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How do you get through these moments?

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I am not wanting to home school right now. I want to focus on so many things and just cannot. I am struggling with self-discipline towards getting lessons done with the kids. I really want a break. A long break. I know this is likely just a temporary thing (maybe even a moment of "I need to eat right now";)) but still.


What do you do when those times come? I want and need to get my house in better order. Dh is doing a project and it is a wreck around here. That is likely a big part of that. I have trouble being in a good frame of mind when my house is a disaster with drywall dust everywhere! (yeah, he kind of left the door open while sanding the joint compound:glare:)


I need my house to be in better shape. I need to figure out meals around here. I am feeling so much better in many ways, but this one hasn't come around yet. It will come around, won't it? I hate feeling so apathetic towards this.


And yeah, I totally need some good protein right now. WAY low on blood sugar I am realizing as I am trying to find the right keys to type. Okay, now I go get food.

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Could you go and do school somewhere else? Like a coffee shop? I know it would mean hauling a fair amount of stuff, but it might be a nice break from the mess, at least.


I am not sure how close your dh is to being done, but there is no point to major clean up until he is. If you put a lot of effort into cleaning and it just comes back - well, I would be seriously annoyed. Maybe you're nicer than I am. ;)


If it's a matter of taking a week off and getting things back in order, though, I say go for it! Sometimes you just have to. I'm thinking about starting that on a particular day of the week for a while - no school, or at least minimal school, so I can have a day to concentrate on decluttering and getting some things done here. I just can't seem to get anything else done when school is in full swing, particularly because I'm working around the baby, too.


I know what you mean about the mess creating a lack of motivation. That's why I want to start really focusing on getting rid of the mess here - I just can't take it anymore and it's affecting my attitude about school and everything else.

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I'd take a week or two off to straighten things out and then restart. Kids, depending on their ages, have to help clean/cook.



:iagree: When I get like that, I just let up and reorder my life. Take some time off and recharge and get yourself and your schedule and your kids' lives and schedules under control. Start back when you are ready. It's okay. :grouphug:




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Are you eating well and especially sleeping well? I find that the times I have functioned the best was when I was getting proper sleep and not depriving myself by being on the computer


I am not eating well over all. I need to eat more and better. I do best on a higher protein regimen. I don't do well with heavy carbs, rich foods, heavy creamy dairy things. Carbs are easier to fix in a rush though.


I definitely need to get a grip on the meal plans here. I am trying to lower my cholesterol too. I am thin, so weight is not an issue. But I do need to get the food thing under control.


I am sleeping okay. No real issues except that I historically require more than I would like.

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:iagree: When I get like that, I just let up and reorder my life. Take some time off and recharge and get yourself and your schedule and your kids' lives and schedules under control. Start back when you are ready. It's okay. :grouphug:







I cannot function in chaos. If I don't know what is going on, how am I going to teach the boys anything? I took an in-service day on Tuesday and forced myself to tackle my bad attitude and some of the planning/organizing that was contributing to it. I only needed a day, but if I felt that I needed more I would have taken more.

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I took the week of the 8th off entirely and did nothing but knit. Seriously, I did nothing. I felt so much better by the weekend. Then I did lessons on the 15th and 16th. But my birthday was the 17th, so that and the rest of the week was shot due to family coming in to celebrate with me.


I think I need a bit of down time from all that activity. And with all the company, the house is in bad shape along with the project. If I can get it picked up, it would be better.


Good ideas here. I can get all to do minimal lessons. Whatever they can do independently even if it is just a lot of reading (good reading). And get them to help. Then next week, we can hit it better in a more refreshed state (in theory).


My kids already cook and help with house. If you live here, you must participate in those things. I don't usually fix breakfast at all anymore. The kids are in charge of their own and often fix me some eggs as well. And lunch is sometimes a free for all as well. Today, we each fixed our own. Sometimes I fix it all, sometimes they do.


I think I do need to come down off the past week of craziness. Thanks!

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I'd either go for a break or simplify and move through it. My simplified schedule is to do math and LA and then assign quite reading time or cleaning time.

September is such a beautiful time to take a little time off and don't discount the learning that takes place outside the house.


I am not wanting to home school right now. I want to focus on so many things and just cannot. I am struggling with self-discipline towards getting lessons done with the kids. I really want a break. A long break. I know this is likely just a temporary thing (maybe even a moment of "I need to eat right now";)) but still.


What do you do when those times come? I want and need to get my house in better order. Dh is doing a project and it is a wreck around here. That is likely a big part of that. I have trouble being in a good frame of mind when my house is a disaster with drywall dust everywhere! (yeah, he kind of left the door open while sanding the joint compound:glare:)


I need my house to be in better shape. I need to figure out meals around here. I am feeling so much better in many ways, but this one hasn't come around yet. It will come around, won't it? I hate feeling so apathetic towards this.


And yeah, I totally need some good protein right now. WAY low on blood sugar I am realizing as I am trying to find the right keys to type. Okay, now I go get food.

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I'd either go for a break or simplify and move through it. My simplified schedule is to do math and LA and then assign quite reading time or cleaning time.

September is such a beautiful time to take a little time off and don't discount the learning that takes place outside the house.


That's kind of what mine looks like too. LA and math. With my younger, it is just a lot of reading. He reads a lot of science and history encyclopedias, so cross disciplinary learning there!

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Nope, I won't do it. No coddling. You've been off for a while now and we need to find out why. If you're depressed do you need some drugs/doc visit? If you're run down maybe an exercise regime? AI cre you having curriculum problems?


I can't homeschool with a messy house. Maybe you should go to the library for math. We got to get you back in your game girl!

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Nope, I won't do it. No coddling. You've been off for a while now and we need to find out why. If you're depressed do you need some drugs/doc visit? If you're run down maybe an exercise regime? AI cre you having curriculum problems?


I can't homeschool with a messy house. Maybe you should go to the library for math. We got to get you back in your game girl!


I am actually addressing the depression issue. It is getting better, but not an overnight fix. It will take a little time to get back on track. Believe me, it is better. I am starting to get out of this house and do things again. That is huge!


The meds I am on should help that. We (Dr and I) decided that one thing at a time should be tackled. Once we try the one thing, I should help with the others. But it takes a bit of time to catch up and level off. Then, if the depression part is still bothersome, we will up the dose on those meds. But she really felt that the other would take care of it. I think it is, but I have only had about 6 weeks from the start. It will take a bit more time I think.


I do need to exercise, no doubt. I have started walking again, but have only made it a couple of times a week. I had to get new inserts for my shoes and now have to break them in gently or my SI will freak out more than it does.


The messy house is an issue. I am working on it some today. I am also planning on trying to pack up and do lessons in another location on a regular basis to mix things up a bit too.


I am getting back on my game, but I can't do it all overnight. It really is so much better than it was. I am feeling chipper so much more than I was. I am social again! I think I am pooped from all the partying last week.


And I have a wicked allergy headache today. Thanks for the kick in the reality pants. You're right. I need to face up to it all. I am trying to, really.



I also got some food in me. It hits me hard sometimes and I don't even realize that I need some. I got the family room straightened and vacuumed, and the cat boxes dealt with nicely. I got some bills paid. I will work on the living room this afternoon, since it is where we are doing school for the moment. I will be glad when DH gets the project finished. We will then move our school room out of the living area into that space! That will be really nice.

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(((Melissa))) When I am having a bad week (or month) like this, the first thing I do is getting as much sleep as I can. If that means 9 or 10 hours a day then I would take it if I could get it. Then I work on making sure I am getting plenty of calories (I have a problem with that) and once I have my energy up then I work on getting healthy food into me. Next on the list is getting my house in order because I simply can not function when it is a disaster. My kids are older so I can give them a certain amount of schoolwork that they can do themselves in situations like this. I can always manage reading to and with them and of course answering questions. I just put off the heavy learning until later. And I focus on how will I make it through the next hour. As things get better I look out maybe three of four hours. It will get better hon. And in the mean time you have all of us here for support.

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I declare Spring Break or Fall Break or Christmas Break or Easter Break or Thanksgiving Break or We're Sick Break (or New Baby Break or Moving Break, in the past) or 'whatever' break. We're currently on a Paint-the-House Break. And we don't start back until things are back under control (Something which can mean different things to different people, of course.).


They are required to continue their Bible reading (this is like eating and sleeping - never optional), and chores (to keep the house running), but all else is optional during these 'breaks'. Really depends on whether there is any free time at all and how tired they are after working all day.


Hope it all works out for you.

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I agree w/ Beth. Doing school at a coffee shop is *so* wonderful. You have nothing else to do. Just school.


You could simiplify enough to get a couple of hrs in away from home, then spend an extra hr or two cleaning.


As far as home goes, I look around & see what will make the most difference. Cleaning that ONE thing will make my whole life so much better. Often, enough so that I keep cleaning.


For me, it's the dining table. For Fly Lady, it's her kitchen sink. For you, right now, it may very well be the dust. ;)


I've lived in that house. W/ the drywall dust that won't come up. Ever. It is indeed maddening.


Ok, I think I'll go clean off my dining table & make. life. better. LOL

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I'd take a week or two off to straighten things out and then restart. Kids, depending on their ages, have to help clean/cook.



This is exactly what we are doing next week. I've been having some issues with my kids and my house and can't take it anymore. So for a week or two we are stopping school and getting some chore, discipline and other schedule items in order.


We are also going to catch up on one school thing. We are doing astronomy this semester and making the entire solar system from paper mache. We have to get earth and the moon and mars and its two moons done.


I think some time off can really help.



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