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Are you growing anything unusual in your garden this year?


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I'm going to be growing a bunch of weeds so we can do Herb Fairies. It feels ridiculous, bordering on criminal, to deliberately grown dandelions. I always liked dandelions, but people seem to hate them.


I grow weeds every year.  It comes very naturally to me.  If you need tips, I can't offer any because, again, it just comes naturally to me.


Actually no I couldn't even grow a weed.  I kill plants.  They wither in my presence.  I don't know what it is.  They just sense I'm nervous about trying to keep them alive and they don't want to deal with me so they commit suicide to end it quickly.

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I grow weeds every year. It comes very naturally to me. If you need tips, I can't offer any because, again, it just comes naturally to me.


Actually no I couldn't even grow a weed. I kill plants. They wither in my presence. I don't know what it is. They just sense I'm nervous about trying to keep them alive and they don't want to deal with me so they commit suicide to end it quickly.

Psst I'm gonna let you in on a little secret from my master gardener mom. The best gardeners kill a lot of plants too. That is why they invented compost piles. Yeah, yeah, they say it's to improve the soil. Really it's to hide the evidence. ;).

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Our favorite, which I grew up with and didn't realize it was unusual, kohlrabi.


We're growing eggplant which is unusual for us.


Everything is heirloom this year so DS will be doing massive seed saving.


Kennebec potatoes. We've never grown those either until this year. ;)


I'm hoping to ferment sauerkraut for the first time this year!

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We love okra! We eat far too much of it fried. In previous years, I've pickled young pods--Mmmmm...small jars of those actually make cute Christmas gifts. Different for sure.

We used to freeze batches of okra already breaded so it was ready to fry. Cutting back on fried foods so we let that one go...


The big dried pods look kinda cool in dried arrangements in the fall.


It's been so cool here, I haven't even planted mine. Time to get it in the garden.


To anther poster about dill--in my yard, there are some caterpillars that love dill, anise, and fennel. I planted milkweed this year in hopes of getting a good sized patch going for the Monarchs.

You can bake your fried okra - it's not too bad considering you use spray oil instead of frying.

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And what do they taste like?


Food of the Gods  :drool5:





(If it helps at all for reference, the only other thing I think tastes like the food of the gods is marscapone stuffed apricots. They don't taste like marscapone stuffed apricots, though.)

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Food of the Gods  :drool5:





(If it helps at all for reference, the only other thing I think tastes like the food of the gods is marscapone stuffed apricots. They don't taste like marscapone stuffed apricots, though.)

Hmmm. Now that I Google this, it seems I need to find a yellow one.  I will have to search in Tokyo - everything is available (for a price).

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I grow weeds every year.  It comes very naturally to me.  If you need tips, I can't offer any because, again, it just comes naturally to me.


Actually no I couldn't even grow a weed.  I kill plants.  They wither in my presence.  I don't know what it is.  They just sense I'm nervous about trying to keep them alive and they don't want to deal with me so they commit suicide to end it quickly.

I used to feel the same way. I started with invasive plants. And they grew very well.  :lol: Vinca, Creeping Charlie, and spider plants were the backbone of my garden for years. Next I got into succulents... and now I have a pretty big succulent garden with wildflowers growing throughout it. 


Just when I started to feel confident, I realized today that my tomato plant is dying. After reading about them, I realized that I did just about everything wrong to them.  :huh:

Next year!

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Hmmm. Now that I Google this, it seems I need to find a yellow one.  I will have to search in Tokyo - everything is available (for a price).


I'll be impressed if you can find them. I had my one and only yellow dragon fruit experience at a place they grow them on the New South Wales/ Queensland border. They said they're not robust enough to be able to ship, so not available commercially. This was the saddest thing I heard that day.

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Our favorite, which I grew up with and didn't realize it was unusual, kohlrabi.


We're growing eggplant which is unusual for us.


Everything is heirloom this year so DS will be doing massive seed saving.


Kennebec potatoes. We've never grown those either until this year. ;)


I'm hoping to ferment sauerkraut for the first time this year!


I always have a crock of sauerkraut bubbling <3   And kimchi if I find the time.  

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