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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

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Good Morning, Jean!

Did you mean to put Thursday in the title instead of Wednesday? Or do you want a do over of yesterday? ;)

Looks like you have a very busy day today.


Laundry - almost done

Housecleaning - half done

Library - done!

Grocery - done!


Work at church in the afternoon - done!



Write info sheet for house-sitter.

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Happy Thursday!


  • Kids up & out.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.  [done]
  • Move some kids' clothes to the cousins' pile.  [done]
  • Find out when kids' horse riding make-up will be (tonight).
  • Work until ?? - depends on when the riding lesson will be.
  • Work breaks for:
    • laundry
    • a little exercise
    • a little reading
    • a little housework
  • Kids to horse riding.  Work while they ride.
  • Dinner.
  • Read-aloud?
  • Kids' work.
  • Get kids' clothes and bags ready for Friday.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until midnight.
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Morning all! Today is a relatively laid back day for us.



-clean parents' house

-read for an hour

-exercise dvd

-start making broth once I get home

-quick clean downstairs

- everyone clean 15 minutes

- discuss June's budget with dh tonight since the next week is crazy busy

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Good morning!


I'm back home from TN, and I slept in today. 


To Do:


school with ds

tidy house


take ds to first swim practice

meet up with my best friend who will be there, too, and ran her first marathon this past weekend in Green Bay (Can't wait to hear about it!)


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Good morning! I had a slow start this morning, but am getting more awake now. Moving so many books yesterday was a serious amount of work! Today, I have more books, some loads for Goodwill, ds1's stuff (yes, I am doing it...he won't be home for 2 weeks...not that it would get done anyway!) and I hope time to clean the downstairs.


To do: school for all (ds3 almost done, dd2 almost done, dd1 and ds2 working hard to meet deadlines)

chores for all

basement stuff

errands: Goodwill, dog food

clean downstairs

plan dinner

make sure there is food for weekend (hosting a swimmer)

PM practice

Judo pickup


Have a great day, everyone!

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I want to go back to bed.


For Today:

Done Tidy

Done Sweep floors

Done Mop floors

Done Instrument practice (kids)

Done Dishes

Done Dust music room

Done Morning lessons

Done Gather materials together for new student

Done Violin student lesson

Done Story time

Done Laundry

Done Spray camping clothes


Lunch - hot dogs? Apple sauce

Dinner - ham & noodle casserole

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Good morning

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- school work- finished the tutorial/lab, now just to finish taking notes before taking the chapter test for A&P.

- transfer $- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- drop off dmil's plants, pick up library books, get money and a few groceries- done

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- more school work

- anything else I get done- cleaned out fridge, took out trash

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Cold and rainy :(



--walk to gym

--water garden thanks, rain!

--finish weeding perennial beds

--start to mulch those beds

--help dd plant her flowers


And not:

--training at gym

--daily things

--Thursday-specific tasks

--move dd out of her dorm :D

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How did Thursday get here so fast?  My dd and I are heading to Denmark TOMORROW!  Aaaa!  I have so much to do!!


tidy up

send emails

make phone calls



makes lists

    x-kids activities

    x-meal ideas

    x-grocery list


sew - mend dress

4:30 pole vault - districts! - take sweatshirt and blanket for dd17

7pm - orchestra concert - make sure dd14 has a ride - flowers?



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How did Thursday get here so fast? My dd and I are heading to Denmark TOMORROW! Aaaa! I have so much to do!!


Have an amazing trip! I was in Denmark 3 years ago and it is such a wonderful place! (And here I am wondering how I'll get ready in time to go to Kentucky tomorrow!) :D

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My bil picked my nephew up way too late so we got stuck in afternoon traffic. Now I don't have time to make what I was planning to make for dinner so it's a waffles and scrambled eggs dinner! Great way to start our memorial day weekend

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One hour driving in rush hour traffic to get to dd's doctor's appt.

Two hour appt.  - which was a good one.  Some things were ruled out but I think the doctor has nailed down what is giving her trouble and is treating that.  

Ate early lunch at IHOP

One hour driving in still heavy traffic back home.


Found out that dh was leaving for work early - fortunately we had some stuff we could throw together for a lunch for him, otherwise he would have been on his own to forage something.

Have one hour to veg before heading back into heavy traffic to go back to the big bad city for my ENT appt.  

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