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Exercise Thread July 19-26


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Yesterday I did Short and Sweet Yoga (30 min but challenging) in the am.


In the pm was push-ups, chin-ups, headstand and handstand work.


Push-ups are feeling meh. I don't know why they are harder all of a sudden. I hit 20 a couple of weeks ago I think, yesterday it seemed 10 was a push. I don't know if I've lost strength (as I haven't been pushing it as hard since I hurt my shoulder) or I've improved my form making it harder. It is hard to find a time to practice when I'm not fatigued with all the chatarangas in yoga and the upper body work in aerial. Still no dead hang chin-up but I did 3 sets, some from arms extended and then when I got tired I gave a bit of a jump, I forgot to practice negatives- oops!!! My tripod headstand is very good, I can hold it for a long time but when I go to the regular supported its not happening, urgh! I tried handstands for the first time at home unsupported, I caught air for a second a few times. I can't wait to practice them before class at Aerial the floor is spongy like at gymnastics which helps the fear factor.


Speaking of my shoulder both it and my neck are doing better. I had some soreness last week that scared me a bit but it was just DOMS. 


I felt like I worked fairly hard last week, although I've worked harder.

This week's plan:

Monday: (active rest)Short walk, light yoga and core- headstand and splits practice

Tuesday: Aerial- 90 min Tuesday (looking at catching a 60 min yoga class this day as well)

Wednesday: Ashtanga Yoga Class- Primary Series- 90 min

Thursday: Short and Sweet Yoga 30 min (home),  headstand and splits practice, walk

Friday: Short walk, light yoga and core: Push-ups, Pull-ups and Pistol Squats

Saturday: Open Aerial- 90 min (this is open gym time to go practice skills you are working on), rock climbing

Sunday: Maybe biking with the kids: push-ups, pull-ups and pistol squats

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I think some workouts are harder than others because our hormones vary slightly from day to day, especially as women. I think hormones have more power over us than we typically acknowledge.


I was diagnosed with a tilted pelvis and am being treated. I did have a muscle spasm but it was caused by a combination of my tilted pelvis and my activity, but my pelvis prevented it from healing so what should have taken 2 days to heal took nearly a month. But now I'm drug free and got the green light to work out so...


I started P90X today as it is the best full body strengthening program I've ever done and I've started a whole 30 cuz I'm a wittle chunky.

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I think some workouts are harder than others because our hormones vary slightly from day to day, especially as women. I think hormones have more power over us than we typically acknowledge.


I was diagnosed with a tilted pelvis and am being treated. I did have a muscle spasm but it was caused by a combination of my tilted pelvis and my activity, but my pelvis prevented it from healing so what should have taken 2 days to heal took nearly a month. But now I'm drug free and got the green light to work out so...


I started P90X today as it is the best full body strengthening program I've ever done and I've started a whole 30 cuz I'm a wittle chunky.

Ya, your back, so glad to hear you are doing better.

Good luck w/ p90x it is a butt kicker and good luck as well on your w30.


I think your right about hormones and also I think I should expect to go back some because I cut back for a good month. I'm feeling better now as well and hopefully I can increase without hurting myself again.

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Ya, your back, so glad to hear you are doing better.

Good luck w/ p90x it is a butt kicker and good luck as well on your w30.


I think your right about hormones and also I think I should expect to go back some because I cut back for a good month. I'm feeling better now as well and hopefully I can increase without hurting myself again.

I LOVE P90X. It's the best worst thing I've ever done. :lol: This will be my third time through. It's the only workout I've ever done that strengthened my lower back and ankles. I'm substituting Shaun T's Plyometrics and cardio for Kempo because he's better at fat loss.

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Just looking at my workout clothes is making me sweat :lol:


Between getting up at 3:45 to drive dd15 to the airport and the insane heat index, I didn't do any form of exercise yesterday. I even took a nap!


I have training in a bit. After that I'll use some cardio marchine at the gym.


And then I will collapse at home in the a/c with a glass of iced tea!

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I think some workouts are harder than others because our hormones vary slightly from day to day, especially as women. I think hormones have more power over us than we typically acknowledge.


I was diagnosed with a tilted pelvis and am being treated. I did have a muscle spasm but it was caused by a combination of my tilted pelvis and my activity, but my pelvis prevented it from healing so what should have taken 2 days to heal took nearly a month. But now I'm drug free and got the green light to work out so...


I started P90X today as it is the best full body strengthening program I've ever done and I've started a whole 30 cuz I'm a wittle chunky.


Wahoo for the green light!  I agree about hormones.  Every serious injury I've had was "achieved" during the week before menstruation.


Sunday: rest day with a 2 mile stroll with little boys.


Today: 3 mile walk with dh.  kata and Thai combo work this morning.  3 martial arts classes this evening.  I love summer.

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Two and a half weeks ago we left for vacation. I had planned to work out at our hotel gym at least every other day to keep from regressing. What wishful thinking that was on my part! The only workout I got was the walking I did at the various theme parks. I went to today's boot camp worried about how I was going to make it through the end of class, for today was cardio day. It went exactly, well worse actually, than I'd anticipated. I couldn't keep up, couldn't recover, felt dizzy and nauseous. I only did half the workout. It was a lot hotter than I'd been used to, but that can't account for everything. I'm going back tomorrow. I know I'm going to have to talk myself into it, but it's the only way to get back to where I was. Hopefully later today I'll have energy to complete the exercises I sat out of this morning.

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Heat index, storms, church and dropping my kids at camp meant the best I could do yesterday was a walk with dh. This morning I ran, did the push up thing and worked on yoga.


Soror-sounds so organized

Slache-glad your back feels better

Lucky-I like your pla,

Extended-ya' do what ya' can do

Reishy-nice work

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So training went very well :) I squatted holding 2 45lb weights (one in each hand) :D And then for giggles, i held my arms in the position to hold the weight bar across my shoulders-------and it worked! My arm moves that way now :party:


I told my trainer that my next goal is to squat with a bar in September.

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Monday: 30 min- Light Yoga +core, 15 min walk (we've been walking to "school" in the morning :) )


Today: Aerial and Conditioning 90 min


1 hr after my class ends there is a yoga studio nearby with a class that I'm considering attending, if I feel spunky enough at that point. I usually bring me a smoothie that I drink after class for a boost but whether that is enough I don't know :) I'm also considering staying up in the city for another aerial class as I have 1 free pass to use but I will probably not feel like waiting around for it.

I LOVE P90X. It's the best worst thing I've ever done. :lol: This will be my third time through. It's the only workout I've ever done that strengthened my lower back and ankles. I'm substituting Shaun T's Plyometrics and cardio for Kempo because he's better at fat loss.

I did p90x 1x, I tried to do it again but I couldn't make it through the first session just couldn't handle it again. I like Tony ok enough but it was just a bit, um, annoying to do again and although I have no problem working out for 60-90 min outside of the house I have a hard time making myself do that much at home, unless it is something like walking or biking or such.


Just looking at my workout clothes is making me sweat  :lol:

Between getting up at 3:45 to drive dd15 to the airport and the insane heat index, I didn't do any form of exercise yesterday. I even took a nap!

I have training in a bit. After that I'll use some cardio marchine at the gym.

And then I will collapse at home in the a/c with a glass of iced tea!



Wahoo for the green light!  I agree about hormones.  Every serious injury I've had was "achieved" during the week before menstruation.


Sunday: rest day with a 2 mile stroll with little boys.


Today: 3 mile walk with dh.  kata and Thai combo work this morning.  3 martial arts classes this evening.  I love summer.

Hmm, I should look at my calendar. I know I generally feel more spunky right before (probably due to rising and lowering iron levels for me which are touchy right now) so I tend to do more before my period.


Two and a half weeks ago we left for vacation. I had planned to work out at our hotel gym at least every other day to keep from regressing. What wishful thinking that was on my part! The only workout I got was the walking I did at the various theme parks. I went to today's boot camp worried about how I was going to make it through the end of class, for today was cardio day. It went exactly, well worse actually, than I'd anticipated. I couldn't keep up, couldn't recover, felt dizzy and nauseous. I only did half the workout. It was a lot hotter than I'd been used to, but that can't account for everything

Heat index, storms, church and dropping my kids at camp meant the best I could do yesterday was a walk with dh. This morning I ran, did the push up thing and worked on yoga.

I ran this morning, but the heat and my stomach kept me at a very modest pace.  I ended up doing a 1/1 walk/run ratio.  And my hips are starting to hurt. Yoga has taken a back seat because of the kids swimming schedule and I need to get back to it.  

It has been crazy hot here and I think that is effecting everyone, really. We are getting a break in the temps today here, a storm came through last night and it is supposed to be down to the 80s this week, I wish it would stay that way through August instead of 100+.


So training went very well :) I squatted holding 2 45lb weights (one in each hand) :D And then for giggles, i held my arms in the position to hold the weight bar across my shoulders-------and it worked! My arm moves that way now :party:

I told my trainer that my next goal is to squat with a bar in September.

That is sooo awesome!!! Ya you!

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Last night's classes were intense.  I am sore.  Very sore.  and out of ibuprofen.  My workout this morning will consist of buying ibuprofen and swallowing it. I have martial arts tonight but if a walk doesn't loosen me up I might have to sit it out.  I really shouldn't be this sore at just the 12 hour mark.


Luckymamma- great job on the 90 lbs squats!  

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I hope you're feeling better today, rieshy.


I made it through my workout this morning. Again the heat was bad. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it. I don't think it cools down until mid to late September here. If it was dry heat, I think I'd be okay. The humidity here makes the air so thick I have a hard time catching my breath.

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I worked so hard in Silks today. Goodness. I so wanted to make it to the top of the silks at the end of class but I made it about 2/3rds and my arms couldn't do anymore. We went through the pre-requisites for the next level and I think I have most of them but I think I'm leaning towards staying in this level for one more session so I'm stronger moving on. 


After Silks I went to do yoga, I thought I had picked out a fairly mellow class. I was wrong! It was heated and 2 min in we were into a series of yogi pushups I was pretty sure I might not make it through :) I was the old lady, it was all college girls except one guy, the girl in front of me I'm pretty sure was a double-jointed contortionist! I did ok but by the time we did more push-ups/chatarangas at the end I skipped them(my arms were already tired from Silks!). We did 2 new arm balances I've never done, fallen angel and flying pigeon, I somewhat managed to do them, it seems the more you do arm balances the easier they get, even if they aren't the same ones. Anyway, by the end of class I left a sweat soaked outline into my mat. I'm totally pooped and resting up! I'm hoping that I can do Ashtanga tomorrow as I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sore.

Last night's classes were intense.  I am sore.  Very sore.  and out of ibuprofen.  My workout this morning will consist of buying ibuprofen and swallowing it. I have martial arts tonight but if a walk doesn't loosen me up I might have to sit it out.  I really shouldn't be this sore at just the 12 hour mark.


Luckymamma- great job on the 90 lbs squats!  


Rest up and take care, sounds like you deserve it!

Recovering from a one hour 3,000 yd. swim last night. It has taken me almost two years to get to this point.  

That is awesome, I'm impressed, I can't hardly swim at all.


I hope you're feeling better today, rieshy.

I made it through my workout this morning. Again the heat was bad. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it. I don't think it cools down until mid to late September here. If it was dry heat, I think I'd be okay. The humidity here makes the air so thick I have a hard time catching my breath.

We get crazy humidity here too, it sure stinks. I hope your class is nice and early so you miss the worst of it :(

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My Fitbit charger that works has gone missing for the past couple days. I miss being able to check my "background" activity on the Fitbit.


Yesterday, I did Zumba. I have a great teacher who structures it into a HIIT routine and it kicks my butt. 


Today, I crawled through my first workout from New Rules of Lifting for Life. It took a long time because I had to find an alternate "pull" that I had equipment for at home and that didn't hurt my lower back plus many of the other exercises were new and I was trying to figure out weights. I have been doing body weight squats for a long time but tried a goblet squat today and think I may have hurt my knee with just 10 lbs. Yikes. I'll see how my knee feels tomorrow. It is not bad, so I expect it to be fine--I hope so, anyway. I'll just need to watch it more carefully.


I found "box jumps" were not for me for the power option. I won't even tell you how low the step was I tried to jump on! I did manage to jump on it, but it was too much of a "thud" landing, so I did squat jumps, which are supposed to be harder, but I guess I don't go as high and can land more softly plus I can pad the ground I'm jumping from.  


I did 3 knee push-ups (plus a set of incline on the steps and 8 eccentric full push-ups). Last week, I did my very first knee push-up, and could only manage one, so it's moving along to get to 3. haha! 

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My Fitbit charger that works has gone missing for the past couple days. I miss being able to check my "background" activity on the Fitbit.


Yesterday, I did Zumba. I have a great teacher who structures it into a HIIT routine and it kicks my butt. 


Today, I crawled through my first workout from New Rules of Lifting for Life. It took a long time because I had to find an alternate "pull" that I had equipment for at home and that didn't hurt my lower back plus many of the other exercises were new and I was trying to figure out weights. I have been doing body weight squats for a long time but tried a goblet squat today and think I may have hurt my knee with just 10 lbs. Yikes. I'll see how my knee feels tomorrow. It is not bad, so I expect it to be fine--I hope so, anyway. I'll just need to watch it more carefully.


I found "box jumps" were not for me for the power option. I won't even tell you how low the step was I tried to jump on! I did manage to jump on it, but it was too much of a "thud" landing, so I did squat jumps, which are supposed to be harder, but I guess I don't go as high and can land more softly plus I can pad the ground I'm jumping from.  


I did 3 knee push-ups (plus a set of incline on the steps and 8 eccentric full push-ups). Last week, I did my very first knee push-up, and could only manage one, so it's moving along to get to 3. haha! 

So glad you joined us!Sounds like you are doing great to me, anytime you start something new it is hard to figure out, I bet you'll progress quicker than you think (as you already are with your push-ups- I bet the real deal will come in no time). I think box jumps are more for young and spry people, invented by 20 yr men, not good for older peoples knees or women's internal organs to put so much pressure. So what pull exercise did you do? 



Getting ready to leave for yoga...90 min Ashtanga Primary Series/ Power yoga. I don't feel as sore as I thought I would be, we'll see when I start pumping out the chatarangas. Talking about periods and such I'm getting ready to start, maybe that is what is going on with my strength, I pushed it in Silks but I don't think I was as strong as I had been the week before and I'm just not feeling that spunky this morning but I had to skip last time due to dd3 being sick so I want to go. Once we make it through the sun salutations it is not as intense and I can always skip the vinyasa if needed.


I'm going to lighten the schedule tomorrow, after yesterday being more intense than I planned- I'm going to go for gentle yoga w/ skills (splits, headstand/handstand practice) and then skipping pull-work Friday, since I'll be doing that with both climbing and Aerial on Sat and I don't want to be sore

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I haven't posted workouts in a while. I haven't done too many. Yesterday I walked two miles with the dog in the morning and in the evening I finally had my first PT appointment for my diastasis recti. The therapist wasn't overly alarmed by how wide my separation is at this point, and said it probably will still get a bit worse as the baby grows, but working with her now should minimize the damage and set me up to fully repair it later.


As soon as I can get myself going this morning, I'll do my PT exercises and the Denise prenatal workout. I just bought it off Amazon instead of trying to check it out from the library again and hoping no one else puts a hold on it.

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I'm on day 3 after taking time off for vacation. You're doing P90X, right? I've heard its intense, but worth it.


It is so worth it. It works your entire body with strength, cardio, stretching, and balance. So awesome. The most complete workout I've ever done. The second time I did it I climbed Mount St. Helens in the middle of it. I could feel while climbing how my body was using the strength, endurance, and skills I'd gained in the program. Are you doing P90X too, or something else?

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I did yoga today, and it was wonderful.


soror, I hope you were able to get through those chatarangas.  I also hope you gave yourself permission to go to your knees and back off a bit if you needed to. :)

You made me smile :) I'm glad you had a good practice. 


I did all the chatarangas for the sun salutations but skipped most of the vinyasas in between the poses in the rest of the series. My brain was on vacation today, seriously. For those that do yoga I only had 1 sun salutation b I didn't mess up or forget something. It was crazy. My period started this morning and I'm blaming that along with working so hard yesterday. The rest of the poses went pretty well. I was able to a bound lotus (both sides for the first time) and was able to get my chest to the floor in Tortoise Pose.

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Haven't been checking in.  Had a bleh couple of days, but pulling myself out of it again.  Still working through family and work stress.


Fair bit of pottering before work and during lunchtime.  Worked in the garden for an hour after supper, then walked the dog.  13,400 steps.

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So glad you joined us!Sounds like you are doing great to me, anytime you start something new it is hard to figure out, I bet you'll progress quicker than you think (as you already are with your push-ups- I bet the real deal will come in no time). I think box jumps are more for young and spry people, invented by 20 yr men, not good for older peoples knees or women's internal organs to put so much pressure. So what pull exercise did you do? 



Getting ready to leave for yoga...90 min Ashtanga Primary Series/ Power yoga. I don't feel as sore as I thought I would be, we'll see when I start pumping out the chatarangas. Talking about periods and such I'm getting ready to start, maybe that is what is going on with my strength, I pushed it in Silks but I don't think I was as strong as I had been the week before and I'm just not feeling that spunky this morning but I had to skip last time due to dd3 being sick so I want to go. Once we make it through the sun salutations it is not as intense and I can always skip the vinyasa if needed.


I'm going to lighten the schedule tomorrow, after yesterday being more intense than I planned- I'm going to go for gentle yoga w/ skills (splits, headstand/handstand practice) and then skipping pull-work Friday, since I'll be doing that with both climbing and Aerial on Sat and I don't want to be sore

I did prone dumbbell rows. I tried one not prone and felt my lower back jump in to "help" so I tried the prone variation and it worked well. I think you're right about the box jumps!  


How did yoga go? 


Getting ready to leave for Zumba in a few minutes. Kind of dragging today (stayed up too late last night) but I'll still have fun. Debating whether or not to go to the pool for stretching afterward. I usually do, but not feeling it tonight. I was thinking of going to the gym to do Workout B tomorrow and will use the pool then... 

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It is so worth it. It works your entire body with strength, cardio, stretching, and balance. So awesome. The most complete workout I've ever done. The second time I did it I climbed Mount St. Helens in the middle of it. I could feel while climbing how my body was using the strength, endurance, and skills I'd gained in the program. Are you doing P90X too, or something else?

That's awesome! I bet you felt proud of that accomplishment. I'm not quite as disciplined as I'd like to be able to take on P90X yet. Right now I'm doing an hour long bootcamp class that meets at the splashpad in my neighborhood M-F.

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That's awesome! I bet you felt proud of that accomplishment. I'm not quite as disciplined as I'd like to be able to take on P90X yet. Right now I'm doing an hour long bootcamp class that meets at the splashpad in my neighborhood M-F.

That's awesome! I can't drive and I don't want to spend time I could with my husband at the gym so I'm stuck with workout videos for now. At least they're good workout videos.

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I did prone dumbbell rows. I tried one not prone and felt my lower back jump in to "help" so I tried the prone variation and it worked well. I think you're right about the box jumps!  


How did yoga go? 


Getting ready to leave for Zumba in a few minutes. Kind of dragging today (stayed up too late last night) but I'll still have fun. Debating whether or not to go to the pool for stretching afterward. I usually do, but not feeling it tonight. I was thinking of going to the gym to do Workout B tomorrow and will use the pool then... 

Rows are a good one and however you can keep good form works. I say go to the gym, you're excited about trying the workout and there is a lot to that I think, motivation is so much of keeping with it.


I posted upthread about yoga, it went ok, glad I went and stuck through it although I've certainly had better practices but there is always so much to it, so many aspects to focus on and to learn.

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Had a wonderful day- 2 hours of jujitsu drill work this afternoon with my Sensei who has been out on maternity leave. Then tonight 2 awesome martial arts classes back to back. The first one included grappling and I ended up paired with our jujitsu coach. it was a blast. Later during karate my Sensei tried to kill us with over 200 consequtive kicks with just the right leg followed by sparring.


I'll be whimpering tomorrow!

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Haven't been checking in.  Had a bleh couple of days, but pulling myself out of it again.  Still working through family and work stress.


Fair bit of pottering before work and during lunchtime.  Worked in the garden for an hour after supper, then walked the dog.  13,400 steps.


Hope the bleh's are officially over!


Today is an active rest day.  I'm  planning a long walk and some stretching and some light kata work.

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Yesterday was another active rest day. Physical therapy in the morning took two hours :eek: She tried a new stretch/massage of the back of my shoulder that killed me while there, but I had decreased pain and markedly-increased crossbody and behind-my-back flexibility afterward. The flexibility is still present this morning---I usually wake up tighter----so I am very pleased!


I'll walk to the gym in about 45 minutes for my training session :)

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Ya, luckymama, sounds like you are making great progress!


rieshy- are your legs sore this am?


Active rest here too. 30 min of light yoga and core this am and a 20 min walk. I did some headstand practice, which went very well thanks to a tip from my teacher yesterday. I still need to do some handstand and splits practice but I wasn't up for it this am, I want to do more headstands as well. 

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Zumba yesterday and Zumba tonight. Also on tap: Workout B from NROL4L. First step to that is to open the dang notebook and see what's on tap! I need to look at the warm up, too. I did that when I read the book and thought that it didn't look anything like what I've come to think of as a warm up so I've skipped it and done my own thing. I know I need to take another look. 


ETA: Did NROL4L except for the 2 exercises I need equipment at the gym to do. Butt seriously kicked. Ate a high protein meal and am sitting around getting in some recovery time before going to the gym for those 2 exercises then to Zumba. I am guessing tomorrow will be a low-key day!

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I was supposed to get out early for a walk with the dog after DH's morning run, but I overslept. We didn't get home from buying DH's new minivan (technically company-owned, perk of his promotion, but we can use it for the family too :-) ) until almost 10:00 last night. I kept asking our very tired kids if they wanted to just go home with me while DH dealt with paperwork, but they wanted to ride in the cool new van. I'll admit, I'm jealous. It's so shiny and clean and free of crumbs from kids.


Anyway...planning to take the pup when DH gets home tonight if I have enough energy.

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Had a fun lunch break: twenty minute brisk walk; twenty minutes sitting on a park bench reading a book; twenty minutes brisk walk back.


Another brisk walk this evening - 2 1/2 miles through the woods with the dog.  15,000 steps.


My yoga teacher is back from India, so I hope to go to yoga class next Tuesday.

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Have fun at Chicago Joy :)


Ann-E I'm glad you slept in, rest is more important.


Laurie- what did you think of the new workout? 


extendedforecast- So, do you think it was the volleyball that made you sore or the morning workout?


Laura- Was your teacher gone on a yoga trip, that's exciting :) I bet the walk in the middle of the day brightened your spirits.


I did get in more headstand practice and am now getting it every time, before I could get tripod headstand easily but was having such trouble with a regular one, it is like a flip switched with changing my hands. Now, I'm working on holding it longer and being able to get a pike on the way down as that is how we are to do it in the yoga primary series. Our next class is in 1.5 weeks and I might actually have it by then, I'll be so happy. I did splits practice as well, I'm getting lower! I tried a bit of handstand practice but I wasn't feeling it.


Today will be another like yesterday(light yoga + skills(handstand, headstand, splits), core and walk) but I plan to throw in some push-ups and squats in the afternoon .or evening- my goal is 3 sets.

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Slept badly last night.  Walked over to get my mammogram - about twenty minutes each way.  Might manage a light walk with the dog.  Still unsettled by the new job and other stuff.  Feeling like a wimp. Hope to manage 10,000 steps.


Soror - yes, my yoga teacher was in India being taught yoga.

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Home from vacation and immediately jumped at the opportunity to play some tennis!!  :hurray:   I really missed those fuzzy yellow balls. Also walked the dogs and we got accosted 2 different times by unleashed dogs in my neighbourhood.  :glare:  Both unleashed dogs growled and snapped at my dogs. One owner was quite apologetic and effective in controlling her dog, the other was a jerk, and I told him so. Happy days. ;)

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