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Grade 1, 6yr old, how much time daily?

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Just wondering how much time each day, does your first grader spend doing school?


Not counting any of our group activities or read alouds. Just counting work pertaining to first grade.


For example, during the week we cover these subjects:


Phonics - Word Mastery

Sight Words

McGuffey First Reader




ARFH book A


Miquon Orange


It has been around 90mins daily and is usually split in half, so she has a break to run outside and refresh her mind. Some days, she wants to do it all in one sitting.


How long do you spend?


Do you split it up over the day or do it in one chunk?

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Just out of curiosity, are we talking about days where it goes well?  Or days where 4 math questions (not the whole worksheet, we're not even there yet) have taken 2 hours, have involved at least 18 shrieking, giggling fights with his brother, leaving the table 46 times, and talking in nonsense language every time I try to speak to him?  Days where I've broken open the chocolate stash, because....REALLY????   :cursing:



Er, I mean....I think it takes us roughly 90 minutes too, but it's broken up between the basics (handwriting, spelling, math) and the other stuff done with siblings (history, science, art.)

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Just wondering how much time each day, does your first grader spend doing school?


Not counting any of our group activities or read alouds. Just counting work pertaining to first grade.


For example, during the week we cover these subjects:


Phonics - Word Mastery

Sight Words

McGuffey First Reader




ARFH book A


Miquon Orange


It has been around 90mins daily and is usually split in half, so she has a break to run outside and refresh her mind. Some days, she wants to do it all in one sitting.


How long do you spend?


Do you split it up over the day or do it in one chunk?


sounds about right for a little 6yo person (grade level is irrelevant :001_smile: ). I didn't have to keep track of time or anything, so I didn't, but that's about how much time we spent doing Official School Stuff.


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I'm planning to have my 1st grader done in about an hour (not including family subjects he tags along on). We'll be doing LOE Foundations, SM 1A, and piano practice in that hour. He's a young 1st though with November birthday. I'm calling him 1st for outside purposes but I think of it more as "K-and-a-half" as far as my planning/expectations go. :-)

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Just out of curiosity, are we talking about days where it goes well?  Or days where 4 math questions (not the whole worksheet, we're not even there yet) have taken 2 hours, have involved at least 18 shrieking, giggling fights with his brother, leaving the table 46 times, and talking in nonsense language every time I try to speak to him?  Days where I've broken open the chocolate stash, because....REALLY????   :cursing:



Er, I mean....I think it takes us roughly 90 minutes too, but it's broken up between the basics (handwriting, spelling, math) and the other stuff done with siblings (history, science, art.)


LOL--I've taken to keeping a bag of M&Ms in the fridge at all times.  Glad to know I'm not alone.  Now that we have some meds to help with the ADHD, my life is much more sane and we're no longer spending 2 hours on just math and spelling.  But I still love having an M&Ms stash!


After our read-aloud during snack, we spend 1-2 hours on work depending how involved our "special" subject is.  (We do project-based history, science, Spanish, and art--one per day of our four work days.)  Our core subjects (math, reading/spelling) are almost always done in 45 min or less.

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We do about two hours, three days a week, inclusive of piano practice, snacks, bathroom breaks, philosophical discussions about word problems, staring off into space, picking up dropped pencils (I think there must be a weird gravitational vortex at my daughter's seat).

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Hard to say because for us time listening to read alouds, audio books, independent reading, hours spent cutting and taping and gluing and playing with clay, music lessons and practice, etc. are all an integral part of what I consider schooling. Her writing, grammar, math, phonics, etc. last year were all done in bits and pieces throughout the week. All in all I'd guesstimate that was maybe a couple of hours most days, but then again there were plenty of days when her "work" for the day consisted of listening to an audiobook while building with Legos all morning, then going to park day with other homeschoolers for the afternoon followed by choir practice and a trip to the library. 

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We do about two hours, three days a week, inclusive of piano practice, snacks, bathroom breaks, philosophical discussions about word problems, staring off into space, picking up dropped pencils (I think there must be a weird gravitational vortex at my daughter's seat).


LOL!  The picking up dropped pencils...I can SO relate! I'm sure he must spend an hour each day dropping pencils, awkwardly leaning down to reach the pencils without leaving his chair...eventually falling off the chair...finally getting the pencil & sitting back down...repeat multiple times!  Some days very frustrating...helps to laugh about it and realize we are not the only ones  :lol:


My little guy just finished 1st grade.  We took about 2-3 hours start to finish.  However, he had quite a few breaks to play and run around while I worked with his 3 older brothers. If we worked straight through everything we would probably finish in about 1 1/2 hours.

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