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Exercise Thread ~ June 7th - June 13th


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Yesterday I managed 12,000 steps between a three mile walk with the dog, the farmers' market, and grocery shopping. And then I ate way too much at my dad's birthday party. This morning I dawdled too long thinking about getting up for another walk before the rain started. Maybe I'll get out sometime later if the storms settle down.


I'm trying to figure out an exercise plan for the week. The kids have vbs starting fairly early, and I'm planning to work on school stuff while they are occupied, so any exercise will need to happen before 7:00am. DH is two weeks into marathon training, so I need to plan around his runs too. And that sounds like a lot of excuses.


I hope everyone has a great week!

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I forgot to post last week. I played doubles tennis 3 evenings in a row and was pro level by the third night.  :leaving:   It sure seemed like it. :laugh:  I could actually hit the ball pretty hard and keep it in the court!  


Yesterday I went for a run/walk with the dog. He was so excited to run that pulled me along way too fast (he's only 50 lbs but mightly powerful legs!). I'll have to teach him about pacing oneself. ;)


This evening I'll be playing doubles tennis. We'll see if I've dropped back down to amateur status after one day off.  :crying:

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I drove part way cross country last week and dropped in on a few martial arts studios.  I got in 3 fabulous Brazilian Jujitsu workouts- alas no karate.  I also walked 4 miles 2x and swam a few times.


Today is a recovery day :tongue_smilie:

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Tennis was amazing tonight! 1.5 hrs of ladies doubles, followed by 1 hr singles. It was a great run around and full-body work-out.

I've never played tennis but it looks fun and like a heck of a workout.




We *did* have our maiden voyage of the canoe yesterday. From the launching spot up the road it is down river, so we paddle as hard and far as we can up river, find a nice looking gravel bar and then get out and play around.  My stamina and strength was greatly increased from last year, on our way up I never stopped rowing (I don't know how long we rowed but we were gone 2 hrs total)! We all had a great time and are looking forward to doing it again.


Got in a bedtime walk too. I love it when our schedule is nice and slow and we have that time to just relax and enjoy it and this time of year it is not so hot around then. 


Slept well- Today's plan- hips, butts and core something- my shoulders were already sore from yoga and then I did a bunch of paddling, so I'm laying off of them today.

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Rest day yesterday. I ate cake and ice cream for my dd's birthday, but it wasn't a full serving. And I think it's okay to make exceptions for celebrations as long as they're legitimate celebrations. Today I did 45 minutes with the pt. it was too easy today, so I may go for a run this evening to challenge myself.

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I've never played tennis but it looks fun and like a heck of a workout.




We *did* have our maiden voyage of the canoe yesterday. From the launching spot up the road it is down river, so we paddle as hard and far as we can up river, find a nice looking gravel bar and then get out and play around.  My stamina and strength was greatly increased from last year, on our way up I never stopped rowing (I don't know how long we rowed but we were gone 2 hrs total)! We all had a great time and are looking forward to doing it again.




Tennis is a great work-out, even if you aren't hitting that many balls you are at least running after them and bending over to pick them up!!  :lol:


Great job on the canoeing!! I'd love to do more paddling. I've never rowed in one of those skinny racing boats, but canoes and kayaks are wonderful. I can even do an Eskimo roll! (or at least could at one point)

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Rest day yesterday. I ate cake and ice cream for my dd's birthday, but it wasn't a full serving. And I think it's okay to make exceptions for celebrations as long as they're legitimate celebrations.


I believe that is a requirement for a mom to eat a dd's birthday cake and ice cream. ;)   Happy bday to your dd!

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Sunday was a rest day. Today was supposed to be walking around Toledo Zoo BUT my brakes started smoking in the pouring rain so... i'm sitting with four of my kids at a Midas. ~sigh~


Bummer! At least you're not stuck in a pen with a polar bear in the pouring rain! 

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Soror - Hip Hop Yoga sounds cool. How is it? I've tried dance movies previously, but I get very lost very quickly!


Well, I started Couch 2 5K again. I did this a few years ago before I had my third, but regular exercise has not been part of my life since his birth. It's time to get back into the swing of it. I'm researching what I want to do about strength training, as I'm hoping to add that next month. Let me know if you have a favorite book/DVD/etc... There's no way I'm going to a gym: it's just not practical right now.

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Rest day yesterday. I ate cake and ice cream for my dd's birthday, but it wasn't a full serving. And I think it's okay to make exceptions for celebrations as long as they're legitimate celebrations. 


Have you not heard the latest in calorie research? 


Calories consumed on birthdays, holidays, or other celebratory days do not count. It's like eating and drinking air and happiness. :D





I was in a funk this weekend. First I woke up on Saturday and couldn't move my neck. This happens from time to time I believe from the way I stand at the computer. I need to adjust the height of me compared to the keyboard. Maybe that will prevent this from happening. Cause it's really ouchie. Sunday, I had a depressing day. Just in a rotten mood but no reason. I spent the day cleaning and then watched a movie. 


Today I did butt/thigh and 5 min of laugh because you are about to fall on your face

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Sunday was a rest day. Today was supposed to be walking around Toledo Zoo BUT my brakes started smoking in the pouring rain so... i'm sitting with four of my kids at a Midas. ~sigh~

Good luck, I hope it was a quick fix!


Just got back from a two mile walk with the dog after doing a little tiny bit of ab work. I'm worried about my abdominal separation, so I'm only doing planks and cat-cow right now.

I did have a separation myself for years, I finally fixed it with doing Mutu Mamas (which I would recommend if your looking for something like that it goes on sale in July fyi), my tummy is stronger than it has been in many years. She actually recommends strongly against planks for those with a separation. One exercise she starts you with is engaging the tummy while you lift one leg at a time in hands and knees, also laying on the ground with your feet on the floor and squeezing your abs as you squeeze a ball between your knees, lastly engaging the core while squatting is utilized through the first 3 levels. After my first round I closed the separation and now with my second round I've moved on to more traditional exercises but I followed her advice on cutting out all kinds of planks, pulls, etc for a good long while. 


Rest day yesterday. I ate cake and ice cream for my dd's birthday, but it wasn't a full serving. And I think it's okay to make exceptions for celebrations as long as they're legitimate celebrations. Today I did 45 minutes with the pt. it was too easy today, so I may go for a run this evening to challenge myself.


I think it is ok to make exceptions for whatever you want to make exceptions for and they don't even have to be exceptions. I eat a whole foods 90%+ and have for many, many years just because I feel better when I ate real foods but if I have some treat just because I want to so be it, we only answer to ourselves.

Soror - Hip Hop Yoga sounds cool. How is it? I've tried dance movies previously, but I get very lost very quickly!


Well, I started Couch 2 5K again. I did this a few years ago before I had my third, but regular exercise has not been part of my life since his birth. It's time to get back into the swing of it. I'm researching what I want to do about strength training, as I'm hoping to add that next month. Let me know if you have a favorite book/DVD/etc... There's no way I'm going to a gym: it's just not practical right now.

LOL, It was not a mesh of hip hop and yoga, it was just the name of the class, that would have been interesting though. It was called hip because of hip openers and hop because we practiced hop ups for handstands. For strength training you can't beat bodyweight exercises for cost and ease and you can build some crazy muscles using just your body, obtaining pushups and especially pull-ups take some great strength and dont' require anything but yourself. 

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Hmm, well I didn't do squats and only a bit of core exercises yesterday. I did take a walk at lunch and then a little bike riding in the evening. Today I have yoga class, it has been a month since I've went to a class between my vacation and hers, I'm feeling a little nervous which isn't helped by the fact that I've been awake since about 3:45 for some reason.

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Good luck, I hope it was a quick fix!


I did have a separation myself for years, I finally fixed it with doing Mutu Mamas (which I would recommend if your looking for something like that it goes on sale in July fyi), my tummy is stronger than it has been in many years. She actually recommends strongly against planks for those with a separation. One exercise she starts you with is engaging the tummy while you lift one leg at a time in hands and knees, also laying on the ground with your feet on the floor and squeezing your abs as you squeeze a ball between your knees, lastly engaging the core while squatting is utilized through the first 3 levels. After my first round I closed the separation and now with my second round I've moved on to more traditional exercises but I followed her advice on cutting out all kinds of planks, pulls, etc for a good long while.



Thanks for the tips! I had googled Mutu a while ago to see if it included exercises for while pregnant, but I got distracted by other things. The pregnancy fitness book I'm reading recommends daily planks without any warnings about them potentially being dangerous for separations, so I thought they would be ok. I'm mad at myself for not getting the PT my midwife wanted me to do after my second six years ago, but we were moving and I didn't have any childcare.


When I was seeing a chiro for hip issues a few years ago, she had me doing a similar exercise with lifting opposite hands and feet. I'll have to try the version you mentioned.


I'm need to get going with the dog for a walk in a bit. DH isn't running this morning and the dog will pout all day is one of us doesn't take him. And I need the exercise too :-)

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Soror - Hip Hop Yoga sounds cool. How is it? I've tried dance movies previously, but I get very lost very quickly!


Well, I started Couch 2 5K again. I did this a few years ago before I had my third, but regular exercise has not been part of my life since his birth. It's time to get back into the swing of it. I'm researching what I want to do about strength training, as I'm hoping to add that next month. Let me know if you have a favorite book/DVD/etc... There's no way I'm going to a gym: it's just not practical right now.

I wanted to start c25k yesterday, but I ran out of time before it got dark. Maybe today I'll get a run in. This morning I did my bootcamp, which focused on legs. Am I the only one who dislikes the term bootcamp? I would imagine real bootcamp is like 100 times more intense.

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I dropped off my kids at swim team at 7:00, and then went to the gym until it was time to pick them up at 8:45. I'm going to try to do that every day this summer.


Today I did week 4 of Couch25k, which is about the 5th time I have done this week since February. It has been 1 week on, 2-3 weeks off. But now that school is out, I can go while the kids are swimming, so I am optimistic that I may actually complete this program this summer!


After that, I did some arm weight stuff, and then walked for about 45 more minutes on the treadmill.


My goal for the summer is to lose 7-10 pounds before school starts again.

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I have a question for all of you: I am thinking about maybe trying Yoga, but have never ever tried it before. As a little background, I am 5'5", 143 lbs., and the least flexible person ever born. I am also not in very good shape, but working on changing that. The idea of Yoga appeals to me to help me not be stressed all the time, and I would like to work on my core strength.


So here's my question: for an absolute beginner, is it better to take a live class, or can I follow some videos online? There is a yoga studio a few blocks from my house that offers a free Introduction to Yoga class on Saturday mornings. I am a huge introvert and would be mortified to see someone I know at the class. But, it seems like a live person would be helpful for correct posture, movement, etc.


Any good online suggestions, or should I just suck it up and go to the class? Thanks!

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I have a question for all of you: I am thinking about maybe trying Yoga, but have never ever tried it before. As a little background, I am 5'5", 143 lbs., and the least flexible person ever born. I am also not in very good shape, but working on changing that. The idea of Yoga appeals to me to help me not be stressed all the time, and I would like to work on my core strength.


So here's my question: for an absolute beginner, is it better to take a live class, or can I follow some videos online? There is a yoga studio a few blocks from my house that offers a free Introduction to Yoga class on Saturday mornings. I am a huge introvert and would be mortified to see someone I know at the class. But, it seems like a live person would be helpful for correct posture, movement, etc.


Any good online suggestions, or should I just suck it up and go to the class? Thanks!

Live is always better, if you can manage it at all but if watching a video first makes you feel more comfortable that works too. I would expect in that kind of class it would be full of people just like you, people bigger, smaller, more fit and less fit. There is Yoga with Adrienne on You Tube that is free and very approachable and she has a good series on basic postures. 



Today activity recap

30 min- MovNat/Yoga Stretches/Core Work/Bike Sprint Hodge Podge smile.png Morning exercise :0

60 min- Yoga class

Walk and Bike ride with kids 30-40 min or so- biking with 80 lbs of kids and trailer on the back makes things significantly harder :)

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eek and double eek

getting ready for my first Primary Series Yoga class- 1.5 hrslong

going with a group that has been doing it weekly for 16 wks. I hate not being the competent one as I've not done it much but it will be good for humilty and my body. I so wouldn't have pushed the chatarangas yesterday had I known but I think I am up to it, once I get past the nervousness. Otherwise today we have company so we'll probably do a bit of walking and I'm going to take it easy, tomorrow will definitely be a bit of a rest!

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Well, we did manage a couple of hours at the zoo Monday. While dh waited with the kids we also managed to walk to a pretty cool park so I did get 10,000 steps Monday. Yesterday was a lot of yoga to prepare for my class this morning. I'm off to teach in an hour.


Pink Tulip-you are right that an instructor can help you find better alignment but a video is fine. The only yoga that counts is the yoga you do ;). I only did yoga with video ( vhs no less) for years because classes didn't exist and then kids came. Remember though yoga is a practice not a competition. No one is looking at you or even really cares you're there, :LOL:

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Well, we did manage a couple of hours at the zoo Monday. While dh waited with the kids we also managed to walk to a pretty cool park so I did get 10,000 steps Monday. Yesterday was a lot of yoga to prepare for my class this morning. I'm off to teach in an hour.


Pink Tulip-you are right that an instructor can help you find better alignment but a video is fine. The only yoga that counts is the yoga you do ;). I only did yoga with video ( vhs no less) for years because classes didn't exist and then kids came. Remember though yoga is a practice not a competition. No one is looking at you or even really cares you're there, :lol:

I started with a book; Richard Hittleman's 28 Day Yoga Plan or something like that, at some point I got videos (vhs too :) ). I did it at a year at home and then found a little studio in town. It was good at home but there is something about going to an actual live teacher, who can watch your form that makes a world of difference. Every time I've went to a teacher I've had such massive improvement, I remember my first teacher correcting my chataranga, I'd been doing it for months but she was able to offer me a few tweaks and wow, it was a huge difference. I don't know that I would have ever got that on my own.

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 Remember though yoga is a practice not a competition. No one is looking at you or even really cares you're there, :lol:


I really like that my yoga class takes place in a church hall rather than a dance studio.  There are no mirrors, so you really can't be seen.  Even the people next to you are too busy and are forced to look in a particular direction by the practice.


My class is always a mix of experienced, less experienced and completely new people.  The teacher is always looking out for ways to adapt things so that the beginners are working at the right level.  She also runs a periodic introduction session to give an idea of the basic moves - you might want to see if you can find a class that offers that.


I never use videos - I just go to the class.  My mind just wanders and I lose interest if I try to do it at home.

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I dropped off my kids at swim team at 7:00, and then went to the gym until it was time to pick them up at 8:45. I'm going to try to do that every day this summer.


Today I did week 4 of Couch25k, which is about the 5th time I have done this week since February. It has been 1 week on, 2-3 weeks off. But now that school is out, I can go while the kids are swimming, so I am optimistic that I may actually complete this program this summer!


After that, I did some arm weight stuff, and then walked for about 45 more minutes on the treadmill.


My goal for the summer is to lose 7-10 pounds before school starts again.


When I first was getting back into shape it took me 6 months to complete the couch25k because of kids and life- but it was all good and the slow progress meant I didn't get shin splints.  


Tuesday:  30 minutes on elliptical on high resistance and then stretching in the a.m.  2 mile walk with dh at lunch time.  martial arts class in the p.m.


Wednesday: One of my sensei (she's been on maternity leave) asked if I would mind serving as her training partner in jujitsu a couple of times a week so she can be ready for a seminar in the Fall.   Let me think, do I mind getting to one-on-one train with a wonderful black belt, outside of class hours? Hmmmm... hard one.  So today's workout is jujitsu; I'm doing a happy dance.  I'll probably also walk a few miles with dh in the evening and do my kettle bell 100 swings and 10 TGU.

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Today was strictly weights. I am still really stiff and sore in my neck. I need to roll it more with my ball. 


I made super yummy blueberry muffins yesterday with almond and hazelnut flour. I love hazelnut flour. It was a recipe from a new cookbook I bought, Gluten free, Sugar Free BakingI'm trying to cut back on rice because so many gf products are rice based, but I love to bake so I need non-rice based baking. :D I can't give up baking! In fact the first thing I bought after my celiac diagnosis was a gf dessert book. That speaks volumes about me. ;) 

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Yesterday: lovely weather.  Spent most of the evening in the garden.  Some shovelling, lots of watering.  Took the dog for a brisk walk through the woods.  13,300 steps


What? Like 20 C degrees? Or would that be sweltering for you? ;)  At 20 C I'm wearing a sweater and a scarf. 

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What? Like 20 C degrees? Or would that be sweltering for you? ;)  At 20 C I'm wearing a sweater and a scarf. 


Almost - 19 degrees C.  I was still wearing light-weight jeans, a camisole and a t-shirt.  So it's not as if we have bikini weather.... ever, in fact.

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I wanted to start c25k yesterday, but I ran out of time before it got dark. Maybe today I'll get a run in. This morning I did my bootcamp, which focused on legs. Am I the only one who dislikes the term bootcamp? I would imagine real bootcamp is like 100 times more intense.

Boot camp is awesome. We ran so much I got an ear infection from running. I didn't even know that was possible. I also got shin splints galore. That being said it wasn't as hard as you would expect, but yes harder than 1 hour 3 times a week. ;)


I have a question for all of you: I am thinking about maybe trying Yoga, but have never ever tried it before. As a little background, I am 5'5", 143 lbs., and the least flexible person ever born. I am also not in very good shape, but working on changing that. The idea of Yoga appeals to me to help me not be stressed all the time, and I would like to work on my core strength.


So here's my question: for an absolute beginner, is it better to take a live class, or can I follow some videos online? There is a yoga studio a few blocks from my house that offers a free Introduction to Yoga class on Saturday mornings. I am a huge introvert and would be mortified to see someone I know at the class. But, it seems like a live person would be helpful for correct posture, movement, etc.


Any good online suggestions, or should I just suck it up and go to the class? Thanks!

Someone here recommended this guy which I love. He helped me perfect my form for my more intense videos. I would much prefer a class, but this will help you get your feet wet if you want





I'm in week 3 of Insanity Max 30. People are noticing.  :coolgleamA:

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