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Urgent question. Calms forte toddler?


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We are on day two road trip going home. 2 year old toddler does not sleep well in the car. Ed have calms forte and Benadryl along but she had neither . We are hesitant to give her Benadryl for ghat reason . Would you give calms to a 2 year d and how much? We have a 5-6 hour day of driving and we need her to get some sleep today!

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I used to use that product as a sleep aid.  I would hesitate to give it, or any other medication (I know it is not a prescription), to a child so young.  If there is a pediatric homeopathic remedy from one of the reputable companies, perhaps that would help.

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If your doctor agrees, melatonin may be a better bet if they have never had Benedryl. Some children, like mine, react exactly the opposite on Benadryl. My child went nearly manic. For four hours, she did nothing but run in circles and sing or scream. NOT what you want in a car:)

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As others have said, Benadryl prevents sleep in some children and can cause hyperactivity.


Dramamine (for motion sickness) usually makes children sleepy and comes in a chewable children's form. However, it is chemically similar to Benadryl, so there are no guarantees.


In my opinion, it would be fine to give her the Calms Forte, but I wouldn't expect it to have much effect.  It contains very, very minuscule amounts of herbals and minerals in a sugar base.

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If your doctor agrees, melatonin may be a better bet if they have never had Benedryl. Some children, like mine, react exactly the opposite on Benadryl. My child went nearly manic. For four hours, she did nothing but run in circles and sing or scream. NOT what you want in a car:)


This is what we gave 2 of our kids at 1 am when we traveled and they had chicken pox. We left the hotel at 2 am because they were jumping on the beds and running around uncontrollably.The adults couldn't sleep, so there was no point in staying! Nothing like arriving at Grandma's at 6 am without notice! Funny thing was they'd had Benedryl before and it had helped them go to sleep.


Good luck, OP!

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When my kids were young and we travel 12 hours round-trip to my parents house, we didn't give any drugs. Instead we made frequent stops for exercise and food, and had a basket of things the kids entertained themselves, with specifically books and games. The younger the kid, themore frequently we had to stop; we have been traveling like this since they were newborns ( which as you can imagine, was very difficult).

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We made it. We gave her a small dose of Benadryl. It did nothing. In Chicago,traffics, along with construction and all the oasis have vanished into the caverns of construction, we finally found some place to stop. Gave her the other have of the Benadryl dose. She finally slept for an hour and a half.


We have always traveled with kids, and for very long distances. Without DVD players, or Benadryl , ever. Love a good road trip! This child is fine in the car, she just doesn't like to sleep in the car. She is an excellent napper, any where, any place, anytime. Just not the car. We made the trip out just fine even tho she didn't nap. But after a week of being away from home, 6 hours in the car on Sunday with no nap, missed her nap on Saturday due to family pool party, we all needed her to sleep today.



To answer some more questions. Benadryl was approved by her doctor.

Calms forte was adult dosage, so,we opted not to use it.


We did not know about toddler melatonin and her mommy will check into that for their next road trip, in three weeks.

Thank you all for your thoughts.



Home again, and our little grand bug is home in her own bed. Grandma gets to sleep in tomorrow.

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We made it. We gave her a small dose of Benadryl. It did nothing. In Chicago,traffics, along with construction and all the oasis have vanished into the caverns of construction, we finally found some place to stop. Gave her the other have of the Benadryl dose. She finally slept for an hour and a half.


We have always traveled with kids, and for very long distances. Without DVD players, or Benadryl , ever. Love a good road trip! This child is fine in the car, she just doesn't like to sleep in the car. She is an excellent napper, any where, any place, anytime. Just not the car. We made the trip out just fine even tho she didn't nap. But after a week of being away from home, 6 hours in the car on Sunday with no nap, missed her nap on Saturday due to family pool party, we all needed her to sleep today.



To answer some more questions. Benadryl was approved by her doctor.

Calms forte was adult dosage, so,we opted not to use it.


We did not know about toddler melatonin and her mommy will check into that for their next road trip, in three weeks.

Thank you all for your thoughts.



Home again, and our little grand bug is home in her own bed. Grandma gets to sleep in tomorrow.


I'm glad the trip went well and your DD slept well.


Calms forte wouldn't have really done anything as there's no active ingredient. Not possible to overdose, no side effects, no interactions. No side effects. They don't expire. (From Calms Forte's own website) http://www.calmsforte.com/home/faqs/


A very good TED talk related to homeopathy.





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