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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Back to reality!  It was so nice to have a weekend off.  But I actually had work to do.  :p  So I am looking for that big burst of energy to get it done overnight.


The kids don't have any classes/camps Monday or Tuesday, because this is back-to-school week.  They start on Wednesday.  Monday and Tuesday will be our last chance to finish the school's summer homework, pack up the school supplies, and a few other things.


Monday's list:  (I'm writing some times so I don't forget them.)

  • Work.
  • Call gym re missing Monday class and make-up Friday.
  • Kids - do chores, bathe, do homework.  Dust and pack away the Christmas tree ornaments.  (I know.)
  • I decided to just throw out the Christmas tree rather than try to clean it, store it, and try to fix it so it works right in December.
  • Pack up some other stuff and clean up some clutter.
  • Dentist appointments for the 3 of us.  2:30 to 4pm.
  • Kids' only TKD - 5pm.  Work at TKD.
  • Quick grocery stop.
  • Dinner.
  • Meeting at kids' school 7pm - parents only.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
  • Pay bills.
  • Kids' calendar for the school year.
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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

he fed the cats


To Do:

research co-op policy manuals and print some out to take to our board meeting

breakfast for ds and I

school: history, science, LA, math, Fix-It



pay bills

go to church early and work on a project for pastor

board meeting


finish laundry

tidy house


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Morning all. This is going to be a tough week. Dh work Monday through Thursday for a total of 42 hours then he has a work related conference Fri and Sat. Since I can't rely on his help at all this week I've got to take it slow and not burn out early in the week. Small lists for me this week.


- school

- quick clean my room

- laundry folded, washed, away

- meal plan

- grocery list

- kids clean their room

- just relax and enjoy my time with the kids

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Amy, I like your new picture!


My day:

--usual daily and Monday things

--walk to gym for training session though it will be hot (dd20 had an early shift at work and took my car)

--make baguettes for dinner (gluten, how I have missed you!)

--order a gift for a friend's 50th

--pay dd15's university class tuition :eek:

--call the dr

--loads of gardening

--run to local orchard for more peaches and early apples

--continue working on administration-type paperwork for school

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Good morning! School is in full swing now. Dd1's Japanese 3 class starts today. She excited to go back and see her professor and the few students who kept going. The rest of us have stuff to do :). The full swim schedule doesn't start until Friday, so it is still sort of an easy week.


To do:

School for all

Chores for all

Quick trip to store and post office to mail stuff to ds1


Drop books off at library

OV stuff with dd1

PM practice


Have a great day!

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Pull out all the squash in the garden with fungus   Done but what a hot mess! Literally!

Blanch and freeze excess zucchini

Fix dinner for the week

20 min in sun for Vit D

10,000 steps  2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

15 min rotation cleaning: Mbed, mbath, kitchen, mbed, kitchen, mbed 

Clean drawer where mouse left its marks

Sterilize utensils from that drawer. Figure out how to keep them safe until mouse is apprehended. 


Spanish homework: prepare for test, read new assignment, memorize vocab, do review material online

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Welcome back, Jean!


  • Fold laundry that's just finished drying
  • Second load of laundry
  • Finish school with DS
  • Promote the general neatness - not done
  • Phone call(s)
  • Stop at optometrist's and also drop off the library book I'm giving up on
  • Put gas in the car
  • Figure out what's for dinner. Restaurant.
  • Make bed with clean sheets.
  • Take out trash
  • Replace kitty litter
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1 pay for rec soccer TODAY!!!

2, clean kitchen

3. laundry

4. school

5. stop by auto body place -one estimate of $1000!!!! AGH!

6 joanns for yarn

7. patient files AND bills *****

9 pay for snorkel trip TODAY

10 work


Do the unfinished first thing tomorrow.

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*  Dh has gone off to work.  I overslept and didn't get a breakfast made for him.  I told him to eat his lunch sandwich in the car for breakfast and to then get lunch out.  Don't know what he'll decide to do though.  He's working off-site so I don't know his options.


*  I dropped ds off at work and then went on to the lab.  I was a dry shriveled up turnip this morning.  I had a really good phlebotomist (she's worked on me before) but she could find nothing.  Finally she did a move that I've never seen done before - she got blood out of me by going from the top of my arm (instead of the inside where they usually look for veins).  Phew!  It's done!  


* Ate breakfast.  Took a.m. meds.

*  Made bed.  

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Sorted out clean laundry - ds and dd have their own piles of clothes to put away.

I have folded and put away all of dh and my clothes.

I have explained our new chalkboard in the hall with special chores for the day on it to both kids.

I talked to my brother who called to tell me that I have a new grand-niece.  

Ds has successfully completed his work for the day.


Next:  do a fridge/freezer/pantry inventory and make a grocery list.  


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Grocery list made.

Groceries bought.

Ds put away sleeping bags.

Both kids folded and put away their laundry.

I folded and put away dh's and my laundry.

I talked to my sister and found all the couples in the sock mosh pit and put them away.  

I checked dd's work on yardwork and helped her get it into the yard waste bin.

I took out the recycling.

I brought all the garbage bins back up from the curb.


Next:  go through the mail and separate out the bills.  

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Well, I got most of the stuff on my list done, so that is great!  I am going to have to give my hot computer a break pretty soon though.


I didn't really make the kids do much school work today.  The house was just too loud and chaotic.  The construction guys were pulling down one of the kitchen walls.  And we now don't have a kitchen table or counter (nor laundry room).  So I thought my kids were doing pretty good playing with their dolls in the room where I was working.  Things weren't much better at the dentist's office.  Back home in the evening, they were busy with chores.  Oh well.  In the end, we did start a science experiment for their school homework.


Went to the teacher meeting.  It wasn't all that exciting, but I guess I'm glad I went.


Now I am going to go through some papers while my computer cools down.

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