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Why do people let their dogs bark?

Sarah CB

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I let my dogs bark because when the HOA banned basketball hoops all the teens in the neighborhood started hanging out and skateboarding out front of my house. At first I didn't mind since they needed somewhere to hang out but then they started being destructive. They unintentionally broke a side mirror on my car, but their carelessness and not being remorseful made me not trust them around anymore. So I let my dogs stay out back barking at them for 2 days straight. The third day they didn't return. Now I let my dogs bark anytime they decide maybe my street is a good place to start congregating again. I would happily welcome more responsible kids but they aren't in my neighborhood.


Oh and it also scares the birds and squirrels that my neighbors feeders attract away from my fruits and veggies. But if they are directly barking at a person other than teens congregating I make them stop and they listen

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If we didn't let in our barking dog, the neighbours would phone by-law and we'd potentially receive a fine if we didn't fix the problem.


I like our neighbours.  They seem like really nice people so I'd rather not call by-law.  I just don't get how they can let their dog continually bark.  

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I let my dogs bark because when the HOA banned basketball hoops all the teens in the neighborhood started hanging out and skateboarding out front of my house. At first I didn't mind since they needed somewhere to hang out but then they started being destructive. They unintentionally broke a side mirror on my car, but their carelessness and not being remorseful made me not trust them around anymore. So I let my dogs stay out back barking at them for 2 days straight. The third day they didn't return. Now I let my dogs bark anytime they decide maybe my street is a good place to start congregating again. I would happily welcome more responsible kids but they aren't in my neighborhood.


Oh and it also scares the birds and squirrels that my neighbors feeders attract away from my fruits and veggies. But if they are directly barking at a person other than teens congregating I make them stop and they listen


I'd let my dog bark in that case, too.  Or I'd turn on my outdoor speakers and play some kid music - like Raffi.

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My guess is that many people just don't "hear" them.  You remember when you were young and single and kids often seemed so noisy?  And then you had kids and got used to it?  Like that.


(All references to "you" are generic, of course.  And remember . . . I said it's a guess. ;))

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My guess is that many people just don't "hear" them.  You remember when you were young and single and kids often seemed so noisy?  And then you had kids and got used to it?  Like that.


(All references to "you" are generic, of course.  And remember . . . I said it's a guess. ;))


Maybe.  I guess that's the only thing that makes sense.  Except it's hard for me to imagine because I have a dog and I'm very aware of when she's barking and I always call her in right away so she doesn't bug anyone.  


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Maybe.  I guess that's the only thing that makes sense.  Except it's hard for me to imagine because I have a dog and I'm very aware of when she's barking and I always call her in right away so she doesn't bug anyone.  


I'm the same way.  I rarely let mine go outside alone, even though our back yard is securely fenced.  But on the rare occasions I do, if he so much as barks one time I head out lickety split to make sure he's okay.


But just walking around my neighborhood tells me most people aren't like us . . . .

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We just moved from a neighborhood where there were at least three separate yippy dogs that took turns barking at each other all day every. single. day.  I'm not sure if their owners were home all day and didn't want them inside, or if they were gone and just kept them locked out of the house.  At times it was so bad that we couldn't hold a conversation at a normal level in the backyard.  

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We let ours bark, because they are usually barking at predators. But, then we live in the country. 


I hate it when people just let their dogs bark.  Especially the neighbors at my inlaw's that let their dogs bark at me and my kids while we are playing in the back yard.  lol I would always yell at them to shut up.  That would get the owner's attention, usually.

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Well, I had a former neighbor/relative who simply didn't see what the big deal was.  Even when I called her at 6AM to get her obnoxious dog off my front porch, where he was yapping his head off and waking me up.  Even when I called her to get her dog out from in front of my dh's office window where he was trying to have a conference call over the din the dog was making.  Even when he was in my flower bed digging up bulbs and eating them.  

We were just impatient and didn't like her having a dog  :glare: We like dogs.  We have a lovely one ourselves.  But we bring her inside when she starts barking.


She moved, thankfully, before the dog had to "run away".  

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I mean people who are at home and have neighbours next to them.  If your dog is outside incessantly barking wouldn't you let it in?  

 Because they are insensitive, self-centered idiots. 


I've had to move before because of people like this.  No amount of telling them  -no matter how nicely - sunk in. 

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We are guilty of ignoring barking sometimes. For us, it's that sometimes I don't realize it's my dog. There are dogs behind us as well and sometimes I don't realize it is ours barking. The other reason is that our dog likes to go in and out all day. Sometimes I think she is inside barking to go out only and I'm waiting for the kids to let her out and then I realize she is already out. If she is outside really incessantly barking though I hope I'd notice and let her in. 

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 Because they are insensitive, self-centered idiots. 


I've had to move before because of people like this.  No amount of telling them  -no matter how nicely - sunk in. 


This.  Absolutely This.


Dogs in our neighborhood have plenty of real things to bark at - bears, moose (especially bad with young calves!), scary UPS drivers.   Certain times of the year are more "barky" than others.   But there's no reason to let an animal go on and on - if you want them to do a good job alerting you, you have to pay attention and respond when they bark!

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At our old house we had neighbors who let their dog bark ALL NIGHT LONG.   It woke the baby up, made it impossible to go to sleep, it was awful.   I started calling them at 1am or 2am every night and I would VERY sweetly say "Mr. So-and-So!   I think something must be bothering or attacking your dog!  He's been barking for quite a while, so loudly we can hear him in the house.  Can you check on him to see if he's okay?"  :)     After several middle of the night phone calls, they started keeping their dog in at night.   Any time they'd try to start leaving him out, barking all night long, I'd start calling again.    

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Well, last night, mine barked all night long. The coyotes were out in full force! The Akbash is feeling vulnerable because the Pyr is busy with the puppies. She did her part by sounding off every few minutes. However, if you can hear my dogs, you're trespassing. 




Off topic, but an Akbash can hold off a pack of coyotes without concern? Do they brawl, or do the coyotes stay completely clear?



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