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Sweet and sweat are different!


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This is SO embarrassing, but I once joined a forum and meant to make my username husband'snamesweetiemyname. Yeah, I wrote sweatie instead of sweetie.  I know the difference but have to really concentrate when writing and was just in a hurry. I'm sure it gave others a good laugh.  :lol:

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I was driving our church youth once and the male chaperone had my phone texting with my dh.  The chaperone called my dh sweatie pie and dh still thought it was me.  We did it again last year.  Same male chaperone with my phone calling my dh sweatie pie.  This year when same male chaperone did it, dh finally caught on.  (This male chaperone and I seem to end up in the same van alternating driving a lot.)


I know I don't spell the best but I never call him sweetie pie!

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Losing, loosing. One is a word, one is NOT.


They are both words.


If I lose my dog, I misplace it. If I loose my dog, I untie it. If I am losing a rope, it is slipping from my fingers. This is an odd sentence, but let's go with it. If I am loosing a rope, I am making it more loose. It is more common to say "loosening", but "loosing" is still a perfectly cromulent word.

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They are both words.


If I lose my dog, I misplace it. If I loose my dog, I untie it. If I am losing a rope, it is slipping from my fingers. This is an odd sentence, but let's go with it. If I am loosing a rope, I am making it more loose. It is more common to say "loosening", but "loosing" is still a perfectly cromulent word.

I just learned something new. Weird, I tried looking it up on dictionary.com just to double check before posting and it only had loose, looser, loosest. I guess I should've just googled.


I shall amend my annoyance to the fact that it's very/most often misused or just plain spelled wrong. (Note that I didn't use misspelled, because I can never remember if it has one 's' or two, so had to go look it up to make this note. LOL)

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I just learned something new. Weird, I tried looking it up on dictionary.com just to double check before posting and it only had loose, looser, loosest. I guess I should've just googled.


I shall amend my annoyance to the fact that it's very/most often misused or just plain spelled wrong. (Note that I didn't use misspelled, because I can never remember if it has one 's' or two, so had to go look it up to make this note. LOL)


I find it helps to sorta put a mental hyphen in as you write/type it - mis-spell.


My own bugaboo (aside from diarrhea, which nobody gets right on the first try) is parallel. I always want to put paralell, even though I really do know better.

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