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Help! 10 year anniversary and a new baby


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I am due to have our 4th baby 2 weeks before our 10 year anniversary. I feel like this is a big one and that I've kind of put a crimp in the ability for us to do anything special because we'll have a new baby that we can't leave. 


My DH has done so much for me this pregnancy, it's been a rough one for me, and we're not done yet... I need a good idea of something I can make/do/get to make this a special day for him. Any great ideas??

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My DH has done so much for me this pregnancy, it's been a rough one for me, and we're not done yet... I need a good idea of something I can make/do/get to make this a special day for him. Any great ideas??


I'd aim for not being so sleep deprived you're crabby all day. :) And maybe take a shower and try to look presentable if you can fit that in.


Seriously though, it's not *his* wedding anniversary. It's y'all's. And a 4th baby seems like enough of a present. Unless, of course, you were the one who wanted the baby and he reluctantly said yes just to please you.


Order some dinner to be delivered, and watch a rom-com while snuggled on the couch. Leave sweet little notes on stick-its around the house. Go to bed early together (I'm aware the doctor will have banned certain activities, but just cuddling is great too).

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Can you celebrate early? We crammed in several fancy meals (using up gift cards), movies, and ballet/comedy club/plays in the end of many of my pregnancies because we knew it would be months until we could go out to those events as easily. If not, newborns are pretty portable and I'd go out to brunch or lunch. Dinner often coincides with cluster-feeding or fussy baby at my home.

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Just set your sights on 15 and don't worry about it.



Or 12.5, which is halfway to 25. For some reason, 12.5 is popular in NL, but not in the US. I just checked on Wikipedia (that most reliable source), and on the Dutch page, 12.5 is the first one mentioned, and is one of the bolded ones in the table (the bolded ones are the most commonly celebrated ones). On the English page, 12.5 is not even listed in the table (or mentioned anywhere on the page, unless I overlooked it).




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  Go to bed early together (I'm aware the doctor will have banned certain activities, but just cuddling is great too).


No pressure and it is ENTIRELY dependent on how well YOU feel (because each of us heals differently) but if you've had an easy regular delivery without any tearing or anything, the "6 week rule" is actuallly just a guideline according to my OB. If you want to celebrate your anniversary with some GENTLE TeA and you're feeling recovered enough, then go for it.

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No pressure and it is ENTIRELY dependent on how well YOU feel (because each of us heals differently) but if you've had an easy regular delivery without any tearing or anything, the "6 week rule" is actuallly just a guideline according to my OB. If you want to celebrate your anniversary with some GENTLE TeA and you're feeling recovered enough, then go for it.


Just be aware that you may want to use some sort of protection unless you want Irish twins, and afaik the pill doesn't work that quickly. I had two c-sections (not my choice) and I ignored the guideline too - more like 4-5 weeks, iirc. I also walked out of the hospital before they wanted me to.


Oh, and I forgot to say in my previous posts: Congratulations!

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I personally think that a new baby is a wonderful way to share your 10th anniversary.  It is also my opinion that expectations for spouses to spend a lot of alone time in a family with young children are just inappropriate and unrealistic.  Spend the day enjoying the products of your marriage, and reserve the big second honeymoon for your 25th anniversary.

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Don't be hard on yourself.  Maybe order a pizza in so that neither of you have to cook that night, and eat it by candle light.  :)  (And your other children can eat earlier.)


Or, you can all just make popcorn and watch a movie, the whole family.  It can be a family celebration!


We have celebrated many "special" anniversaries at odd times, sometimes a whole year later.  Although, we tend to not put too much weight into what our culture says are the special ones.  We celebrate nicely some years, and other years we might be watching an 8th grade choir concert which happens to be on the same night, or whatever. 


Or wait six months.


If nothing else, give your husband a nice card and write something special in it.  That can be more meaningful than anything!



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I am due to have our 4th baby 2 weeks before our 10 year anniversary. I feel like this is a big one and that I've kind of put a crimp in the ability for us to do anything special because we'll have a new baby that we can't leave. 


My DH has done so much for me this pregnancy, it's been a rough one for me, and we're not done yet... I need a good idea of something I can make/do/get to make this a special day for him. Any great ideas??


I'd recommend having your big anniversary next year (for the 11th) not this year, when you'll feel terrible.


We didn't do anything big last year. But my sister is taking the kids for a weekend this year for a delayed 11th year anniversary (It was March 20 but we're celebrating May 15-17)

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you know, I just remembered something my mom told me a few months ago - they met a couple who was out to dinner with their kids and found out they were celebrating their "family anniversary"... in other words, the anniversary of when their family started... which was not when the first child was born, but rather when mom and dad got married, since that's technically when their family started. I loved the idea then and I think we'll employ that concept now since circumstances are what they are.


We can make it a big important thing and have a nice dinner and everything (and nice might just mean pizza delivery so no one has to clean up!).


Maybe we can even make cards for everyone to show each family member how much we love them and are glad they are a part of the family! 

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We just go out to dinner for our anniversary (on or near the actual day) every year if it works out.  Usually we can, but sometimes life happens. No big deal. Don't get all in a dither because the number of years is evenly divisible by 5 or 10.  Just do what works for you two and your family each year.

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Maybe send the older kids away with someone, and just have you and dh and the baby. By your fourth you probably won't be as anxious about everything and will have basic baby care down. Stay at home, but plan to go out to dinner or cook out at home or visit a park or do things you did when you had your first baby, but absent as much anxiety. My newborns slept a LOT, and after I got over my terror of them crying in public I took our first out a lot. Blanket over the infant seat to keep away people and germs. The second we had to stay at home because I had a 3 year old :) Maybe not right on your anniversary, but you could postpone it a few weeks till you felt more normal.

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I got pregnant shortly before our 9th anniversary.  We decided to take a trip that year since we knew it would be our last chance for a long time.  We went out of town for a few nights and had a great time.  On our 10th, we just went out to dinner while grandma babysat.  We were right about not getting away again for a while.  This year was our first real out of town trip just to two of us for our 19th anniversary.  We also had one anniversary when we took our newborn with us out to dinner.  It was our middle child and he was very easy going.  We had a nice dinner out and he slept the whole time.  It wouldn't have worked with my youngest who was much more needy (cried all the time).

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I was very pregnant with our third on our tenth anniversary. We took a trip with the big kids as well. Romantic in a different way.


Our fourth was born a couple of weeks before our thirteenth, and our fifth was born just after our fifteenth. We just took everyone out to dinner with us. (Baby number four slept very sweetly in the sling during dinner, while dh and I smiled at each other over the tops of chattering kids' heads.) I always call our anniversary our family's birthday, so it makes sense to include the children too. The last time we went out for our anniversary by ourselves was our third, when I was about nine weeks pregnant with our first (and thankfully, not sick).

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