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What is your ideal summer day?

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My ideal summer day involves all of the little kids at my house (hopefully they spent the night :)) doing some fun activity in the sitting room or at the kitchen table before a hearty breakfast that was prepared by the magical cook that I do not have, of course, and then spending the morning on two, three or four wheels racing around the yard, playing on the swing set and NOT squabbling mercilessly.


Once it started to get too hot, they might lounge around on the porch assembling puzzles, using the car mat and having a hydration break disguised as a tea party and then once the school aged cousins got out of school, we would have lunch and then would play some music from the outdoor stereo while the many cousins playfully enjoy a long session in the sprinkler during the hottest part of the day.


After the water play the kids could watch a movie in the entertainment room and just as that movie ends my siblings/in-laws (the parents of the school aged cousins) would come over after work and arrive just in time for a big outdoor dinner of cold sandwiches and salad to be served at the picnic table just around sunset we'd get a bonfire going and the kids could run around playing and eating all the smore makings so that we don't actually have to get melted chocolate and marshmallow goo on anything.


The family would pitch in to clean up everything and we'd make plans to do it again in 6 days. The little kids would have tired themselves out so much that they probably fall asleep in their cars on the way back home that night.


That is my ideal day, but alas, I don't live close enough to the whole family to make it happen.

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My ideal summer day (note I only have one highschooler at home, and I'll have one college kid living at home this summer):


--exercise early with or without dh (gym or hike or long walk)

--quiet time w a cup of coffee (iced or hot) and my ipad to catch up on news

--daily picking and weeding session in the garden; talk to the plants

--a lunch full of flavor and color

--some school planning for the fall

--fiction reading on the deck (I love the canopy overhead for the sunny hours)

--try a new recipe

--relaxed dinner with whoever is home to eat

--enjoy conversation and a glass of wine with dh, also on the deck (we have lights integrated in the railings)

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My ideal summer day involves not going outside at all if it is over 75 degrees.


Which is why we take our summer vacation in the springtime :)

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In summer, any perfect day would involve rain. Between June 15 and September 15 we just don't get much rain. So a perfect day would involve sitting on my front porch with a cold glass of lemonade just watching the rain beat down. 


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The one I had today.  Dh and I got up this morning, had a cup of coffee, threw the kayaks in the truck, and spent the better part of the day on the river.  Then tonight, we are going to a fancy restaurant to gorge ourselves for dd's graduation celebration :)  

I'm exhausted, slightly sunburned, and it was such a good morning!

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I dream of living near enough to the ocean to spend my summer days at the beach. However, since I live over 1000 miles from an ocean, my ideal summer day involves playing and relaxing outside with my kids, reading, drinking iced tea, and making smores over a fire at night. (My phone wanted to autocorrect smores to snores. Lol)

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My three older kids disappear after breakfast and chores to some outdoor adventure - the feilds, the pond, the creek, the bush. They'll probably show up for lunch when it gets too hot, then we'll do some fun reading together or play a boadgame. Quiet time for them in their cool basement bedrooms while the little one naps, I can take a ice cold drink to the breezy, shady backyard swing with a great book that inspires, motivates and entertains all at once lol. Later on, I'll turn on the sprinkler or the slip n slide for the kids while I putter around in the garden, doing a bit of watering, a bit of weeding, a bit of harvesting as needed.


Long stretches of peace for mom to do what I want to do and kids do what they wnat to do, broken up by some fun with my kids. Staying cool and hydrated. Spending time just *enjoying* existance. No hurry, no ginormous to-do list of things I don't really want to do.

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