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Weird effect from wine?


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Got another new one I need Hive experience to figure out.


Last night hubby and I had a glass of white wine with dinner.  This is not a super common thing we do, but we've done it before 'cause when we visit the local market we always pick up a bottle from a local winery.


But last night... the alcohol effects from one glass (our usual serving) hit me.  One glass has never done that before (same wine we've had before).  The only similar feeling came from my freshman year of college when I was given a bottle of Bacardi... (this wasn't as strong as that, but still, it was similar).


No big deal - I guess - sleep it off.  But this morning I got up at 5am (kinda late for me) and it still hadn't worn off completely.  The bathroom was spinning a little more than I would like.


I've indulged in Green Tea and Hot Chocolate this morning to get the caffeine going and now it's mostly better.


But what gives?


I thought it might have affected my bp since that's been something I've been watching and would lead to that lightheaded feeling.  Last night it was definitely low (102/43) so "problem solved," but this morning the bp was right at my normal (114/68) so shouldn't have been a factor.  Problem restarted.


But since it's getting better, my new question is wondering if I try it again tonight to see if there's a pattern or ???  We still have that bottle to finish.  Hubby was not affected at all, so it's doubtful it's a bad bottle.


Puzzles. (sigh)


I'm finally heading out to start chores now - a little late 'cause I didn't want the "barn spinning" effect.   :glare:   I'm also really glad I'm not at school!  Hmm... with school as a possibility tomorrow, perhaps Friday night would be the night to double check rather than tonight... (yes, thinking as I'm typing)


Thoughts are welcome - esp if you've had more experience with wine than I've had.  (My experience is limited to a few times per year - usually on vacation - until we discovered this local wine seller - but it's still just a handful of times per year. Never a problem before.)

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Did you have it on an empty stomach?  If I have a glass of wine on an empty stomach, it affects me far differently than if I have it after eating something, or at least while I'm eating something. 


Me too. On an empty stomach I'm tipsy after a few sips. 

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First, I'd definitely wait until you have nothing pressing like school before doing further experimentation.


Second, could it be something that has nothing to do with the wine, and the wine was just a coincidence?  Fluid in the inner ear? Beginning of a fever? Something else you ate?


Next, yeah, it could be that you're more reactive now than you used to be to something in the wine.  Somedays I react more to certain irritants (like the perfume of laundry detergents when I'm near that aisle in the store -- some days it's not a big deal and others I feel like running out of there).

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Ok, I'm definitely back to normal now.  When starting chores I realized a raccoon had killed our rooster and a hen, but in doing so had locked himself in our chicken coop too...  Nothing like a little adrenaline to sober up, right?  The raccoon is in the afterlife now.


Back to the issue.  Yes, we've had this variety of wine before.  It's what we've almost always bought from this winery and no, it didn't affect hubby at all.  I asked.


We had supper first (hot dogs - 2) + an apple each and were eating popcorn as "dessert" with the wine immediately afterward. (It's amazing what meals can be like when one is empty nesting and opting to watch TV rather than doing anything productive.)


I guess now that my mind is really thinking... I'm wondering if one can lose the ability to process "normal" amounts of alcohol as one ages - another "aspect" of getting old?  :glare:


Or maybe it was something else (don't feel sick - no fever, not even any sort of headache, etc - just the balance and room spinning issues that seem to be gone now).


I guess I'll know if we opt to finish the bottle Friday.

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Now I'm wondering if it might just be vertigo. My first episode came on suddenly and took a few days to settle down. Everything was spinning and I couldn't even drive myself to the doctor. I happened to be pregnant at the time and the doc thought it might be pregnancy related--maybe iron deficiency--but everything seemed ok otherwise so she sent me to a neurologist who confirmed BPPV.

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Now I'm wondering if it might just be vertigo. My first episode came on suddenly and took a few days to settle down. Everything was spinning and I couldn't even drive myself to the doctor. I happened to be pregnant at the time and the doc thought it might be pregnancy related--maybe iron deficiency--but everything seemed ok otherwise so she sent me to a neurologist who confirmed BPPV.


I'll keep this in mind if it happens again without alcohol being involved.  Otherwise, the timing seems pretty suspicious.


Nothing under the "Seek Emergency Care" bit either if one discounts having to concentrate more to walk.  I wouldn't have driven anywhere.


It really just seems like alcohol effects, but surprised me to have them with just one (sort of) normal drink - and then taking way too long to clear up.   :glare:   I might have been able to do school this morning, but the first bit wouldn't have felt pleasant, that's for sure.  I haven't eaten yet either... body really hasn't wanted to!  But I did have the Green Tea and Hot Chocolate, so the stomach isn't hurting for something to do.


We don't drink often.  If it happens again, it's not too difficult for me to mostly be a teetotaler! (Only in certain social settings are drinks expected in my life - and those are very rare.)  


We were gifted another bottle of wine recently.  I could experiment with it since it's a different winery/bottle to see if it happened to be just that one oddball too. 

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Were the hot dogs run of the mill brand? I ask because first of all your local winery could have changed their recipe and may have added sulfates, and secondly, all of the preservatives in hot dogs really set me off now. It is not something that bothered me in my thirties, but seriously at 47, I simply can't handle it. I also have to by nitrate free lunch meat because my body simply hates that stuff.



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I experience a reaction to full bodied reds.  Grape skins, chocolate, and certain fruits are my nemesis.  


But there are some people who react more to white wines because of the sulfites and yeast.  


You might try taking an antihistamine an hour before consuming, and see if that helps.  



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Were the hot dogs run of the mill brand? I ask because first of all your local winery could have changed their recipe and may have added sulfates, and secondly, all of the preservatives in hot dogs really set me off now. It is not something that bothered me in my thirties, but seriously at 47, I simply can't handle it. I also have to by nitrate free lunch meat because my body simply hates that stuff.


The hot dogs were a local brand we usually eat too, and I finished my last two of the pack about an hour ago for lunch with no ill effects, so it's not just those.


I wonder if it's a combo though.  Technically, we didn't put the white wine with the "all beef" hot dogs... the wine was with the "white" popcorn :lol: , but the whole combo of hot dogs, popcorn, and wine might have collectively been too much for my system.  I never did google what wine goes best with popcorn, after all. 


I'll see if I get brave enough to try the rest of the wine with something else this weekend.  My youngest will be home from college then, so it might not happen.  Regardless, I'll be wary next time I try something.  I didn't think anything about it this time.


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I definitely process alcohol differently than I used to. I cannot drink wine at all, even a small amount makes me very ill and sleepless and I'll feel hungover for a day or two after. Obviously, I've given it up entirely.


I don't drink liquor, but I do enjoy good microbrews. However, two over the course of the evening--even with dinner--will generally leave me with a poor nights sleep and a stuffy head in the morning. It's a serious bother! I do tend to drink higher alcohol content IPAs, but even lower alcohol beers leave me feeling the same. I'm not always affected in that way, though, and haven't figured out why sometimes it doesn't bother me at all.


I'm glad you are feeling better. It does sound like a suspiciously strong reaction, but I wouldn't rule out a new sensitivity. Hopefully that's all it is.

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Just got home... the rest of the day turned out ok.


No blood sugar, B12, MTHFR issues.  No meds either, unless a multi vitamin or turmeric count.


I'll have to give it another try sometime soon with a different meal to see if it's new and life changing or if it was a fluke and ???  It certainly was unexpected, unwelcome, and weird.

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