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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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clean kitchen


allergy shots - ETA - ds just reminded me that he is now on once a month maintenance so we don't do shots tomorrow

not sure what else, there is so much to do that I just can't decide. . . .  OK - if I'm not going to have to spend 3 hours of the day getting ds' allergy shots then I can spend the day getting all my new meds and supplements lined up.  

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Need to get a lot of work done Thursday.  Need to start by getting some sleep tonight.

  • Work before kids get up.
  • Kids up & ready for camp.
  • Morning housework.
  • Drive kids to camp, self to "office."
  • Work until 4:15.
  • Camp pickup at 4:30, but we will have time to putz a little in the museum today.
  • Dinner.  Some school work at some point on the fly.
  • Kids to gymnastics.  Work while they're gymming.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Dd16 takes her driving exam today - I fear she will not pass because she is so overly cautious and slow! :D


For Today:

Done Tidy


Roll up sleeping bags

Done Lesson prep

Done Teach cello lesson

Done Teach violin lesson

Done Story time

Done Fish bowl

Done Dd to driving test

Done Dds to youth group

Done Grocery/craft store

Done Pick up dds


Lunch - sandwiches, fruit

Dinner - pasta, veggies, salad

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Today I get to

--make cherry pie filling for the freezer (and a pie for tonight :D)

--dry more cherries once the dehydrator finishes with this batch

--work out w the gym trainer, walking there if the rain clears or using an elliptical or bike if it doesn't

--do my usual daily chores

--take dd to Lenscrafter to pick up her new glasses

--take dd to DSW for new sneakers

--schedule eye dr appointment for me

--decide how to fill out dd's camp medical form...


And I probably should do some weeding once the rain stops. On the plus side, they'll pull out easier!

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Good morning! It looks like we are headed in a hot spell, so after I get back this morning, I will check vents and curtains I case I am forced to turn on the AC. Our unit might be on its last legs (or so we were told....never sure I trust those guys), so I plan to use it sparingly this summer. It is sort of a not useful day for me today, tons of driving.


To do:

AM practice

Home to chores, kitchen, etc

Some school administration

Some school planning

PM practice

Home for grab chair, hat, sunscreen

Ds3 to track

Judo pick up (ds2 strained an oblique on Monday, still sore, so maybe no judo)


Have a great day, everyone!

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Tomorrow is the last day of school around here! yay!  (sorry, not homeschooling at this time!)  Unfortunately, I volunteered to help today at the end of year party for my 6th grader.  Fun!


to do:

pick up mini water bottles

teacher gift

drop off water bottles

head to the school

run the popcorn machine for a couple of hours - try not to burn anything down

pick up stuff for t-shirts

see if I can make my own stencil for scout shirts

something for dinner - I think maybe hamburgers

walk around lake with youth group tonight.  I hope we don't get rained out!

It's going to be a great day!

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Baby is still miserable. If she's awake she's crying. You can hear it in her cry that her throat hurts. Today my energy is back but my throat is still in so much pain. No signs of others being sick this morning. I was unable to do anything yesterday so some of that list is on today's list.


- laundry washed, folded, away

- clean my room

- call drywall guy

- help kids pack overnight bags

-clean kitchen

- get dh to clean bathroom

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- take paper to dh for him to sign- done

- get money, drop off paper- done

- booked for lunch program with the girls- done

- drop off raffle ticket and money- another day

- get milk and few other things- done

- laundry- in dryer

- dishes- done

- fold laundry

- school work- took notes on one chapter of A&P, did exit quiz and tutorial quiz for it too.

- dinner- done

- school work

- baths- done (dd2 took 2 baths, one after playing in the mud with dd1 and again after painting)

-bedtime routine

- school work

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I'm having trouble transitioning from going 100mph school day mode to a more relaxed summer vacation mode. There are things that need to get done, like cleaning house a little more deeply than just a quick vacuum and dust, but it's hard to get motivated. Besides, I have a cold and just don't feel good anyhow.


1) Summer school ds1 - done!

2) basketball camp - boys are there!

3) tackling grime - almost done

4) clean up laundry room - done

5) wipe down doors - got 3 done

6) clean sliding glass door and frame - done

7) work on curriculum purchasing - will do that this afternoon

8) make a huge pitcher of iced tea!


Have a good day everyone! Stay cool. It's supposed to be 103 degrees here today. But it's going to cool down to 100 degrees tomorrow. Better get out the coats. ;)

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I just wiped down the cabinets on the north side of the kitchen with this wood oil stuff and I windexed the glass in the cupboard doors. It needed to be done, but one thing I hate about that deeper cleaning stuff.... it doesn't show up that much. I mean, yes, the wood is shinier and looks better, but no one is going to notice. I spend half an hour on this task and I get no kudos. I need to stop whining, but ... that's just one thing I hate about deep cleaning - you know things are cleaner, you are taking care of your stuff, but it's just not obvious to everyone.

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I just wiped down the cabinets on the north side of the kitchen with this wood oil stuff and I windexed the glass in the cupboard doors. It needed to be done, but one thing I hate about that deeper cleaning stuff.... it doesn't show up that much. I mean, yes, the wood is shinier and looks better, but no one is going to notice. I spend half an hour on this task and I get no kudos. I need to stop whining, but ... that's just one thing I hate about deep cleaning - you know things are cleaner, you are taking care of your stuff, but it's just not obvious to everyone.

I completely understand :)
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We were at the pool 9-2.

Home to recover and eat dinner. 

Roller skating with church friends tonight.



Bake brownies for fundraiser.

Cook bacon. Set up kitchen and DR for breakfast.

Wrap birthday gifts for Ds and sign cards.

Tidy the house, pick up and put away.






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Rest of laundry folded and put away.

Garbage dealt with.

Kitchen cleaned.

Lunch eaten

Talked to the pharmacist at the compound pharmacy 

Got the chiro to squeeze me into the schedule.

Went to the grocery store so that dd could get ingredients for her cookie order.

Dd has baked her cookie order and is packaging it.  

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