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Fun little test...

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I remember doing this about 30 years ago, at school. Back then it was "What's 1+1? What's 2+2? What's 4+4? What's 8+8? What's 16+16? What's the first vegetable you think of?"


In all my life, every time, people have always said 'carrot'. I think it is purely that for most people, carrot is the first vegetable they would think of under any circumstances.


Not here though, evidently.:)

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Bell pepper. I detest bell peppers.


The math was a distraction. If you simply ask people to think of a vegetable, most will actually say "carrot".

Except here: didn't ANYone else think, 'Beansprouts'?


My thought process: "What? Chicken! No, vegetable, you moron! Oh... vegetable... Eggplant!" sigh... lol


Totally OT, but speaking of thought processes, what's with the avatar? You're looking so ... so ... pixelated these days! (Sorry if I missed a post about it --- I miss the contemplative and serene abbeyej! :D)

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Could you tell me what this is? I got a site with mostly some Asian language printed an it and no picture (perhaps because I said no to Active X when I saw all that foreign language.)


It's a very silly Korean (I think) cartoon of singing carrots, posted waaaaay back on the old boards. :tongue_smilie:

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What surprises me is how many of us thought of eggplant. That is just too weird.


And, what is even weirder is that I have only eaten eggplant once when I was a child. Why would I even think of that veggie??

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