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I am in desperate need of birthday idea for 3 year old dd.

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I need several. Family keeps asking what to get her.:D


The problem is that (soon-to-be) 3 year old has a 5 year old sister, which makes them well supplied with girlie toys.


We don't do clothes for birthdays, except for special items. Oh, I wish their birthdays were at the start of the same season. :tongue_smilie:


I'm not against the cheapo character toys, but I'm certainly not going to suggest one. People will get those on their own and I only let them stay around for a limited time.


We've got the typical toys: legos, trains, fisher price doll house, bookcases of books, etc...


With those ridiculously tight constraints, is there anything left?

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Art supplies are always good - they are consumable. Even if you have crayons, you can always use more, LOL! Crayola is always coming out with some nifty new kind of thing. We love stickers, glitter glue pens, cool paper, fun markers - Blendy pens are a big hit here because they change colors - Color wonder stuff is good.


Play silks are fun - my girls love them, and my little nieces who are your dd's age REALLY love them. They are such versatile things for dress up and make believe.


I am of the opinion that one cannot have too many books. I have huge wish lists on Amazon even though our house is overflowing with books.


Can you add to a collection they already have? Barbie accessories? Littlest Pet Shop accessories? I don't mind if the kids get new toys as long as they don't start a new collection, if you KWIM.


Kitchen stuff is always fun. Do they have those vegetables that have pieces velcroed together, and they can cut them apart with a plastic knife?


HTH! I will think about it and come back if I come up with any fabulous ideas.

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My youngest is turning 3 in a couple of weeks, and I have a similar issue. In our case, his siblings are much older, but none of my kids really play with toys . . .


I agree with the PP that you can never have too many books. Especially because my kids wear them out, making them somewhat consumable. :glare:


I'm thinking of CDs for the car, or for listening to when he going down for a nap.


Is there a membership she could get to a zoo or children's museum?


How about a magazine subscription? My kids love getting mail.

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Don't you think she would like things of her own such as a tricycle or bike and helmet, or a new game, stoller or doll things, FP makes a new little people castle or add to little people things you already have. My dd loves wedgits, I have seen girly megablocks and lego sets. When it comes to things like bikes donate and bless someone with the hand me down when she gets her own new one.

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My ds4 really enjoys having his own crafts- like these door critters it's just like lacing but it's a project and it is his own. Another great find for him which may be an option is Perler bead kits. I'm using this as a craft item for ds4 which will also develop fine motor skills. Little People playset, her own tea set, her own anything since she shares so much with her older sis. Ds4 is also loving those Toob animal sets. How about a new movie? Nim's Island is wonderful or a gift certificate so she can go pick her own gifts? My kids LOVE that.

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Adventures in Odyssey on CD (GREAT For long trips in the car or just to the grocery...I have to give these 5 *****)


As mentioned, art supplies...any and every kind


Cookie Cutters...the nice ones that last forever...and include a sugar cookie dough mix with it.




We would usually find a toy that folks could "add" to..the girls loved Calico Critters at that age..and still play with it now (ages 9 and 10)...I'd buy the house and ask family members to buy a room of furniture or the characters..we'd theme the party around that set and when they opened up all their gifts that's what the party was...just placing all the animals and such...you can get $300 worth of nice toys to fit in the size of an underbed storage bin easily...plus you have the whole set so they're more inclined to play with it than if they just got 1 or 2 pieces....



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I need several. Family keeps asking what to get her.:D


The problem is that (soon-to-be) 3 year old has a 5 year old sister, which makes them well supplied with girlie toys.


We don't do clothes for birthdays, except for special items. Oh, I wish their birthdays were at the start of the same season. :tongue_smilie:


I'm not against the cheapo character toys, but I'm certainly not going to suggest one. People will get those on their own and I only let them stay around for a limited time.


We've got the typical toys: legos, trains, fisher price doll house, bookcases of books, etc...


With those ridiculously tight constraints, is there anything left?


Try this toy store:




They have European toys which are beautifully made and creative. This past summer I bought all the gifts for my 4yo daughter and they have been a bit hit. She has a toy kitchen (has had it for years, some no name brand) and I bought a bunch of Haba wooden food for it - what a delight! She loves the fried egg that you can open and the egg comes out (the fried egg is made of fabric). She also loves the pyramid blocks - the colors are so beautiful, I have never seen anything like them.


Anyhow, give it a try. They have fast shipping, too.



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You have been given lots of great ideas already, but I'll still add one more. Hard plastic dinosaurs or alligators. Such toys give way to creative imaginary play for years and they are good indoors, outdoors and in the tub. I don't know what it is about these reptiles, but most kids love 'em. Kmart, Rite Aide, Target, etc usually carry them for a couple of dollars.

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I second art supplies. Also, what about dress up clothes? And not just princessy-type clothes, what about a doctor or nurse outfit, native american, colonial girl, cowgirl, etc.? Now is probably a great time to shop for these because stores will carry wider selections for Halloween. Maybe her own little case of make up supplies (lip glosses, blush stick, sparkle lotion, mirror, etc)? Maybe relatives could take her out on a "date" - a special dinner or a movie, or to miniature golf? Does she have her own tea set? What about musical instruments, like a harmonica or tambourine, or some shakers? My girls have this set and have gotten great use out of it.


And I recently found this site that is full of really cool toys, many of them made of wood. I especially love this tea set, these little petit fours, and this little garden set. Way too cute!!


I hope she has a great birthday!!

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I recommend Wedgits. They are great building blocks: http://www.wedgits.com/ OR Kapla Blocks. We spend hours playing with them: http://www.kaplatoys.com/


If you do not want blocks, I would suggest First Act Discovery instruments. They sell them at Target or Walmart: http://www.firstact.com/Products/FirstActDiscovery.aspx


Hope this helps.

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I am surprised no one suggested savings bonds. Or cash for college savings.


My sister thinks that I was a mean mother to bank those checks my son received at a young age; but my sixteen year old has a lovely nest egg for college while still having had more than enough plastic junk as a young lad.


Jane (who feels that she may be ducking tomatoes here!)

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I'm planning on purchasing a Melissa and Doug wooden, magnetic dress up doll for my 3 year old niece for Christmas. It is a big step up from the paper dolls that I used to play with as a little girl. Here is an example... http://www.tambotoys.com/dressup-puzzles-c-35_41.html Disclaimer: I never purchased from this site nor do I plan to.

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Fabric has always been a big hit with my girls - a yard or two of beautiful flowing fabric, cuddly fleece, some long satin ribbons...perfect for doll play, dress-up, tents and forts, flying carpets, etc. By far, fabric has been the most-used "toy" in our house.


How about a favorite treat? I guess for a 3yo it might not be that easy. A trip to the zoo or other local fun place? Chuck-E-Cheese?

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