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Tell me how it really is (large family and homeschooling)

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Calling out to all large family home schoolers...

I need some BTDT advice...

I am almost feeling ready to raise the white flag over here!

We started our school year four weeks ago...

and my days are STILL horribly chaotic and frustrating. Today was wretched.



What do YOU do...


I need the nitty gritty- how does it flow- how you do it, etc.

Not tips and ideas: i.e. preschool boxes, etc.

I have plenty of those- it is the IMPLEMENTING that is killing me.

Thank you,


Mom to

DS 3rd grade (8) _we have yet to complete a full day of his load!

DS 2nd grade (7)

DS 5 (K)

DD 4 (pre-k/k work)

DS 2 1/2

DS 4 months


Also- the weekends kill me. Mondays are always HORRIBLE. Any tips????


I am a CM/Classical home schooler. I have been trying to get a handle on habit. I read in Andreola's Companion about not letting habits go over the weekend...is this the problem???


Also, I am nursing- and I always seem to frazzle out at about this time post partum... just not on my game so to speak. HELP!!!


Last week was bad because we had some unavoidable doctor's appointments on Tuesday- me- dentist, baby- 4 month well. We never recovered from this disruption!!!


Anyone?? Anyone?

Thank you!


one frazzled mom...

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Ok- Well first off have you considered combining your kids?

That really saved me. We still have a very long day- but at 3pm we are done. We've been doing music,art, and nature study along with our main subjects this year. My kids are in pre-k,4,7,9,12 grades this year.

I'm thinking your 2 and 3rd graders could do almost everything together. And your k and pre-k could be another group.

Also- the schedule is key. Except for appt days we do everything in the same order every day. On weekends we still do chores at the same time and wake up and go to bed on schedule too. Mondays are still long- but at least we aren't sleep deprived.

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Do you have a schedule? I have heard good things @ the books Managers of their home, chores and now they have a homeschool one too.


For us, I made an excel sheet with my name and all the kids names across the top. I have the times listed down the left side and then in each column I have what each person should be doing during that time slot. This is my master schedule. Then I made one similar for school subjects. I like having all the kid son one sheet so I can see where everyone is at one time. Each child receives a sheet with just his/her own schedule that they keep in their binders.


As for the weekends, I finally started having a Sunday night organizing hour(or two lol). We get the laundry sorted for morning, kitchen spotless, house tidy etc so Monday morning isn't so stressful. I had always tried to do as little work on Sunday and it made Monday unbearable.


For school, I would definitely try to combine as much as possible. At your children’s ages I would only do math and language arts on grade level and combine the rest. I used to try and work with the oldest first, but the younger kids all needed/wanted me then and it was chaos. This year I have the older ones doing independent work while the younger ones do some fun stuff. By the time the older ones need me, the younger ones are off playing. It's working very well here!

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I think the problem is just with me!

I do have a schedule ala MOTH printed out...

It is just STAYING ON IT... having major trouble over here.

We have so many discipline issues, disruptions, distractions...


I am combining curriculum. I think it is just all these URGENT things seem to take over my life...


And also- is a die-hard, strict schedule ala MOTH really THE WAY I HAVE TO GO TO MAKE MY LIFE WORK? Tell it to me straight. I need it. We are chaotic over here.



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Wow sorry its so rough over there. I bet alot of it is just hormones and sleep deprivation. I have a difficult time for a few months after having a baby. Even now my 18 month old nursling is still up every 2 hours to nurse... I think It's time I night wean her. I'm tired!

Anyways for me I absolutely need a list of "to do's" each day. The times arent set in stone but the lessons and activities are. (like 8 am Math lesson #1 for 45 minutes, mine is more like Monday: math lesson #1) Otherwise I wouldnt get anything accomplished. Theres always something coming up to disrupt my day.

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I am not sure I have any specific advice. I am definitely way more laid back, working a lot on character and chores in order to not go crazy here! Our house is smallish and we have kids all over the place incl. a mobile baby!


Honestly, try to relax a bit more. You could try a strict schedule, but it might drive you nuts or full of guilt. When your kids are so young, then the dynamic is just different than when some of them are much older.


Have you thought of scaling back on weekends and/or using Monday to catch up in/do errands in? Also, the doctor's appointments and what nots are made for inducing guilt. If you can't reschedule then know at least in advance that that day is shot. It'll do wonders for your self-esteem if you then happen to do anything at all educational that day.


And that's the wise words I have.....!!!! I think this is our 9th year and I am still learning, but I have learned to not stress too much!

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I only have four (soon to be five, but four right now). The oldest 3 are in school.


My 4th grader has his own schedule -- I get him started on a subject, he completes, then moves onto the next project (I open his workbooks to that day's assignment, and plan for other things here and there to break it up. He does mostly work-book driven things (spelling, grammar, his literature), while I'm overseeing the K/1st grader.


K/1st grader have workbooks. I get them started... they do math on their own, unless it's something they are struggling with. I help with penmanship, I help review their spelling, listen to them read, and we do grammar, history, science and art as a group.


The littles are done by 9am, and then I focus on the more difficult subjects with oldest son.


I'd say, combine where you can, workbooks where you can... everyone doesn't need a full-time teacher all. the. time.


Also, if there are subjects you can put off until Sat./Sun. do so. Sometimes we space things out to a 7-day schedule -- just to keep things moving (so Monday's aren't so tough).



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I think the problem is just with me!

I do have a schedule ala MOTH printed out...

It is just STAYING ON IT... having major trouble over here.

We have so many discipline issues, disruptions, distractions...


I am combining curriculum. I think it is just all these URGENT things seem to take over my life...


And also- is a die-hard, strict schedule ala MOTH really THE WAY I HAVE TO GO TO MAKE MY LIFE WORK? Tell it to me straight. I need it. We are chaotic over here.





You have a lot going on. I would step back and check my priorites. You have just added a new little person to your house, in my house that means a lot of re-teaching and re-adjusting. If you have discipline issues and chore issues (we do), I would work on those first. Your children are still young, you can step back from some of the minor subjects and work on some of the major (math, phonics, reading).


Since you like Charlotte Mason, why not focus on read alouds ( for us it takes some time to get little ones to learn to sit and listen), narration, and nature study.


A frazzled mom is not an effective teacher or mother. Ease into a schedule, take some of the pressure off of yourself, you do not have to be supermom!!


Start small and work your way up, your oldest will not suffer if you ease off of some things for a little bit.


Remember, homeschooling is a marathon not a sprint ( someone here taught me that:) ).

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Rebecca, you have twice as many children as I do:), but let me tell you how I get school done. We have to do nothing else, and I do mean nothing else, until it's done. We don't get started until later than we should, so today, for example, we just finished up around 4pm. That's a MUCH longer day than I would like to see, but we're still getting into our groove.


House stuff has to go by the wayside while we're getting into the school routine. It just does. And, especially with a wee one who's not letting you get any sleep, you are going to have to let go of some of it. I say this as I just invited people we don't know to dinner on Wed. and we're having lots of people over on Sunday. Let me tell you how my house looks and how stressed I am about it.... another day. :D


Last year, I had a 1st and a 2nd grader and a new baby. We didn't get a whole lot of school done, honestly. I tried to get the basics done, and for the most part counted it a good day when we did. It was *much* less consistent than I wanted, but you know what? We started fresh this year and the girls are doing really well (after many threats of sending them to the furthest possible boarding school I could find after the first week :lol:).


What I did for us this year, is made a daily checklist of everything we need to do. That way the kids can see it, too, and they are much more cooperative when they see that we're checking things off and getting a lot done. It doesn't take as long as they think it's going to, so that makes them happy. It makes me happy to finish things. :D


Honestly, you could let go of school for everyone but your oldest two, and the world would not end. Would that help you, do you think?


Disclaimer: This is my 4th year homeschooling, so I'm no expert. But, I have heard LOTS of ladies here day that K is really optional, and if you need to let it go, it will be OK. You have a LOT of little kids and a wee tiny one - you might need to consider that option. Or, at least put it aside until you're getting a little more sleep.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I feel your pain with the new baby and no sleep and trying to get school done and keep up the house and and and.... it's easy to make yourself nuts when you're sleep deprived.

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Also- what are you doing during your chore time?

Chores are NOT going well over here this year either.




I will work on a signature later.

Miracle Music was a lifesaver here. It got all the kids working together at the same time--on different chores. It was motivating by itself so if one got distracted then I was able to address them without loosing momentum.


We had to tweek the reward system a titch.


The kids loved it and begged for it to start again soon after we moved.



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I think the problem is just with me!

I do have a schedule ala MOTH printed out...

It is just STAYING ON IT... having major trouble over here.

We have so many discipline issues, disruptions, distractions...


I am combining curriculum. I think it is just all these URGENT things seem to take over my life...


And also- is a die-hard, strict schedule ala MOTH really THE WAY I HAVE TO GO TO MAKE MY LIFE WORK? Tell it to me straight. I need it. We are chaotic over here.




I'm expecting my 6th, and with just 5 (3 schooling) I feel your frustration. What may help you is to determine the bare minimum that you want each child to accomplish, make them get it all done in the morning, or all in the afternoon when everyone else is napping, and then be "happy" with that. On a good day, throw in an "extra" lesson". It may simply require you to sit at the table with your schooling kids with a bowl of popcorn or crackers and sippy cups of water ready on the table and just plow through it. (Can you nurse at the kitchen table?)


"Activity boxes" have never been a great success here. Generally, my little ones have "free play time" during school hours, unless they are napping. I keep old math books on hand to give them if they want to do "school", or I just sit them on my lap until they get bored and go off to find something else to do. We've weaned away from this, but it also won't kill your little ones to watch a couple videos in the morning, especially if it means helping to keep your sanity.


You are likely sleep deprived and may not be able to escape the constant disruptions until your youngest is 3 or 4yo. I don't mean to discourage you, but to hopefully give you some better expectations. I still struggle with that constantly - I hate interruptions and never seem to be able to get back on track! It's worse if I've had no sleep. If you can pinpoint the main issues that cause disruptions and work on solutions for those, it may help. Maybe it would be a relief just to have some convenience foods for lunches and dinners for a while - Hotpockets and other microwaveable foods might just take a tiny bit of stress off your day. Your family will survive.


As for chores, we have "after breakfast" and "after lunch" chores. After dinner or before bed, we often have a "whole family tidy" time, which helps immensely. This doesn't mean our house is clean, but liveable. Take care of the most important things - clean dishes, clean clothes, generally sanitary bathrooms and kitchen. You don't need everything to sparkle. It may help if you ask your kids to help each other with their chores or "teach them" to the littler ones.


Allow yourself to take a day or even just a morning off if it's starting off badly. Lay down for a while and drink some tea.

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My advice may reiterate others, but I'd just focus on the 3 R's with the oldest two and let the K and Pre-K play a lot! I'd aim to just have some fun, interesting, informative read alouds going. If you are too tired to read aloud or get too many interruptions, can your dh do the reading aloud for you? I did this when no. 5 was born and I simply couldn't stay awake whenever I read aloud. I enforced a quiet time after lunch for all the littles (kept nursing babe with me). I'd grab a short nap and the kiddos would all listen to an audio story (Jim Weiss stories, classics from the library, etc). Then in the evening when daddy came home, he'd read the schooly stuff to the older ones while I put the littles to bed. It worked really well. At certain points during our homeschooling career my dh would take the kids on science fieldtrips and leave me at home with the little ones. Usually he'd focus on one particular thing during the summer too, like astronomy or electricity. He did things very casually reading picture books aloud, taking the kids on fieldtrips and buying and working on kits. I guess what I'm saying is can your dh help out for a couple of the fun subjects????


From my experience it is far, far more important to take care of yourself and your baby and toddler now so that you don't crash and burn when the kids get older and really need to learn more academic stuff. Take it easy now. Your kids are so young a little bit of schooling goes a long way. If you've never finished your 3rd graders plan than either you've put too much on his little 3rd plate for your life right now and you need to cut back to be realistic or you have just spread yourself so thin that again you need to be more realistic and just cut back to absolute basics.

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Calling out to all large family home schoolers...

I need some BTDT advice...

I am almost feeling ready to raise the white flag over here!

We started our school year four weeks ago...

and my days are STILL horribly chaotic and frustrating. Today was wretched.



What do YOU do...


I need the nitty gritty- how does it flow- how you do it, etc.

Not tips and ideas: i.e. preschool boxes, etc.

I have plenty of those- it is the IMPLEMENTING that is killing me.

Thank you,


Mom to

DS 3rd grade (8) _we have yet to complete a full day of his load!

DS 2nd grade (7)

DS 5 (K)

DD 4 (pre-k/k work)

DS 2 1/2

DS 4 months


Also- the weekends kill me. Mondays are always HORRIBLE. Any tips????


I am a CM/Classical home schooler. I have been trying to get a handle on habit. I read in Andreola's Companion about not letting habits go over the weekend...is this the problem???


Also, I am nursing- and I always seem to frazzle out at about this time post partum... just not on my game so to speak. HELP!!!


Last week was bad because we had some unavoidable doctor's appointments on Tuesday- me- dentist, baby- 4 month well. We never recovered from this disruption!!!


Anyone?? Anyone?

Thank you!


one frazzled mom...

you have 1 more kiddo than I but our age span is about the same. 9 yrs to 15 months.


Keeping my kid choraled in one part of the house during lesson time is invaluable, preferably near a bathroom. If one wanders away while I'm doing a reading lesson then they all tend to drift. I park my butt on the top of the stairs with the reader. They can't get by us and I'll know if they wander away from their books.


No Interruptions! Unless there is blood, vomit, choking, or the like involved they must each respect their siblings teaching time with me. My oldest has been jumping in and helping ds5 with his math questions. If she gets stuck she's to do her handwriting lesson (independent work). After explaining to them what to expect--now I just have to raise my hand, as in stop, to remind them without interrupting the current lesson.


Truthfully it's best if we let the baby sit in the middle of the school table & throw math blocks or markers on the floor. She's consistent in this so it's no longer distracting--just expected. When she's done with that she usually is ready for a nap. If not I set her loose on a nearby bed to jump a bit.


3 yo ds has a bookshelf of things to do, puzzles, dry erase markers & white board, blocks, lacing cards. . . etc that are only for school time. I set up a snack too in the kitchen for him to graze. Usually ds5 is done shortly and they're off to play together.



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Wow, I have four girls and their ages are almost the same as your first four and I probably would have kept going just like you...I can tell you about Mondays and my experience. You really have to make sure on Sunday night you know what will be done at the very least Monday if not the whole week. I find that if I don't get things together on the weekend Monday just doesn't progress smoothly.


If we have appointments (last Monday was the dentist for dd4 and today again we had to go) and we're not carefull it can really mess things up. I think if you get the basic things done on those days like language arts and math you're ok and can go to bed not feeling too guilty.





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I'm thinking your 2 and 3rd graders could do almost everything together. And your k and pre-k could be another group.


If you can bear to read something from someone with only one child, I'd work on the two eldest. I don't think that a 4 and 5 year old will be denied the best colleges if you just let them be littles. Back when I was in K (the year JFK was shot), we learning not a SPECK of the three r's. We started the alphabet the first day of first grade.


So, pair up the two oldest, let the middles have fun, keep the littles safe, and wade in deeper as you go. HTH and best of luck!

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Susan in TN,

Yes- adjust the expectations... you are right.


I do try to plow through- and seem to prefer to work that way- but I seem to frazzle the family and the littles go bonkers while I am "plowing through" with the olders...

that is why I attempt the moth schedule- so everyone's needs are met at least reasonably well... but I am not so good at staying on schedule!


Do you mind sharing what your chores are that you do in those designated times? Do you train for them?

Thank you so much.


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Calico Kat,

I laughed when I read your post. How have you trained your kids to know YOU MEAN IT regarding the no interuptions?? I just reread the part where you said you raise your hand as in stop. That is a great idea. I often have my children raise their hands if they have something to say at lunch if everyone is talking over each other. Hmmm...


Also- thanks for the chore link! DH didn't think it was for us- but I really appreciated it!:)


So do you just block out school time and then pick up when it is over?

Do you do anything special with the little ones at another time?



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Thanks for the idea about getting DH involved. I am blessed that DH carries the load with a huge amount of household chores so that I can nurse our baby and school. This year I have had to school a little in the evenings when he is home sometimes- but that is not our preference- However, he will help that way....



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I think I do need to consciously prepare more on Sunday nights. Maybe that will help...


So, do you give your time to your younger ones first? Do you school everyone together and just move from child to child as needed?


Have you had issues training with chores?


Just some ponderings,

Thanks for posting on my thread.


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I don't think I'm qualified to give advice really, but I am plowing through with you and I will share what I am trying to do.


I have a checklist so I will remember what I am supposed to do each day LOL. It's in the general order I would like to accomplish it. I will be making checklists for each of my older dds as well.


We haven't really started school completely yet because the baby is only 6 weeks old. What I have been doing is adding in a new subject each week, so it's more gradual. That has been working really well IMO.


Otherwise, well, it's just really hard. :grouphug:


I tell my dds we're going to do something, and then I have to referee a fight, and then something else happens, and then the baby needs to nurse, and then when I am ready to work with them, they have gone off somewhere, so I go get them, and they come a couple minutes later, and then something happens, and the whole thing starts over again. I spend my whole day going and getting somebody to do something!

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Yes- that is how my day can go... but then sometimes I am just so tired.


Yes- I have run into that dynamic with the combining...

I have struggled with this...

It seems that my seven and five year old combine better (they are 16 months apart) than my eight and seven year old (just under 15 months apart)...


Using Heart of Dakota has helped me- because it is time conscious and age appropriate...and skill level focused.


Thanks for posting,


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Today was a little better.

I think just- so exhausted as we had a very hectic and exhausting weekend.


Hopefully tomorrow will be better...

I can always hope-right?


We have lots of disrespect, attitude, etc. with the children all at the same time and sometimes- I am just worn out and don't know what to do...


Thanks for all the replies,


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At your children’s ages I would only do math and language arts on grade level and combine the rest.


My boys are 7 and close to 9 (2nd and 3rd) and this is exactly what we do. They have their own math, spelling list, reader and grammar book.


They do the same history, science, art, music, read alouds, poetry, and even handwriting.


Also, I would try to do as much schooling as you can during nap time and try to have a meal plan because this is most stressful to me.


Now, I only have two schooling right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I think it works great when the kids are all listening in to the same books. I think it promotes more togetherness, and I think the older ones help spur the younger ones along.

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My family dynamics are a bit different than yours, but they still keep me hopping alllll day long. My 2 older girls do most of their subjects together, and they are also very very responsible and independent. However, independence only goes so far, so I still need to meet with them daily. My quirky 11yos has some learning issues and is not the least bit independent. And of course, my 2 littlest need lots and lots of mamatime.


I thought I would go crazy trying to meet everyone's needs, but somehow this fall we are finding a great rhythm. (EXCEPT on the weekdays when my dh is home. He is so dear, but he throws us off balance!)


Here's how it works for us (loosely):

From 6am to 10am I work one on one with my ds11. During this time, I sometimes manage to dish up some chow or sometimes the non-pet-feeding dd cooks breakfast. The littles don't have a set time they wake up, so I kind of just juggle their morning baths into a time when my son is writing or completing a math assignment. At 8:30, 9:00, and 9:30 dd15, dd14 and I take a 15 minute turn doing something with the little kids: puzzles and games, large motor activity/outdoor activity, songs or stories. The little ones seem very happy with this and play with their toys in between times.


We have a snack at 10(ish) then I do some preschool stuff with the little ones. More outdoor time, then lunch and naps/quiet time. This is when I meet with my older girls while my son exercises, reads and plays video games. Then we have our afternoon activities.


We do have a few chores times thrown into the list: after breakfast, which the girls take care of, after lunch, which my son takes care of and before dinner when we all pitch in. We try to limit it to 15 minute bursts.


I did take some time to establish the flow of the day before adding schooling into the mix. This is overall working wonderfully for us, but there certainly are days when it's all uphill. Saturday has become the deep clean day, with an extra long chore time on Monday mornings.


Anyway, I thought maybe your older few could take a 10 minute turn playing with the little ones at different times, especially in the mornings. I find I can't tolerate the lack of peace when the little ones just run wild. When we each take turns giving a little bit, it seems to come back to us with manifold blessings!

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Calico Kat,

I laughed when I read your post. How have you trained your kids to know YOU MEAN IT regarding the no interuptions?? I just reread the part where you said you raise your hand as in stop. That is a great idea. I often have my children raise their hands if they have something to say at lunch if everyone is talking over each other. Hmmm...


Also- thanks for the chore link! DH didn't think it was for us- but I really appreciated it!:)


So do you just block out school time and then pick up when it is over?

Do you do anything special with the little ones at another time?



Interruptors don't get a response other than "the hand." I absolutely refuse to interrupt the child I'm working with. Each of them get time with me individually and each of them mustn't take that time away from their sib. I'm a yeller by nature so the silence is probably what gets their attention most--mom's serious, she's quiet. :)


I also make sure that before we start individual instruction time that each kiddo knows what they're supposed to be working on & if they get stuck they each have a busy notebook. But like I said, they can't get away because I'm sitting on the stairs so they recently I've noticed that they go to my older dd9 for answers to their questions. I also flip/flop the pre-readers work so that I'm not trying to teach them both reading/math at the same time. It's less hectic for me and they love the attention.


dd7 reading ----math

ds math ------reading


Handwriting and a workbook from R&S are their two "things to do" if I'm working with someone else


My oldest dd9 is in 4th grade and she's working more independently. She likes to start with Math, then Reading, Handwriting. We do Spanish together after the others are done with their work.


I was worried about not always getting to History or Science. But we listen to the SOTW cd's in the car and I'm happy with that.


Science--we hardly do anything active at home. And yet dd9 tested really on--her highest score--for this subject last year on her achievement test. Very interesting. She read books, watches Animal Planet, etc. and I guess it's sinking in. :)


My kids are buzzing around to miracle music while I type, it's adorable to see them so enthusiastic.


We will start school after the Miracle Music is done--bfast is the last song so they'll be ready to go. :) We will do school until the 3R's are done. Somedays that's til noon. But pretty much it's at least 3 hrs.


Last year we started by doing a circle time right away to read, memorize, and sing hymns. It was nice. We'll start doing that again this year. We've been playing catch-up since July from getting behind during the spring move-to-a-new house. My little people really love circle time. It was like K with them. We're still surprised at how many hymns & verse ds3 remembers from last year.


Then it's upstairs to the "spare room" to do school. The kids have their assigned seating around the table. The baby (15 mo) prefers to be in the middle of the table--and we let her :)-- playing withe pencil box. Her nap time is at 10 a.m. so she's pretty much done once she empties the box.


Then it's lunch.


After lunch is 1 hr of quiet time--I lay on the couch, read and sleep. Kiddos are working on leggos or some other quiet activity.


Then it's time for me to get dinner prep. going or I'll be sunk at 5:30 pm

Kids are free to play whatever, wherever, so long as it's not destructive.


My baby is a night owl so she gets tons of individual attention in the evening. She just hangs out with us during the day, getting attention from all of us. My big girls love to take care of her too so she pretty.


Music's over, gotta go get started. They're all dressed, fed, house is cleaned, and the bfast dishes are done. :) And I got to spend a little time here with you. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My day sounds alot like Jeans. She has 10 and we have 12. Now, granted that only 10 are at home I still have the older ones who do call during the day and just want to chat so at this point that seems to be our biggest disruption. I shouldn't say disruption--more like, okay kids, I'm going to talk to your older sister for a bit so carry on. Yeah, right. I won't go into charts, schedules or anything here but here is a typical day. :glare: First, here are the ages of our children at home...21,19,18,15,13,10,10,8,6,2. This can be very short! My days are CRAZY. I try to attack the following in the morning..latin, math, bible. It's all hit and miss after that. Truly, thank goodness my children love to read. My boys who are 13, 15 do there work on their own leaving me the younger 5 to bounce around. I just really try to fit things in. That's all. I have had to change my expectations. Not lower them, change them. The only thing that helps in this 'change of expectations' is the fact that I got 4 in college. From our homeschool and things weren't too different with them then they are now. Still had a ton of kids to manage. My children all love to read and that is huge. But if you want an honest opinion looking at the ages of your children. Maybe you are expecting too much from them. Your oldest is only 8. When my children are 8 they are barely reading independently. So for my 8 year olds here are my expectations. Phonics if needed, copywork, independent reading with a notebook page to narrate what was read, and penmanship practice. A page or so of math. And lots and lots of attention with mom and siblings. This has worked well for us and like I said they managed to get into school and keep a 4.0 gpa while there. They need lots of mom time, lots of books read aloud to them, and lots of interaction with everyone. Just my 2 cents and my opinion based on my experience.


Blessings, Tricia



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