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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning

- try to go back to sleep- done

- cash check- done

- go get school books and supplies- done

- go to store for stocking candy and other stuff- done

- get box from dh's work- bought one of those large gift bags instead

- tidy house- round 1 done

- organize school stuff

- laundry- in washer

- fold laundry

- get dd1 off bus- done

- help her with any school work- just spelling

- help dd1 with cards for teachers and her specific teacher's gift- done

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- wrapped inlaws gifts and my gift I picked from the book store

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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I feel so good right now!


I washed all my floors this weekend!  They were filthy!



Get recycling to the curb (done!)

Trader Joe's (been meaning to go for a couple days now!)

Continue to tackle Mount Everest of paper

Get my hair cut!

Vacuum the upstairs


Make some kind of dinner

Get 16 yo to work and back.


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Good morning! We are on the Christmas schedule, so things are a bit weird. I have lots of phone calls, emails, bills, etc. driving and shopping to do.


To do:

Call post office, re lost package

Call ortho and change appointment

Some repair things

Drive to practices

Pick up some gifts while I wait

Grocery store if time

Price storage unit (we got an offer on the house!)

Other random chores


Have a great day!

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Dd has to work on bio and calc but that's it :)


As for me

--daily and Monday things (washing machine is almost done)


--assign events for my elementary SO team

--plan meals for the week

--wrap some gifts

--write more cards

--have girls check closets for donation items (I'd like to do the Goodwill run tomorrow)


Older dd works from 2-11 today. Younger girl and dh may go see the Hunger Games movie after dinner if her work is done.

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We are decorating our tree today and making some cookies.

I went shopping last night and got something for Dh and something for my my mom. :) And Santa's gifts to the dog! ;)

My mom is supposed to come over sometime today.


I may go out tonight to print off some photos of the kids. Fits my budget better to print a few at the store kiosk than to buy new ink cartridges.


Dinner? TBD. Dh has a meeting so possibly just take and bake pizza? Need to have leftovers for his lunch tomorrow, though.

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Rats, I have a headache.


I got a bunch of work done and out this morning.  Unfortunately I'm still behind, but hopefully on a roll.


I don't really have any plans today other than working.  My kids are home.  I was going to put them in the rec center camp, but they slept late and probably will be just fine putzing around the house.  I will give them some work to do, because I'm mean that way.  Maybe we could go to TKD later.

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Oh man ... this client ... first he's not getting my emails (or so he says), then he's claiming to not understand them.  So far I have sent this guy 4 emails this morning saying the same thing.  I need a drink.


ETA: make that 5 emails.  So far.


ETA now 6 emails.  But he finally answered with "OK" so hopefully we can move on!?

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kids are doing school. I got into the shower only to have a kid tell me there was noise in the garage.  I had to go check it out sopping wet in my robe(like I could have tackled an intruder like that LOL).  Anyway, they are working.  I managed to get into my fleece comfy pants and a shirt.   I just got an email about bringing food to the scout meeting.  I told them store bought items will appear...but dh will need to go.  Too sick to do the grocery store.  It would require more clothes and shoes LOL


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My kids are in a great mood after putzing in their PJs all day long.  We had McD's for dinner and I don't care.


Been buried in my work all day, but I think I will sleep a little so I can get some more done in the morning.


I made a bunch of annual donations today.  I had been planning on having the kids sit in on that, but finally I just decided to push the button.  Now I hope I'm not forgetting anything.


The kids have decorated the tree and wrapped some gifts and put them around the tree.  Thy are getting into the Christmas spirit!  :)

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