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Exercise Thread- August 30- September 5


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Hi, long time no see! I've been so busy with our schooling(which is going so well this year btw) and still trying to get better. My exercise has just been some walks here and there and Aerials on Saturdays. Last Saturday was a rather rough one, I still was feeling rather icky and it was the first class of our new session, it was horrible mentally and physically. It took all my willpower to even go yesterday but I'm so glad I did. My new teachers this time are very much sticklers for form (now my last teacher had warned me of this but still it is hard!) so I felt discouraged but yesterday I managed to do one thing entirely right, it seems there are inevitably some suggestions for every little thing we do so I was beyond stoked when she said I don't have any suggestions for you, you did well on that!


In other news I'm inching my way better I think, I made it into the dr this last week and my thyroid meds have been upped and I've got orders for rheumotoid arthritis tests and scans of my parathyroid and thyroid, I'm hoping those come back ok but at least I'll know. I'm trying to be stricter on my auto-immune protocol(I've been weak on nightshades!) as last tested my anti-body levels were above 900, off the charts for the lab, the dr suggested I try turmeric so I've added that to my regime, here's hoping it helps with the immune issues and also the joint pain.


For this week I'm optimistically hoping that I've got the mental and physical energy to add back in some more activity, we'll see... I do think that my increased dosage is helping already but its too soon to know for sure.

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I'll be continuing doing Fitness Blender's Mass Building program. I love it so far. I haven't been getting my steps in like I'd like so I'll be working on that this week. Also, I didn't bike ONCE last week and that is a bummer because I really do love it.


Oh, and I didn't eat well last week and my water consumption was terrible. So I will need to get that fixed.

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Rest day for me. 


This week will be challenging so this is a good opportunity to write it out and start thinking. 


Mon--Zumba, no prob

Tues--very full day. Maybe I will get in some strength training

Wed--I fly out of town. That's where this gets challenging b/c I will be gone almost a week. I can walk outside, but will have to scramble for anything else.  I am going to look up Zumba classes there and will look through my body weight training stuff and come up with some things to do.

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Wintermom- You are painting your stairs?  A color or a stain?


Yes, I`m painting the wood, as it`s not nice hardwood. I`m really hoping that the paint will be durable enough. The original thought was to paint, then put a carpet runner down the middle. I`m scared to try that, though, as there are some crazy pie-shaped stairs to navigate.

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Did my Fitness Blender exercises this morning. Probably no time for biking. I'm only at 1,311 for steps so far.  :thumbdown:


FB-  They've reorganized their site- I went back looking for a short ab workout and instead clicked around looking at things until my time was gone...


3.5 mile run, followed by 40 minutes of yoga.  


Rieshy, I'm trying to rap my head around 5 hrs of MMA.  Have fun!


I did have a blast:)  


This morning 5k walk with dh.  Tonight just 1 MMA class.  Never got my kettle bells in yesterday and know that I won't have time for it today.

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FB-  They've reorganized their site- I went back looking for a short ab workout and instead clicked around looking at things until my time was gone...



I did have a blast:)  


This morning 5k walk with dh.  Tonight just 1 MMA class.  Never got my kettle bells in yesterday and know that I won't have time for it today.


And I think they are revamping the site again. Which is good, because their calendar feature is okay but not as easy to use as it should be.


What is MMA? Off to Google. . .

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And I think they are revamping the site again. Which is good, because their calendar feature is okay but not as easy to use as it should be.


What is MMA? Off to Google. . .


My abbreviation for my mixed martial arts school.  Not UFC style- in case you google it.  We don't strike directly to the front of the face, ever- even in sparring. We belt rank in Goju shorei karate, but we train in a variety of methods including Thai Boxing and judo , and we also train in Brazilian jujitsu.  Starting soon we will rank separately in Brazilian jujitsu (different system of ranks and colors)- which makes my heart go pitter-pat.  My dream is to compete at tournaments in jujitsu.

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My abbreviation for my mixed martial arts school.  Not UFC style- in case you google it.  We don't strike directly to the front of the face, ever- even in sparring. We belt rank in Goju shorei karate, but we train in a variety of methods including Thai Boxing and judo , and we also train in Brazilian jujitsu.  Starting soon we will rank separately in Brazilian jujitsu (different system of ranks and colors)- which makes my heart go pitter-pat.  My dream is to compete at tournaments in jujitsu.


Thanks for explaining! That must burn wicked calories!

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Zumba yesterday. Hope to get in 10000 steps today and some lower body strength training, but that may not happen. Tomorrow, I travel for a week. Hope to walk 30 min each day and do some bodyweight exercises. I had thought of looking for some Zumba in the area, but on rethinking it, I don't think it's the best thing for the circumstances. I think part of "staying on the exercise wagon" is some flexibility while maintaining consistency.  I will miss Zumba classes, though! 

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Working out regularly now.  Shoulder is about 95% better and I'm starting back slowly on my hands.   Right now I'm working through all previous progressions to ensure that the shoulder is strong and stable enough. 


Finally got an instagram account.     :unsure:   From the few things I'm subscribed to I don't know if I should feel motivated or hopeless.  

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Working out regularly now.  Shoulder is about 95% better and I'm starting back slowly on my hands.   Right now I'm working through all previous progressions to ensure that the shoulder is strong and stable enough. 



Wahoo!  That's great news.  


It sucks how long rehab can take.  But then again you were doing some seriously amazing core strength type moves.  


Today 5K walk with dh this a.m.  Tonight 5 hours of work/play at MMA.  

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Walked 10000 + steps. Got on plane this a.m. Got off plane when we were "de-planed" due to a need for maintenance (potty didn't work!) . Wait was 3 hours plus sitting on planes for 2 hours. In the airport, my carry-on stuff was too heavy to walk with, so I put it on a seat and paced back and forth in front of it (I was right there so I didn't trigger a call to security but I was moving not sitting even though it could not be a brisk pace.)  So: didn't sit when I could have! 


Walked when at destination. 


I want to look into the classical stretch. 

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Negin~ the beach would be lovely

Laurie4b~good for you

Reishy~I think you must be really tough all the MMA you do


I had a very humid, sweaty, stifling run by the soybeans(the beach it's not) but I loved it because it's the first one I have gotten in this week.  Eeek! My physical and mental health are suffering but there's no way to fit everything in. I'm subbing in as a yoga teacher tonight so there'll be that too.

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Okay, so this morning was a hard arms and shoulders strength training routine from Fitness Blender. My arms were shaking pretty badly by the time I got to skull crushers so that I could only use 3 pounds while doing them.  :glare:  With school starting now, bike rides are out of the questions as are walks, unless I go in the evening but my thyroid issues make me too exhausted to do that after dinner. Oh well, at least I'm getting some workouts in in the morning.

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Wed - Walking dogs, emptying ds's room for flooring, sending a van full of stuff to goodwill, ladies doubles tennis match


Thurs - Walking dogs, carpet removal in ds's room, finishing painting stairs, mixed doubles tennis for fun


Fri - Walk dogs, celebrate stairs being finished, start flooring in ds's room, pick up new puppy to board for the weekend, host afternoon BBQ, mixed doubles tennis in evening


Sat - Walk dogs and puppy, flooring


Sun - Walk dogs and puppy, REST!

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When my oldest dd moved out in August she took 3 large bookshelves (and 22 boxes of books) with her which left my house in book disaster mode.  Yesterday afternoon I moved a huge bookshelf full of books- at least 400.  It opened Pandora's box even further.  Today and this weekend I've decided that I'm re-arranging every book in the house.  And I'm actually getting RID of books.  That aspect alone is worth at least a 10 mile run.


In other news- today I have one-on-one jujitsu workout with a Sensei.  She and I are drilling so it won't be a body workout as much as a brain workout.  Then an evening stroll with dh. 


And really - you all made me feel great.  But I'm not tough.  Picture a mat full of people working out- I'm the relatively small gray-haired enthusiastic lady who's determined but not as coordinated as anyone else there.  The only thing I'm really good at is energy.  For some reason I have that in spades.

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rieshy - I hear ya on the work-out moving books can be! When we did the flooring in our bedroom we had to move all the books. I only want some of them back again. Wouldn't it be great to have a beautiful, relaxing library, like in old British homes you see on TV?


Stair painting is finished!! But now I have to remove all the painter's tape and hope most of the paint stays where I want it to. ;)



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Jujitsu disapeared on account of the fact that someone in my house did not "know" that paper towels cannot be put in the toilet.  Grrr.


Today is a total wash workout wise- chores and a wedding.  No MMA today or Monday on account of Labor Day.  Maybe I'll try to get some gentle stretching in between hamburgers. 

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