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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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 normal routine of up early milk cow and process twins


GP appointment


do lunch and clean up


 afternoon schoolwork with ds11- so so glad dd15 is intrinsically motivated and does everything herself


had call form twins case manager.- she wants me to get the twins to make birthday cards for birth parent and teach them the song so next access visit they can sing and hand them over- we actually do not celebrate birthdays. Case manager knows- this it is written in our files. Why oh why does she try to make life difficult. why can she not work with us and be a support for us. Discussed with DH and we decided that the twins can do a few pages of their predrawing ( scribble) and they can just hand it to birth parents without all the fanfare.


cooked spaghetti sauce for tea then went and refereed U19 boys basketball semi-finals


came home to find Dh had cooked the pasta, fed twins and got them to bed


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Morning all! Dh has a dental appointment today because his tooth hurts a lot. So I'll be spending the morning praying it's not a super expensive fix since we have no dental insurance. Thanfully we have an emergency fund.


- continue cleaning downstairs(it is slow going but I'm almost content with the amount of crap I've decided to keep)

- continue cleaning my room

- pet sit

- exercise DVD or walk outside

- park with kids?

- work with budget

-read for an hour

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Today's plans, always subject to change ;)


--make a gluten-free, dairy-free cake w strawberries for breakfast (trying to pinpoint the girls' pain sources)

--trim those blackberry canes

--pick lettuce?

--weed as necessary

--mulch blueberries w last of the peat moss

--make strawberry jam before it gets hot

--daily and Wednesday things

--lunch out w dh and a friend who will be going next week on the same China trip we did last summer :)

--send a thank-you note

--hopefully talk to dd's dr today

--dd ballet 6-8

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return library books

pick up milk and bagels

play with friends

meeting at church

craft store

make dinner - forgot a key ingredient to the planned meal so making something up!

evening swim practice - nixed this, too much traffic, we need down time

make AHG SWAPS for demos (girls are making them tomorrow) - nixed this too, rescheduled



We got the food things and the friends one in and those were the most important! ;)

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Morning all! Dh has a dental appointment today because his tooth hurts a lot. So I'll be spending the morning praying it's not a super expensive fix since we have no dental insurance. Thanfully we have an emergency fund.


- continue cleaning downstairs(it is slow going but I'm almost content with the amount of crap I've decided to keep)

- continue cleaning my room

- pet sit

- exercise DVD or walk outside

- park with kids?

- work with budget

-read for an hour


Ugh, dental emergencies are a nightmare for us too.  Hope it goes well and it isn't too expensive. 

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Today's plans, always subject to change ;)


--make a gluten-free, dairy-free cake w strawberries for breakfast (trying to pinpoint the girls' pain sources)

--trim those blackberry canes

--pick lettuce?

--weed as necessary

--mulch blueberries w last of the peat moss

--make strawberry jam before it gets hot

--daily and Wednesday things

--lunch out w dh and a friend who will be going next week on the same China trip we did last summer :)

--send a thank-you note

--hopefully talk to dd's dr today

--dd ballet 6-8


Hope you can figure out what is going on with your girls.  <3


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Well it's a root canal or tooth extraction for dh. I told him it was obviously his decision and not to worry about the cost, we'll figure that part out later. They got him an appointment with a specialist this afternoon so he's got a few hours to decide

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Please pray I pass this math test, I'm going to be late to class due to sitter availablity issues (not her fault, it's their last day of school and she's my back up). I know my girls will love having her sit them :D


Good luck!


Once I had a car accident on the way to an accounting test.  I was late, but the teacher was understanding.  Surprisingly, I got 100% on the test (nobody else did).  I think the unusual stress threw my brain into overdrive.

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Last night I went to bed rather early because my home internet wasn't working.  (It has not been a good week for internet!)  So I thought I'd get up early, but I didn't.  My kids came into my bed after 9am and snuggled and read.  :)  They are so motivated and pleasant today (so far).  I hope it rubs off on me.  :)


This morning I learned that the weekend scout trip has been called off due to expected thunderstorms.  So now I think I will do a TKD camp instead.


Today's list:

  • Get kids going with breakfast, packed lunch, and work list.  [done]
  • Work until about 12:30.  [done]
  • Kids to gym camp.  Try a new location to work at while they are at camp.  [done]
  • Family TKD.  [done]
  • Dinner at some point.  [done]
  • Kids' tennis lesson if it isn't rained out.  [done]
  • Hopefully get some house things done in the evening.
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight (or later if I'm on a roll).
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Ok all done with the first list.... The girls loved the new sitters (ok it probably helps that they met before and have played together) I like it because there is automatic built in backup with other sisters in the family :) I've hired them for the summer because I know they are reliable and the girls are really happy

- school work (A&P)

- call in dh's scripts- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- pay rest of bills (waiting for dh to see how he wants them done)- will do later but I know what he wants done

- grocery shopping (need to pick up a few things for school too)- dh and dd1 are going, dd2 is finally napping

- baths

- bedtime routine

- more school

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Got through my list plus a few extra things.  Too bad it has been so muggy out.  It's hard to enjoy the outdoors like this.


This evening, I learned that the maids are coming tomorrow.  I guess my "please give me more notice than one day" didn't get across.  But since I wanted to clean up anyway tonight, I'm not too irritated.  Plus, they are coming at 1pm and my kids don't have anything in the morning, so it won't be too crazy.  Though, finding something for my kids to do so they don't distract the maids will be interesting.  Normally they are at school or camp in the daytime.


I have to finish 2 loads of laundry and go through a lot of my kids' crap, and I'd like to do this overnight, but I don't know if it will happen.  I also have a lot of "work work" that I would like to get through before morning.  But that bed looks awful good too.  Let's see what happens.

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