and we are heartbroken when we lose them. They have personalities, just like "regular" pets. :crying:

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You all just keep on pouring love into me. Thank you for understanding. I never thought losing a cow would be so heartbreaking. Your support and sweet words are incredibly comforting.


I wish you could all come to my house, pet the baby calf and come in for coffee. I'd line all of you up and just go from one to the other hugging you. When I got each of you hugged, I'd just start over.


Thank you.

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