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Crazy Q. Alert! How do you get music for your kids? Yourself?


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My #$%$#@ (Moderator: that's code for "lovely") DH is an IT guy. He loves computers etc etc. But he keeps me rather in the dark on how to do/access certain things.


Ancient days: I'd buy a record and play it on my stereo.


Olden Days: I'd buy a cassette and play it on my tape recorder.


Modern days: No clue. DH once told me to go to Good Will, buy old cds and we'd download them on the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Stupid me actually tried. It doesn't really work. Most of the cds at Good Will aren't that great.)


He really is a decent guy, but obviously this can't continue.


One more thing: I've long insisted on wholesome music for my kids like John Denver, some Elton John etc. I was raised with a load of Johnny Cash so I come by my "wholesome-dictate" honestly. (You do not want to hear what my 8 year old ears heard. I love Johnny and June, don't get me wrong, but still. . .)


Back to my problem: how do I access music today?


Each boy has his own MP3 player and we have a shared ipod. And several laptops.


Thanks for any and all help!



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Pandora.com     It's been awhile but I think you have to start a free account.  Then type in an artist name in the space called "Create a Station" (for example Johnny Cash).  Pandora will play Johnny and artists like him.  If you really like a song and want to insure that Pandora will play it again, then hit the thumbs up at the top of the screen.  If you do not like an artist or a particular version of a song, then hit thumbs down and they will not play it again.  


YouTube.com  - type the artist name in the top search button.  Suggestions of songs by the artists or mixes (which may or may not be all songs by that same artist since sometimes they will mix similar artists into a mix) will be on the right hand side.  


Spotify is another that my kids use but I've never used it so can't tell you how it works.  

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ITunes. It downloads directly to my iPhone or my computer. And then we hook up the kids' devices and it loads there. My 14 yo DS uses Spotify. When we got to the beach, he realized that we don't have wifi here so he couldn't listen to his music because it isn't actually on his device.

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We pay for a Google music subscription which is like $10 a month and we can access any of the albums they have. Also dh uploaded all of his on there so we access them that way conveniently. I can download them on my phone for the car or we play with our Sonos (wifi) speakers when at home. It is very, very convenient for us. Dh is a music junkie so we were spending more than that every month before. Now we rarely buy albums anymore and then only if it isn't available on Google music. I love the cloud.

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Pandora for variety - I pay $4/month in order to skip the ads


I do still get real CDs, which is ridiculous because I don't own a CD player. But my DH, also a tech guy, doesn't do Apple products, so I can't easily share my iTunes music with him. So I get the CDs, rip them to iTunes and put them on MP3 players for DD and I. Then DH can also rip them and put them on his own music playing devices.

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We have an Apple TV and a media server. Music we play in the house is stored on the Apple TV and it accesses our iTunes, as well. For the car we upload whatever we want to an iPod touch or iPhone and hook it up through the tape deck adapter (I have an ancient vehicle) and go that way.

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Amazon has a music service too. If you have Prime then you can stream a lot of music for free. They have playlists already set up as well as albums.


I use iTunes to manage my mp3s and create playlists for exercising or listening in the car, but we listen to Pandora at home most of the time.

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I have Sirius XM in my car but I'm killing it to join my dh and ds on Spotify. We have *super* eclectic tastes for obscure music and Spoitify has never let us down.


For past 8 years, we have used iTunes to manage uploaded CDs and buy the onesy-twosy nostalgic song or new discovery. But while I love my iPhone, Apple hasnt made me happy with iTunes so we are not at all committed to that software/virus.

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We have a very large collection of CDs, still being built over many years We buy them online (new) and locally from Half-Price Books (used).


For general listening, I have an "Internet radio" tied into our home wireless system.


P.S. I like Magnatune. Flat fee per month ($15 ?) lets one download anything and everything.

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