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Exercise Thread ~ June 21st - June 27th


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Yesterday dh and I went for a walk that morphed into a 7 mile walk/hike :lol: We started on neighborhood streets, hooked up with the city bike/walking trail, stopped after almost 5 miles at the Starbucks downtown for iced decafs (and extra cups of ice :lol: ), and then hiked through the state park woods on our way home on more neighborhood streets.


It was awesome :party:


We have to increase our hiking stamina before Alaska :D

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PT exercises and a small walk Sunday. Poor dh has plantar fascitis and is having trouble walking long distances, which really stinks as that was something I loved to do with him. 

Yesterday dh and I went for a walk that morphed into a 7 mile walk/hike :lol: We started on neighborhood streets, hooked up with the city bike/walking trail, stopped after almost 5 miles at the Starbucks downtown for iced decafs (and extra cups of ice :lol: ), and then hiked through the state park woods on our way home on more neighborhood streets.

It was awesome :party:

Sounds like wonderful fun!

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Yesterday dh and I took a nice long walk (sadly we have no Starbucks or lovely paths, we looked at the standing water in the fields though :huh: ). I took a long run this morning. I haven't in awhile. It was lovely except for the mosquitoes. Yikes, they are terrible. I'm sure I looked amusing ~run, slap, run brush back, run,swipe neck. I hope to take my kiddos swimming this afternoon. We are scheduled for thundershowers at some point but I believe it's supposed to be about 5pm after it's good and hot. DD is supposed to have a soccer game at 5:30 but we shall have to wait and see. Enjoy a lovely Monday all.

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4 mile run this morning followed by 400yds of swimming.  It does feel good to swim after my run.  The run was hard but not awful.  I have at least 2 kids down with a stomach bug (my youngest thinks he could be sick, but is unsure.).  I'm afraid it may derail my week.  My kids get sick and over it quickly, but stomach things have taken me down for close to a week.  I hope I avoid the worse of this one. 

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Absolutely nothing since DD talked me into a very short mother-daughter run to the school for a Cub Scout activity Saturday morning. I did manage to fit into a regular running skirt that I haven't worn in a while. I think the baby will give me a few more weeks to wear it if I can keep the waistband below my belly. I need to get some maternity workout clothes, but I hate spending the money on something that I won't be wearing for very long. Any suggestions for good places to look?


I've had a migraine since yesterday and today is humid and dark, threatening storms, so I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow. I'm a little jealous of those who are getting in good workouts.

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Kim- glad the running is going better, hopefully the bug passes quickly.


AnnE- no idea on maternity workout wear but I've found some nice but cheaper stuff at KMart and also Target. They have some models that are low rise so perhaps that would be low enough? I just wore my regular yoga pants before until I killed the elastic :)


40 min done- PT- Shoulder neck, stretches and exercises; Core work; push-up and pull-up work


I've officially finished Mutu but I've kept at it, probably about 5 days a week, I aim for 7 but don't usually make it that much. Since I've finished I just pick about 5-7 exercises and do those, some MuTu and some not. I tried hanging leg raises today but my abs said I wasn't ready as they started bulging. 


I did pushups nice and slow to try and make sure I'm using both shoulders evenly. 


I've been in a yoga funk since I hurt my neck, it is feeling better but still causing me some issues. Feeling a little meh right now about it and it is just not feeling like a balanced thing to only focus on it, I think especially with Ashtanga there is too much push work without any real work on the pulling muscles. 


Anyway, I'm playing a lot with functional movement, MovNat stuff and Katy Bowman, crawling, hanging, climbing and other fun stuff.


One week from tomorrow I start my Aerial Silks class, I'm crazy nervous but this is a newb class and I'm thinking I'm fitter than the average newbie so it should be ok.

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Absolutely nothing since DD talked me into a very short mother-daughter run to the school for a Cub Scout activity Saturday morning. I did manage to fit into a regular running skirt that I haven't worn in a while. I think the baby will give me a few more weeks to wear it if I can keep the waistband below my belly. I need to get some maternity workout clothes, but I hate spending the money on something that I won't be wearing for very long. Any suggestions for good places to look?


I've had a migraine since yesterday and today is humid and dark, threatening storms, so I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow. I'm a little jealous of those who are getting in good workouts.


I don't recall doing any (or missing any) heavy-duty work-outs while pregnant; just being pregnant was work-out enough for the most part. I tried continuing with Taekwon-Do, and the dobak was perfect to wear as there was a drawstring. I quickly discovered that there were just too many movements that I wasn't comfortable doing so I had to cross-train during pregnancies. I did aquafit, and was able to fit into my regular swimsuit. I also did yoga, and just wore the pants low under the baby-belly. Other than that, I walked - not special clothes needed. 


You could try looking at conseignment stores for exersice clothing to wear while and just after pregnancy. I'm like you and didn't want to spend big bucks on temp clothing. 

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4 mile run this morning followed by 400yds of swimming.  It does feel good to swim after my run.  The run was hard but not awful.  I have at least 2 kids down with a stomach bug (my youngest thinks he could be sick, but is unsure.).  I'm afraid it may derail my week.  My kids get sick and over it quickly, but stomach things have taken me down for close to a week.  I hope I avoid the worse of this one. 


So sorry about the stomach bug- I hope you avoid it!


Today- I did fb abdominals/cardio early this morning with my 20 yo dd.  I should have saved the link to post.  We only did half of It- was full of burpees- ugh. Plus I worked through 4 katas and did some bo staff.  Tonight I got to go to double martial arts classes and then free rolling time afterwards.  I am sore and happy.

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I used to work out twice a day, and I'd like to do that again. It's just really really hard to do that. It's easier to get my workout in when the kids are in bed. By late afternoon/evening things are hectic and it's difficult trying to squeeze out some more time. I need to though cause by 5 or 6 in the evening I have zero patience left. I am done. Toast. I'm snappy at everyone cause I just want everyone TO LEAVE ME ALONE.


Not that having a high schooler, middle schooler, and brand new primary schooler is wearing me thin or anything.


This morning HIIT (evan burpees are a bugger), added 5 min torture (after the first workout my thighs were refusing to work near the end), and cool down. This afternoon I'd like to do a low impact. We'll see if I manage. 



And the kids are fighting about who gets what for breakfast. Sigh. The day begins.....

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Well, I think I got that stomach bug, but it just has been a bit off, not too bad as long as I don't eat much. I pushed and ran 4 miles this morning. I don't think it was a smart decision.  I am determined to get back to my regular running milage, but my body is not with me on this and forcing 4 miles while sick was very, very hard.  I feel competely whiped out and I'm going to have a hard time getting through my day.  My two youngest boys are supposed to have their last little league game tonight, but it's looking like rain.  I want them to be able to play, but I would love to not go to that game. 

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Sunday was a rest day. Yesterday I cleaned all day in preparation for my parents visit. I focused on my kids rooms upstairs, so hopefully all the stair climbing and vacuuming helped a little. Today I went to my bootcamp class. My abs are still sore from Friday! Seriously, I was having to use my old moves from when I had my c-sections to get out of bed all weekend. I think it was the kick-backs that made me so sore on Friday. The instructor said that we'd be doing more abs and back, so hopefully I'm not so sore tomorrow.

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I'm considering taking next week as a total rest week.  I've not taken a whole week off on purpose (and without illness or injury) for a very long time but I keep feeling twinges of charlie horses that are a little off and am wondering if I just need a break.  My martial arts school will be closed so I wouldn't have to miss classes.  How many of you ladies do this?  


As far as today's workout- a mile walk in almost 100 degree weather.  It was actually more like a walking swim given the humidity:( 


My left calf is aching (the one I tore a year ago)  so I'm not sure about tonight's martial arts class....

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Reishy- I took a weak off and it was a good thing.

Kim-hope you're feeling better

wintermom-hot tub sounds great


I took a 10k walk with dh and did yoga today. My back is still off. I can run, walk, etc but standing up from a forward fold is a no go. I'll be teaching by pushing myself up with my hands.

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Joy- take care of your back!


reishy- while we were gone on vacation all I did was hike/walk for 2 wks, it was great for me I think. I think our bodies need rest and downtime, otherwise we get run down and injured. Enjoy the time off!


Kim- I hope you take today off and just get better!!!


Yesterday: 30 min- shoulder/neck pt exercises/stretches and core; No official walk but outside time walking around and playing with the girls


Today; 1.5 hr Ashtanga Class and PT; crazy nervous; need to get in gear so I can eat a bit before I go

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Yesterday I did the Denise Austin prenatal cardio and strength training dvd, plus a couple short walks. This morning the dog and I walked 1.6 miles since DH had to be at an early meeting and I didn't have a lot of time. TMI, but I'm now trying to decide if I need to call my midwife about the occasional dripping feeling I've been having for a couple days. Hard to tell if it's bladder, normal pregnancy stuff, or amniotic fluid to be worried about. If it continues during a couple errands this morning, I'm calling when we get home.

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Yesterday I did the Denise Austin prenatal cardio and strength training dvd, plus a couple short walks. This morning the dog and I walked 1.6 miles since DH had to be at an early meeting and I didn't have a lot of time. TMI, but I'm now trying to decide if I need to call my midwife about the occasional dripping feeling I've been having for a couple days. Hard to tell if it's bladder, normal pregnancy stuff, or amniotic fluid to be worried about. If it continues during a couple errands this morning, I'm calling when we get home.



I hope you get your question  answered- How far along are you?



3 mile walk with dh this morning.   

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Thinking of you Ann-E, hope its nothing!


Luckymama- totally jealous- its not so great here, a very toasty week.



Yoga done, it went well. I skipped all the shoulderstands and plows since my neck is still hurting. I did do my headstand but did it on the wall and held it easily, just need to practice more. 


Hoping for a walk tonight after super.

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I injured my back a few days ago. My sister in law is coming for a visit and sleeping in our gym (why do people keep calling it a living room?) so I'm just going to wait until she leaves. I think I'm done with Shaun T. At least every day. This is my second injury from his programs and I've never injured myself working out before.

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I've been training a new person at work, so no time to walk at lunchtime. She was throwing up on Tuesday, so I'm hoping I haven't caught anything.


Anyway. Slow walk with dog and Husband last night not quite 10,000 steps. Brisk walk through sopping wet fields and into the woods with dog tonight for 12,000 steps. I discovered that my new waterproof hiking boots are not - fifteen minutes through wet grass and my socks inside were soaked. Very irritating as they are very comfy.

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Thanks for the good thoughts. I called my midwives' office and was reassured, from what I described, that it's probably bladder issues (yay 3rd babies), but to call if it gets worse. I'm 18 weeks, so definitely way too early for any amniotic fluid to be coming out.

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I've been training a new person at work, so no time to walk at lunchtime. She was throwing up on Tuesday, so I'm hoping I haven't caught anything.


Anyway. Slow walk with dog and Husband last night not quite 10,000 steps. Brisk walk through sopping wet fields and into the woods with dog tonight for 12,000 steps. I discovered that my new waterproof hiking boots are not - fifteen minutes through wet grass and my socks inside were soaked. Very irritating as they are very comfy.

Can you spray them? That's how I make my shoes waterproof. 

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I ended the day with a leisurely walk, which was all I could handle after 90 min of Ashtanga Yoga and PT.


Today's plan: active rest day

PT appt


core and gentle yoga

The tennis match was really good tonight. Lots of great rallies and good plays. I finally felt like I belonged in this league - both mentally and skill-wise. It's a nice feeling.  :001_smile:  

So good to feel like you belong!


Dh arrived home craving a specific food from one of our favorite restaurants downtown. So I made dinner for the girls (dd20 was working all day), and then dh and I walked to dinner :D. Almost 4 miles roundtrip.

Sounds like a great evening.


Thanks for the good thoughts. I called my midwives' office and was reassured, from what I described, that it's probably bladder issues (yay 3rd babies), but to call if it gets worse. I'm 18 weeks, so definitely way too early for any amniotic fluid to be coming out.

Ya for bladder leakage :)

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I was looking for completely waterproof - they supposedly had a breathable layer, like Gore-Tex.  Does spray work well?  

It does, but wears off so you have to reapply periodically. 



I was not feeling it today. Slept badly due to having youngest in bed with me and he kicked me all night. 


Recovery cardio and abs. It was a fun ab video. Some new moves. 

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So good to feel like you belong!


It's a little ironic that it was this particular match gave me such confidence. The team we played are on the snobbish and "thou are not worthy to pick up my tennis ball" end of the participants range in this league. I guess at ages 55+ some of them are still expecting a phone call from the pro tour inviting them to play at the US Open, or something.  :lol:   Most everyone else is just thrilled to still be able to play a great match and be able to move the next day! ;)

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Thinking of you Ann-E, hope its nothing!


Luckymama- totally jealous- its not so great here, a very toasty week.



Yoga done, it went well. I skipped all the shoulderstands and plows since my neck is still hurting. I did do my headstand but did it on the wall and held it easily, just need to practice more. 


Hoping for a walk tonight after super.



I have a headstand assit machine (it's niffty) but you can make one with two chairs and some pillows.  It will take any pressure off of your neck. 





There's a picture on that page for what I'm talking about.  

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