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Need help with a toy for a 2 year old boy...

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Back in October while my step father was in the hospital for a stroke that he had while on a business trip, and I was staying in a hotel with my mom near the hospital, I saw an ad for a Fisher Price Smart Toy Bear. My eyes lit up at the sight of this toy and later when my mom said she had to do something to repay me for all the hand holding, and traveling from NJ to NYC I did for her while my step father was in the hospital, I told her "Don't do anything for me, if you want to do something get N this toy." So that is what she did for Christmas. 


Sadly the toy didn't work for us. It is suppose to connect to wifi and it can't do it. I have tried VERY hard and currently have the 3rd monkey (the toy came in a bear, monkey, or polar bear) in my office and Fisher Price wants me to send it back for a refund from them. ((cry))


I don't want the money, just the toy that I lit up upon seeing back in October. But now I need to get my son another toy. I don't even know where to look to get a toy as marvelous as this one is promised to be! Maybe I should ask Peter, Paul and Mary. ;)


So now I am coming to you Hive! I need a toy for a boy that he would love as much as I know he would have loved this Monkey if it worked. Has anyone seen a toy like it by a competitor? I have about $120 to spend on a toy. Though I would go up if I knew he would LOVE the toy. I want something that teaches him something ideally. He is obsessed with trains since our constant trips to the city with Grandma. Though it could honestly be anything. I want it to be an indoor toy. 

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When DS was 2, blocks and trains were his favorites. He'll still make block creations sometimes actually!


He has these: http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-60-Piece-Standard-Blocks/dp/B00008W72D/ref=sr_1_4?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1452714898&sr=1-4&keywords=wooden+blocks


We've also added a castle set and an architecture set over the years.





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He was loving the broken version of the monkey. However as a mom, I wanted him to have the full working version. He was showing Milo all of his toys and interacting (on a limited level) with him. The toy was suppose to interact with your child and learn what they like and dislike and suggest activities for them to do together.


I think he would like a bubble mower but his birthday is in July so I think it would be better for then and not when it is 30 degrees outside.

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When DS was 2, blocks and trains were his favorites. He'll still make block creations sometimes actually!


He has these: http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-60-Piece-Standard-Blocks/dp/B00008W72D/ref=sr_1_4?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1452714898&sr=1-4&keywords=wooden+blocks


We've also added a castle set and an architecture set over the years.

This is such a great set of blocks! We got it for our youngest for Christmas and the pieces are great! All 4 of my kids have enjoyed them daily. They are the perfect size and weight to make awesome things.

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What would you like an alternative toy to do?


I can name a few that move or talk


Happy Dance Snoopy

Some of the Elmo Toys (we have Big Hugs, but got on sale)

Alphie (robot with educational cards. Might be better for a child older)


The toy you are talking about and most others are actually for ages 3+


We were given a Thomas the Engine trainset at my son's 2nd birthday. It was way too advance for him and I ended up opening it before he turned 3 (he saw it in the closet). I regretted opening it. I still to this day don't quite know how to make the train move on its own and I have kept it hoping to use it sometime.


I might be able to come up with some other ideas.

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I have three 2 yr old grandchildren. The boys love anything that moves, cars, trains, etc. I would probably spend the money on either a nice train set, large set of blocks, or Duplos. The other favorite here is a Playskool little people farm set and a circus set. They get pulled out every time the grands are here.

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My two year old's favorite toy was a backpack *her* size that she could stuff full of her current favorite treasures. Get him a custom one with his name and a cool monogram, and maybe include a new awesome cup with a straw and a candy bar.


He'll think it is great and get way more use out of it than the wifi wonder monkey. Really.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Okay, I was talking to my father who does computer repair and he thought it was exceedingly odd that the toy didn't work for us. So he asked how old our router is. I told him we got in September of 2008 when we connected our internet up after we purchased our house. He said that our router is VERY old and that could be our problem. I contacted our internet provider and they sent out a new router for us. I will get that tomorrow. After that is installed and we still have issues, we will have to find another toy. But maybe this will solve our problem. 


I totally get people not wanting to give their children electronic toys at this age, but honestly this to me is different then most electronic toys as there is not screen on it. It just has a camera (that sees only 4 inches from it's face!), microphone, and speaker; along with all the other electronic inside. The monkey is incredibly soft and plush, like a stuffed animal. It doesn't even have that hard bits that often are on electronic "plush" toys. The only hard bit it has is it's nose (where the camera is) and the foot (power switch). The back has a tiny slit where you can plug in a mini USB cable to charge it. 

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The thing with electronic talking teddy Bears, is they lose interest in them after a very short period of time.

Something like a wooden train set, they play for hours a day for YEARS.


This has been our experience.  The more a toy does for them, the less a child actually plays with it.  I have not seen this actual toy, though, so I don't know if that would be the case here.


ETA: Our train track was recently given away.  There is a fine balance between too hard and too easy, and the train tracks were too challenging for mine to play with given the goal of the toy.  The goal: To have a train that goes around the tracks to play with.  The actual: having to think through and set up the tracks before play every time.  A 2yo would struggle with this.  Toys with limited set up (cars & mat) or have the set up as play (legos, blocks) are much preferred by younger children.

Edited by HomeAgain
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I hope that new router solves your problem.


Each child is different. Ds had wooden train tracks and trains but he was not much of a play independently child, so most of his toys just sat untouched much of the time unless we played with him. He asked for the Big Hugs Elmo and got it for Christmas one year and barely touched it. I was so glad I didn't pay full price.

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