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Any opinions on My Twinn dolls?


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We got a catalog today for My Twinn dolls. Up until now, the girls had decided they wanted an American Girl doll for Christmas. Now they have their heart set on getting a doll that looks like them. We already own a few AG dolls, and I know the dolls, clothes, and accessories are great, but I'm not sure about the My Twinn dolls. Any experience? TIA!

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All three of my daughters have a My Twinn doll. The two older ones also have one matching outfit for their dolls. They are good quality, but do not look exactly like the girls. But I have mistaken them for the girls at first glance when they first received the dolls. A few years ago we had my oldest's doll retouched and added glasses to it since she now has glasses. She was still in good shape, but she had been played with. DD was 16 and no longer playing with the doll, so we had it redone (hair redone and face touched up) so it would look like new.


These dolls are bigger than the AG dolls and so the doll clothes and patterns for the AG dolls don't fit. But they ar the size of real baby clothes 3-6 months. My girls enjoyed dressing their dolls in the baby clothes they actually wore as babies!





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I never liked dolls and never had any growing up. DD never played with dolls, and we never had any in the house. So for whatever crazy reason, I bought her a My Twinn doll and two matching outfits for XMAS 2001.


So, having no other doll experience, I have been quite happy. The doll sits on the dresser and looks more and more like dd every day, it's kind of creepy. It never looked like a 6 year old, it looked more like a high schooler, and now, dd is growing into the doll. I know that if anything should change on dd, I can get it changed on the doll, e.g. more freckles or different hair color.


As for quality, I cannot compare to AG, but it is better than anything in the stores. The clothing was JC Penny quality clothing, not terrible.


Sorry that wasn't as helpful as it should have been!

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If they want an AG type doll that looks like them, why don't they just get a Just Like You doll from AG - then all the clothes you already have will fit the new doll and vice versa. Ask me how I know it's easier to not have one or two dolls of each size with their associated clothes vs. dolls with clothes you can swap! They also have the matching outfits for thd kids/dolls.


I'm a big meanie and told my kids they were limited to the historical dolls, but if I were to get a look-alike doll of this kind, I'd probably go with the AG version over My Twinn. JMHO, YMMV. :)

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We have one My Twinn and many AG dolls. There are notable differences. The biggest is that My Twinn is a larger doll, so many of the typical doll clothes don't fit. The torso is material and isn't particularly well made. It's stuffing has come open several times. It is darling to have a doll look like DD. It's closer to DD's face than the AG version. I would suggest the American Girl over the My Twinn. The prices are similar. Standard doll clothes fit, and the doll is higher quality.

Also, I recommended My Twinn to a friend several years ago. An order was placed and the business closed for several months. Her Christmas gift was months late. That was the final straw. I no longer recommend My Twinn. Ownership may have changed hands, but I'm cautious after that debacle.

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If they want an AG type doll that looks like them, why don't they just get a Just Like You doll from AG - then all the clothes you already have will fit the new doll and vice versa. Ask me how I know it's easier to not have one or two dolls of each size with their associated clothes vs. dolls with clothes you can swap! They also have the matching outfits for thd kids/dolls.


I'm a big meanie and told my kids they were limited to the historical dolls, but if I were to get a look-alike doll of this kind, I'd probably go with the AG version over My Twinn. JMHO, YMMV. :)


I have tried talking them into that. I think they just love the My Twinn catalog because they have never seen them before. Maybe the new will wear off.

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We purchased these many, many years ago along with clothing for the girls. They were both of excellent quality. The girls loved the dolls and the clothes. They definitely looked like the girls.


BUT, the next order of clothes I purchased for the girls/dolls was NOT anywhere near the quality. It fell apart quickly. I believe they were bought out by another company. There went the quality.

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My daughter had a my twinn doll made when she was age 4. She is now 14. We still own the doll, although dd has made me put it out of sight as she is too "cool" for it now. I was a little disappointed that it didn't look more like dd. She played with it sometimes, but never really got into it too much. Mostly it sat on a shelf. She played with other dolls that she had much more. I personally would save your money. Just my 2 cents :D

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They must have hit us all. I had never heard of them until recently when I was complaining about American Girl. I love the Bity Babies recommended for 3 and up but I wanted a blond with brown eyes and that is not an option.


I did not like the fact that My twin goes up $40 in price from September to December. I know they are trying for advanced orders but geese. Just a pet peeve. I am normally early anyway. $170 for a doll seems a little pricey to me. To see pricing: http://www.mytwinn.com/help/shipping.html

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You know, it ticks me off that they increase the pricing so much until Christmas. That is ridiculous.


We will not be buying a My Twinn doll. I looked up some reviews and they are, mostly, not favorable. We will be purchasing from AG. And after one day, the girls are leaning back to the AG dolls anyway. Those little ones are so fickle. :lol:


Thanks for the response everyone. I am trying my best to rep people as I can. Sometimes I get rep happy, though, and can't get everyone. :D

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