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Is anyone else watching t.v. tonight?

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We recorded Fringe and the first of the three-part series on PBS about Warner Brothers. I was not enthusiastic about Fringe after the pilot, and our DVR hiccuped and messed up the recording last week. So, we just weren't in a hurry to watch.


Then my husband revealed he had purchased the whole series of Firefly on DVD. He was in a store and saw it on sale and remembered me saying I wanted to re-watch it.


So, we stayed up way too late watching that.


I can't believe how much better it is than pretty much any of the shows running currently. It's funny, because I remember being only lukewarm about it in first run. I don't know whether it seems so much better now because it just wasn't what I expected the first time around, or because I'm so unimpressed by most of what's on now. (I often go weeks when I wouldn't bother to turn on the TV if I weren't keeping my husband company or watching a DVD.) But I'm really enjoying Firefly this time.


Sadly, if we keep watching it at the rate we did tonight, it won't last very long . . .

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No, you should not, especially since I just admitted it myself. :D



Thanks! I like dancing and I like fancy dresses/costumes (and some of those guys are not bad-looking either!). My dh said that the guys can watch for the girls and the girls can watch for the guys, so everybody's happy LOL. Although I found it funny when Ted McGinley dedicated his dance to all the guys who would rather be watching football, because if I had ESPN, I would have been watching Monday Night Football, not dancing!

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