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Help for seborrhic dermatitis on face....

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I have what I think is seborrheic dermatitis on my face, by the side of my nose. It splits, peels, oozes, crusts over and is very red. It is also inside my nose. Very embarrassing!


Anyone have any treatments that have worked for you? I've tried many different things...the latest I read online was splash your face couple times a day with a sea salt/water mixture, and do not use any oil on your face. I think this assumes it is caused by yeast. I thought it was helping a little, but this morning was pretty bad. 


I was trying to avoid going to the dermatologist. The last time I went she thought it was seborrheic dermatitis AND perioral dermatitis. She gave me Elidel and an antibiotic prescription. The antibiotic caused other problems...queasiness and yeast infection...ugh! So I was trying to find an alternative treatment.  


Please, if you have dealt with this and treated it successfully, give me your recommendations! 



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My daughter has this - she gets dry and cracky around her eyebrows.  She also has patches in her hair and around her hair line, near her ears. She uses Seltsun Blue in her hair, and then brings down a little tiny bit onto her face.  She has been doing this for just a couple months, and it has made a HUGE difference.  Simple and cortisone free!

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Have you tried a bit of hydrocortisone cream on it? 


Dh gets a rash that is either this or psoriasis on his eye brow.  He can keep it under control for them most part with a touch of hydrocortisone cream from time to time, but when that fails, he uses a prescription topical steroid that is a liquid (not a cream). The liquid doesn't leave his face greasy like a cream/ointment and is stronger, but he has to apply it more often. 


Stress often makes skin conditions worse, so taking a bit of extra B vitamins during a flare may help and also some fish oil to help the moisture level in the skin. 

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Are you sure it's not impetigo? You would think the derm would know, but just in case!

My opinion on eczema is if it's bad, get the steroid cream to at least get things moving in the right direction. A lot of people don't want to use medication, but it can be quite painful, Never mind the embarrassment of having an infection on your face. That happened to me once and it was awful.

I would try hydrocortisone first. If you think it is impetigo or otherwise infected I would use neosporin.

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I use dandruff shampoo on my face about once a week. I have rosacea too and the shampoo is quite irritating, so I have to balance things. Fun.


I have read that there are different active ingredients in different dandruff shampoos, so alternating or trying different ones until one works the best is recommended. I got good results with the first I tried and so haven't needed to try others yet.

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I have what I think is seborrheic dermatitis on my face, by the side of my nose. It splits, peels, oozes, crusts over and is very red. It is also inside my nose. Very embarrassing!



My son has this.   He uses a prescription shampoo, Ketoconazole 2%,  and the dermatologist told him he could also use it on his face.   He has sensitive skin and the shampoo on his face didn't work, but he also saw the sea salt wash on the internet and this has worked great for him.  He also uses a bit of Aveeno Eczema lotion. 


Did the doctor swab your nose to check for staph?   My son had this happen and he had to use a prescription ointment for awhile.   The oozing you mentioned makes me wonder...with my son, it looked yellow, kind of like honey.       

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Thanks for all the replies! You all have given me some good suggestions.


I think I will continue with the sea salt rinse and try Selsun Blue for another week. I think I'll try the Aveeno Eczema Lotion, too. If I don't see improvement in another week or so, I think I'll give in and go to the dermatologist. I just want to avoid antibiotics! What should I do in advance to prevent a yeast infection? That's what happened last time. I do take a probiotic from Vitamin Shoppe daily. 



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Thanks for all the replies! You all have given me some good suggestions.


I think I will continue with the sea salt rinse and try Selsun Blue for another week. I think I'll try the Aveeno Eczema Lotion, too. If I don't see improvement in another week or so, I think I'll give in and go to the dermatologist. I just want to avoid antibiotics! What should I do in advance to prevent a yeast infection? That's what happened last time. I do take a probiotic from Vitamin Shoppe daily.

Stop eating sugar.

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waaay back in the day I had a rash on my eye and ear; found this thread: https://rosaceagroup.org/The_Rosacea_Forum/showthread.php?21593-How-I-am-controlling-my-Seborrheic-Dermatitis-so-far


Mine turned out to be similar, a kind of ringworm; the only thing that worked was actually terbinafine (otc); the eye cleared up on its own once I left it alone.


The oozing/crusting might be a secondary bacterial infection (if you scratch the original rash it is easy to get a secondary infection).  I might treat with just neosporin until it stops oozing, then try an antifungal.

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Thanks for all the replies! You all have given me some good suggestions.


I think I will continue with the sea salt rinse and try Selsun Blue for another week. I think I'll try the Aveeno Eczema Lotion, too. If I don't see improvement in another week or so, I think I'll give in and go to the dermatologist. I just want to avoid antibiotics! What should I do in advance to prevent a yeast infection? That's what happened last time. I do take a probiotic from Vitamin Shoppe daily. 


I actually love that stuff, but get the baby version. All their adult stuff irritates my skin, but the baby version is amazing. I actually use the Baby cream on my face as a moisturizer every single day. The Eczema one is a bit stronger, and greasier, so I usually use the regular "extra soothing" cream, not the Eczema one so my face does't look greasy. 

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If you go back to a dermatologist or GP, I would ask for them to take a scraping to see if it is fungal.  It is easy and inexpensive, and that way you'd more or less know that you either were or were not dealing with a fungus (and if a fungus, they can usually tell what kind it is and prescribe antifungals appropriately).


I am not sure if there is a test they could do for bacterial infection but I'd think so.


Those are the two things I'd want to rule out (either by trying an antifungal or by trying an antibiotic on the crusty part); treating the symptoms probably won't fix it if the problem is something else to start with.  



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I am a bit of a quiet lurker, but thought I'd contribute since I've just recovered from this myself.


I had a strang crusty rash on my eyelids. I tried everything to fix it. When it spread to my eyebrows and the crease in my neck, I went to the dermatologist. She diagnosed it as seborrhic dermatitis as a result of an environmental allergen and told me to wash my face with Neutrogena T-gel shampoo. I had been using Oil of Olay products for years. I washed my face with the t-gel for a couple of days and woke up one morning with the rash spread all around my eyes like a raccoon. It was kind of frightening.


After a Google search, I went out and bought Toleriane face wash and moisturizer. That's all I use. The whole mess cleared up in a week, even the stuff that had been there for six months. I must have developed a sensitivity to the oil of Olay, and obviously do not do well with the dandruff shampoo either.


The Toleriane is pricy, but I only use a little and CVS gives me coupons for it frequently. Hope this helps.

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