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A few weeks back I posted that I was prescribed Klonopin for a sudden onset of extreme anxiety.  I thought it was isolated until about 2 wks later, as I got ready for bed one night, I had very strong heart palpitations and I was having hot flushes going up and down my body very quickly.  My heart was palpating so hard that I feared I'd have a stroke.  At the TIME I thought it was another weird anxiety thing, did deep breathing, thought good things...etc.  It ended an hour later and I drifted to sleep.  The next day I googled 'heart palpitations and hot flushes' and got tons of hits menopause and thought............huh.  Weird.  I had no other symptoms except may the anxiety.  Hard to tell at that point because I was (and still am) in an extended chronic high-stress situation.


Two days later I started having a ton of other fluctuating symptoms but the kicker was that one night I woke up so completely covered in sweat that it was trickling off of my forehead and arms.  I got up and there was a complete body imprint in my sheets.   :crying:


As I've started to do more reading, I do think this is peri menopause.  But the reason I am writing this post is this:  if you have gone through either peri or full menopause, can we talk about some of the 'strange' symptoms?  I'm having many more symptoms than below, including some insomnia, but I'm just hoping to get a discussion going on the ones that seem more strange and worrisome.


These are the symptoms I'm having that seem very strange to me although Dr. Google agrees that it is symptomatic of peri:


-extreme brain fog sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation in parts of my scalp and side of my face

-feeling fine during the day, then somewhere between 3pm and 6pm some days, I just start to feel BAD.  My head swims, my muscles start to ache, sometimes just twinges, sometimes constant.  I feel like I've completely lost my sense of well-being and something is drastically wrong with me.  This LEADS to some anxiety but up until such an episode starts, I feel no anxiety at all.  I guess I"m just saying, all this is not being BROUGHT ON but anxiety.

-episodes of dizziness that would prevent me from things like driving

-a strong feeling that I need to just lay down and can't finish whatever I was doing

-fatigue that rivals first trimester pregnancy

-complete loss of appetite but only during an episode.  

-sometimes exercise BRINGS ON an episode


And the most worrisome of all, shortness of breath.   I just had 9 days of shortness of breath that scared me enough to go to the emergency room on Saturday.  That started a long round of testing there as well as a follow up visit to my doctor this week where more tests were ordered.  They have done 4 tests for my heart (came out fine) and I have 2 more coming up this month.  They've tested my kidney and thyroid function, tested for blood clots, took several chest xrays, tested Vit D levels, cholesterol, diabetes, adrenals ...all are fine.  I'm scheduled for several more things throughout December just to rule anything else out.  They will do a hormone test but the only one they do (military) is one to confirm you are menopausal, but I'm still having periods so I'm not sure what good that will do.  Dr. suggested I visit a clinic in the area that specialize in saliva hormone testing for more accurate results and possible bio-identical hormone matching.  This part is pending on my budget.  And yes, now I realize the anxiety was probably my first symptom of all.  


I keep talking to women who seem to be functioning quite fine through this period in their lives and I tell them......when I have (what I've been calling..and I'm guessing) a hormonal episode, I cannot function properly.  It is having a MUCH bigger effect on me or something.  And it was out of the blue and sudden.  One day I felt good, the next, I was in a 5 day anxiety attack, having hot flashes, sweats, tingling, fog and low breathing.  Yesterday and today are the first two days in SEVEN WEEKS that I've felt half-way ok and functioning fully.  I'm nearing the end of my stressful situation and things are calming down so I'm wondering if stress brings peri on.  I would imagine it can certainly make it worse. 


I'm just confused as to why mine is so harsh feeling, incapacitating.  And why some symptoms are just so "strange".  I mean...shortness of breath for over a week??  


ETA: my periods are still on time and of normal length and flow.

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:grouphug: Perimenopause bites. I hate it. I have had similar issues. I have had some shortness of breath, but didn't connect it to this. Mine always happened when I had eaten too many carbs, so I just thought it was that! I've also had a HUGE increase in my migraines, so the things like dizziness, fatigue, and brain fog are related to that. But sometimes I do get them separately from a migraine as well. I've had queasiness and loss of appetite as well, though mostly that was just in the summer months, and during the warmest hours. Now that it's cooler, that has almost disappeared. And I learned on these boards that it may have been a product of the HRT, and not the perimenopause itself. I don't know for sure.


The anxiety is *awful* but luckily that's one of the symptoms that has really been helped a lot by the HRT. I don't know if HRT is something you'd be interested in, or if it's even an option. I gather that they don't usually prescribe it until full on menopause. But my migraines had become so debilitating that I was desperate, so my OBGYN was willing to prescribe them. I was also having much longer and less predictable cycles than before.


Well, I wish I had some answers or hope to offer you, but sadly I do not. Just sympathy and commisseration. :grouphug:

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I'd go in for some blood work.  FWIW, many of the symptoms you describe are ones that I had.  I kept blaming it all on peri-menopause (I'm 52).  I told myself all women have to deal with it and I just needed to suck it up.  But at my yearly check-up in June I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  Once I'd been on medication for a few months almost all of my symptoms were gone and I was feeling like the clock had been rolled back ten years.  These are the things you list that I also had:



Hot flashes (especially at night)

Brain fog

Muscle aches

Needing at least one nap to make it through the day




All completely gone since my thyroid medication kicked in.


I'm not saying that's your problem.  What I am saying is to not assume symptoms are "just" peri-menopause simply because of your age.

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I'd go in for some blood work.  FWIW, many of the symptoms you describe are ones that I had.  I kept blaming it all on peri-menopause (I'm 52).  I told myself all women have to deal with it and I just needed to suck it up.  But at my yearly check-up in June I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  Once I'd been on medication for a few months almost all of my symptoms were gone and I was feeling like the clock had been rolled back ten years.  These are the things you list that I also had:



Hot flashes (especially at night)

Brain fog

Muscle aches

Needing at least one nap to make it through the day




All completely gone since my thyroid medication kicked in.


I'm not saying that's your problem.  What I am saying is to not assume symptoms are "just" peri-menopause simply because of your age.



That all makes sense, but one of the tests my doctor ordered was a 'thyroid test' (blood) and she said it came out fine.   Do you mean further thyroid testing?


FWIW:  I've had 18 different tests since Saturday.  Most have come back and I was told they were ok.  I'm waiting on the results of 6 of them and have 2 heart tests scheduled for the end of the month (echo cardiogram and an event monitor).  I have definitely not assumed this is peri but have asked for any and all tests available to me to rule anything out I can.  So far, because of the tests (so far) coming out good, it;s a process of elimination, I suppose.

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That all makes sense, but one of the tests my doctor ordered was a 'thyroid test' (blood) and she said it came out fine.   Do you mean further thyroid testing?


If what she tested was just TSH then yes.  A full thyroid panel should be done.


(Sorry for missing in your first post that you'd already been tested -- I'm blaming it on an interruption whilst I was reading your post. ;))

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If what she tested was just TSH then yes. A full thyroid panel should be done.


(Sorry for missing in your first post that you'd already been tested -- I'm blaming it on an interruption whilst I was reading your post. ;))



She didn't specify what type of thyroid testing so I think I will call and find s that out, thanks.

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I was going to say it sounds a lot like possible thyroid issues to me and I would be surprised if a random ER dr. did the full panel and even if they did they may or may not be basing diagnosis on up to date info. Of course hormones do effect people differently and it could be hormone issues as well or maybe even both, just because some people don't have issues don't mean you won't. I also think there is some unfortunate bias against hormonal issues, like they aren't real. Coincidentally I was just reading about PMDD(pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder) and the info was that the actual hormones levels weren't different but how it effected different women was wildly different. Stress of course effects everything, unfortunately, I know it triggers for me as well. 

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A lot of those sound like Vitamin B12 deficency symptoms.  Did the doctor check B12 levels?  Iron levels?  Folate levels?


I would get copies of your test results also.  I had doctors tell me I was fine, but my results had 5 items that were flagged as out of range.  I'm not sure how the doctor could still say I was fine, but they did.  :(  

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I had the same exact symptoms a few years ago and thought it was thyroid related, but PcP did a panel and it came back normal. I thought one item was borderline based on my research, and insisted on seeing an endocrinologist who did a couple more tests and said I was fine. I tried to increase my iodine for a while, took a complete multivitamin with full Bs, and started to feel better. My symptoms went away over about a year, and I was finally able to go off anxiety meds. It's probably been 4-5 years that I've been asymptomatic. I still think it was thyroid related. I believe normal lab values are averages based on most people, but that doesn't mean they are within normal limits for every individual, kind of like body temperature or circadian cycles.

Edited by Amy in NH
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I was going to say it sounds a lot like possible thyroid issues to me and I would be surprised if a random ER dr. did the full panel and even if they did they may or may not be basing diagnosis on up to date info. Of course hormones do effect people differently and it could be hormone issues as well or maybe even both, just because some people don't have issues don't mean you won't. I also think there is some unfortunate bias against hormonal issues, like they aren't real. Coincidentally I was just reading about PMDD(pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder) and the info was that the actual hormones levels weren't different but how it effected different women was wildly different. Stress of course effects everything, unfortunately, I know it triggers for me as well. 


I did put a call into the Dr to see exactly what thyroid tests she had done.  I also doubted that an ER doc ran a full panel.  But I do have a follow up visit scheduled with her and am going to ask for a full panel at that time.


A lot of those sound like Vitamin B12 deficency symptoms.  Did the doctor check B12 levels?  Iron levels?  Folate levels?


I would get copies of your test results also.  I had doctors tell me I was fine, but my results had 5 items that were flagged as out of range.  I'm not sure how the doctor could still say I was fine, but they did.   :(


No, I don't think those deficiencies were tested for but I'm definitely going to ask for them to be.


I had the same exact symptoms a few years ago and thought it was thyroid related, but PcP did a panel and it came back normal. I thought one item was borderline based on my research, and insisted on seeing an endocrinologist who did a couple more tests and said I was fine. I tried to increase my iodine for a while, took a complete multivitamin with full Bs, and started to feel better. My symptoms went away over about a year, and I was finally able to go off anxiety meds. It's probably been 4-5 years that I've been asymptomatic. I still think it was thyroid related. I believe normal lab values are averages based on most people, but that doesn't mean they are within normal limits for every individual, kind of like body temperature or circadian cycles.


I have ALWAYS said that about lab work and 'normal' ranges.  I've never really believed my hormones have been...normal.  The question is...  how do we know?  How do I get help if the doc says I'm 'normal'?


Also, given our diet here, I"m wondering how I could be deficient in some of those things.  I take chlorella (tons of iodine) and we eat so many things that have the spectrum of B-Vit in them.  I guess it could still happen...

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Almost all of those symptoms are ones I have had.....at times severe. I had to have hormones for a while. Even though I swore I never would since my mom is a bc survivor. I could feel the anxiety creeping up my head and face and to the top of my head. I felt like I was losing my mind.


You need some blood work....could be thyroid....but depending on your age probably perimenopause. Btw, mine started in my late 30s.

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Have you lost any weight in the last few months without dieting? Do you have any low-grade fever, especially in the afternoon?

I have lost ten pounds in the last 6 weeks which I attributed to the anxiety. When it starts, my appetite shuts off. Low grade fever...I'm not sure about but overall afternoons are when I'm mostly symptomatic I've noticed. If its going to be a bad afternoon, it starts around 3 or so. I have felt an overall warmness a time or two in the afternoon.

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Have you lost any weight in the last few months without dieting? Do you have any low-grade fever, especially in the afternoon?


I did.  Every single day around the time I crashed from bone-crushing fatigue my temperature would go up to 99.5ish, but never over 100.  I brought in a spreadsheet documenting all of my low grade fevers, and the endocrinologist said it didn't matter a whit because body temperature fluctuates throughout the day.  Funny - mine never does now.

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I did. Every single day around the time I crashed from bone-crushing fatigue my temperature would go up to 99.5ish, but never over 100. I brought in a spreadsheet documenting all of my low grade fevers, and the endocrinologist said it didn't matter a whit because body temperature fluctuates throughout the day. Funny - mine never does now.

Was this because of Peri?

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Also, given our diet here, I"m wondering how I could be deficient in some of those things.  I take chlorella (tons of iodine) and we eat so many things that have the spectrum of B-Vit in them.  I guess it could still happen...

I had it suggested to me several times that perhaps it was my iron levels causing fatigue but I couldn't believe that as I had always had great levels before and ate tons of iron containing foods BUT it was, it doesn't matter what you eat if your body doesn't absorb it and it is a vicious cycle with iron levels and thyroid. I finally went on supplements and have had to continue them off and on to keep my levels good. I'll be thrilled to be back in shape to absorb everything but until then I need it.

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I had it suggested to me several times that perhaps it was my iron levels causing fatigue but I couldn't believe that as I had always had great levels before and ate tons of iron containing foods BUT it was, it doesn't matter what you eat if your body doesn't absorb it and it is a vicious cycle with iron levels and thyroid. I finally went on supplements and have had to continue them off and on to keep my levels good. I'll be thrilled to be back in shape to absorb everything but until then I need it.


That;s a good point about absorption...........


And given the amount of stress I"ve been under since around June, I can probably attribute that to poor absorption to some extent.

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Peri instigated food allergies I never had before. I have palpitations when I eat tree nuts or traces even. I avoid and use antihistamine if needed. I use progesterone cream for being hot at night. Does the trick.

Not typical itchy here, but in the past 5 years I have started swelling up like a bloated balloon with wheat and dairy. My doc suggested an elimination diet, no dairy = no seasonal allergy congestion. She told me it's not unusual to develop new allergies at this stage. What a bother.

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It seems possible you have more than one thing going on here.  It sounds like a combination of possibly peri menopause symptoms and anxiety.  Hard to say though.  I was going through a tough time for awhile and I had a lot of those symptoms.  I thought too it might be peri menopause because the symptoms fit what I've read.  But now I don't have any of those symptoms at all.  The anxiety is gone too.  So I am more inclined to think I was having some mental health issue due in part to a stressful situation.



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  • 6 years later...

You might also consider an allergy issue.  It's easy enough to ignore a stuffy nose, but my symptoms at one time included pounding heart, dizziness (probably from fluid in the ears), exhaustion, and twitchy muscles.  Allergy symptoms can also include 'a feeling of impending doom'.  It's easy enough to check this just by taking some zyrtec for a week, or a benedryl before bed.  It could be environmental, a food, or just a histamine overload from your diet.

You could have something that's an all-in-one explanation for everything, but it's also possible that you have some hormone-related things like night sweats coupled with something else, like an allergy issue.  I hope you figure it out soon.  I was becoming scared of my weird symptoms and was amazed when allergy treatment got rid of, or at least dramatically reduced, all of them.  

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