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I think I like being 40

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Do you finally feel grown up?


That's what I'm looking forward to. I'm hoping to wake up on my 40th birthday and feel as if I'm no longer pretending to be an adult.


Two years until my big-girl birthday. :D


:confused:Grown-up is such a STRONG word! I do feel more secure in my choices and about myself, but I don't know that I consider myself a very good grown-up. :lol:

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I've passed the test and am in the club. Now, on to being a real grown up. Someone who is secure in her own skin. Someone who learns to like herself. That's what I hope for.

I think 40 has finally given me my secure in my skin. I was hoola-hooping on a sidewalk at UT the other day. Didn't care a bit about what those little whippersnappers thought.:D

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Forty is great until you go for your yearly OB appointment.


He hit me with a cholester test, pap smear and mammagram. Then my eye doctor said I can now use bifocals. Lucky for me there is Miss Clariol. LOL.


I also agree that I feel more comfortable in my own skin and I feel a lot less pressure to look a certain way.


Welcome to forty.

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