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What crazy food does your pet(s) enjoy?

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That's so funny!


We have 2 hound dogs: Bonnie & Clyde. Like most hound dogs, they will eat just about anything under the sun. For some strange reason Clyde absolutely loves lettuce. :001_huh: (I think he was a turtle in a previous life.)

Bonnie's favorite treat is anything she can find in the trashcan. rolleyes010.gif

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LOL, NO ONE wants to know what our new puppy has been seen eating. :glare:


My horse has ingested numerous rocks... (which is really dangerous...)


On the less negative side, when I was growing up we had free range chickens and a rabbit in my back yard. They adored the cherries on the tree we had. All of them, the bunny included, would jump up as high as they could go to try and reach the dangling fruit. The chickens had it easier... they could fly up there and even roost in the branches. The bunny was the funniest.

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We have a Smooth Fox Terrier. (She is NOT a Jack Russell and is deeply offended by any such implication. She is OH so much more refined.) Chloe loves popcorn, literally shakes with excitement when the stuff is around. She also loves scrambled eggs, apples, mac and cheese, corn, rice, and BEEF. Bring on the BEEF. She only condescends to eat the kibble when she is certain that our meal is done, cleaned up, and put away. :)

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One of our dogs is a chocoholic--it is bad for them, but if she even smells chocolate on your breath, she will follow you around--we have to watch her. Same dog ADORES onions, which are really dangerous for dogs--we have to throw onion peels in the garbage disposal, and put all onions in the fridge as soon as we get home, or she will grab them.


Our other dog LOVES lettuce, as many do.


I grew up with a poodle who loved two strange things--mangos--she would eat the peel if you let her, and grapes--she would take a grape in between her paws, carefully peel it with her teeth, and eat the inside! LOL

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I had a cat who would eat cucumbers. In fact, he and his disabled brother cat fought over a cucumber rind once. The disabled cat won. :lol:


My Gabe, my angel boy who lives in Cat Heaven now, used to LOVE popcorn. He was so funny.


Toby the dog will eat about anything. He likes the occasional cucumber, he likes cantalope, he will eat green beans, etc. He really prefers pizza crust and things involving bread or meat, but he gets fruit/veggie treats more often, LOL.


My parents' dog LOVES blueberries. When they take him blueberry picking, he wanders around and eats the berries. Cracks me up, that dog.

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Our cat likes small pieces of banana and goes nuts whenever I pop popcorn (that I understand, but the banana is a bit strange. . .)



I have a cat that likes bananas, too! And two that ADORE yogurt, any flavor. And a couple who try and break into the cabinet for chips when we have them. And I think they all like corn, but only if it's on the cob!


I always though cats were finicky. I was very WRONG!:lol::lol:

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my cat that NEVER jumps on my counters or messes with our dishes even if left out over night and turns her nose up at anything tht doesn't come from a tuna can and onto only her special plate apparently has a penchant for orange crush cake with orange icing. I was just shocked to see her jump up on the dessert laden buffet for a tea party that hadn't arrived yet and start eating it like a little piggy.:001_huh:

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When I was growing up we had a dog and we gave her a donut hole every year on her birthday. I know it's not good and I don't know why mom started that, but that's what we did. We would walk across the street, get donut holes for everyone and then give our dog one and sing Happy Birthday. She was the best dog and she loved her donuts!

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oh and dh just reminded me of Alex the Cat, which we had prior to children. My dh used to sit in the floor with a beer playing playstation and the cat would sit recliner style next to him and tap his beer bottle until he filled the beer cap for the cat to drink out of.:lol: I can't believe I forgot about that!

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My dog keeps eating my green peppers. I started about 30 plants from seed and most of them are bearing a lot but the dog keeps getting them before me. I had to buy 3 green peppers this week which really bothered me because I should be swimming in them.


He also eats a lot of nasty things like cat and bunny droppings

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My chihuahua adores asparagus. If someone drops an asparagus stalk, he'll gobble it up. He also likes black olives.


My male cat's fav is ice cubes! He doesn't come running when he hears the can opener, he comes running when he hears the ice machine on the fridge door going, and we have to put some in his water dish, he loves ice water.

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