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Exercise Thread ~ April 19 - April 25


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:( The weather did not cooperate today----only a smidge of gardening and no walk. Sonce I had missed exercising on Monday, I wanted to do a double today.


Hopefully the weather will cooperate so that I can walk to/from my training session tomorrow morning. It's supposed to be about 50 F but very windy.

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Did Mutu and the world's shortest walk as I ran out of time before I had to leave, went to yoga class and it was fabulous, she really worked our legs, we did twists and backbends and I was able to do a side crow and scale pose, which I couldn't do 2 months ago- I was so psyched! 

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Cramps on day 4 are def grounds for wine, 2 glasses even!


Hi all! 


I didn't post but I have been exercising. My energy is still low, but not due to cold, just due to my stupid energy being low.  I can manage 30 mins of exercise, but not an hour. At 45 mins I fall over.  I have a doctor's appt I think on Tuesday and she is going to tell me I am fine. So yay.


I did 60 mins of mat work on sunday, 30 mins of cardio and 15 mins of mat work on Monday (that is when I found out I fall over at 45 mins) and last night and today I have done 30 mins of Tracy Anderson.  This is show week (Cinderella ballet) for BOTH boys now, so starting friday things will get very busy.


I saw acupuncturist on Saturday and she was lovely. She said some yang is depleted, I think Kidney..I have no idea if it is a real thing or make believe, but I have had relief from acupuncture before, so I am giving it my best shot. I got profound relief from headaches with acupuncture. If I it hadn't been me, I wouldn't believe it, lol. But it was and it worked from the first and nothing else did. And one time I had an acupuncture appt for my head and I had come down with the flu. I called to cancel the appt and she told me to come in anyway. She put some needles in me, and put a heat lamp over me, thumped me all over my chest, gave me a NASTY tea to drink and I was better in less than 48 hours. I went from shaking with chills and fever, a nasty cough etc, all set to be in bed for a week, to feeling totally fine late the next afternoon. I say the nasty tea chased the virus right out of me!


We'll see what the GP says next week. It had better not be 'middle age sucks' because my 70 year old mother could kick my butt. Granted, my 70 year old mother is in excellent shape, but still, I should not be lapped by her.

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I've just chased kids outside. â˜ºï¸ The Dr called and said I am in the clear and I think I'm going to go Internet free for a little while. So just a heads up for any worriers that the two things are not related.


As far as hip issues go, I have a muscle that "flips" out of place and wow does that hurt.

Ya for the good report, check-in anytime!


Cramps on day 4---What The Heck????!!!!!!!


Am self-medicating with a lovely glass of Costco's finest Pinot Grigio ( :lol:)


LOL, drink up!

Cramps on day 4 are def grounds for wine, 2 glasses even!


Hi all! 


I didn't post but I have been exercising. My energy is still low, but not due to cold, just due to my stupid energy being low.  I can manage 30 mins of exercise, but not an hour. At 45 mins I fall over.  I have a doctor's appt I think on Tuesday and she is going to tell me I am fine. So yay.


I did 60 mins of mat work on sunday, 30 mins of cardio and 15 mins of mat work on Monday (that is when I found out I fall over at 45 mins) and last night and today I have done 30 mins of Tracy Anderson.  This is show week (Cinderella ballet) for BOTH boys now, so starting friday things will get very busy.


I saw acupuncturist on Saturday and she was lovely. She said some yang is depleted, I think Kidney..I have no idea if it is a real thing or make believe, but I have had relief from acupuncture before, so I am giving it my best shot. I got profound relief from headaches with acupuncture. If I it hadn't been me, I wouldn't believe it, lol. But it was and it worked from the first and nothing else did. And one time I had an acupuncture appt for my head and I had come down with the flu. I called to cancel the appt and she told me to come in anyway. She put some needles in me, and put a heat lamp over me, thumped me all over my chest, gave me a NASTY tea to drink and I was better in less than 48 hours. I went from shaking with chills and fever, a nasty cough etc, all set to be in bed for a week, to feeling totally fine late the next afternoon. I say the nasty tea chased the virus right out of me!


We'll see what the GP says next week. It had better not be 'middle age sucks' because my 70 year old mother could kick my butt. Granted, my 70 year old mother is in excellent shape, but still, I should not be lapped by her.

BTDT, hope you get some answers!

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Yoga Short and Sweet w/ Lauren this am, hadn't done that in FOREVER and she did a lot of the same exercises I did last night, I was sore but I did the best I could :) Mutu done as well, feeling energized today, not sure if that is good or bad..... I woke up super early all jazzed up.

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Lovely walk during my lunch break from work.  The weather is still stunning.  Home to work in the garden: some weeding (stretching) mostly mulching (strength work) for about 90 minutes.  It's 10pm, I'm at 12,000 steps and I haven't walked the dog yet....  Off we go.


Okay - I'm back and it's definitely time for bed.  16,700 steps.

I was just thinking of you this morning, you started just trying to increase your activity a little bit, look at you now, the little bit adds up to a lot!

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I was just thinking of you this morning, you started just trying to increase your activity a little bit, look at you now, the little bit adds up to a lot!


Yes.  Menopause was really the spur.  I was getting aches in the mornings, and I also wanted to keep my bones strong.  As an added benefit, my hot flashes have gone away with the extra exercise - this is apparently a known effect for some people, something to do with resetting temperature regulation.  My mood has improved too.....


The women in my family live a long time, so I want to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can.


Onwards and upwards!

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Yes.  Menopause was really the spur.  I was getting aches in the mornings, and I also wanted to keep my bones strong.  As an added benefit, my hot flashes have gone away with the extra exercise - this is apparently a known effect for some people, something to do with resetting temperature regulation.  My mood has improved too.....


The women in my family live a long time, so I want to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can.


Onwards and upwards!

That's fabulous, really, I hope it continues to help. The better you feel the more you want to do and then you get in a good cycle of doing more and more The women in my family haven't been long lived, well perhaps some but not a lot. Here's hoping I can change that, evidently we have some predispostions that mean we have to watch things so I'm trying to be more proactive.


2 things here...


Evidently I tweaked my shoulders a bit, I'm really feeling them this am. When I practiced this am I took it nice and slow and warmed up well before even attempting a chataranga and then I severely limited them. Even last night I thought I was mindful, I never rush through them as I always take the time to make sure I set up well but evidently I just pushed my strength or I've done something a bit wrong, thankfully tonight is my gentle class and hopefully it is just use soreness and goes away.


Number 2, well as I briefly mentioned when Joy talked about her yoga teacher training I have been thinking about it here as well. I had strongly considered it about 10 or so years ago but I always thought I had to have more experience or be more advanced and then kids came and I haven't had the ability to do anything like that because I never had that much time I could be away from them. Anyway, so it had been on my mind again and then Joy brought it up and then my new teacher was talking about this week as well. So, I started doing a little more thinking and some research. I've found a place that is only 1.5 hrs away so I sent for more info. Lots to think about, we'll see if my thoughts about this continue to be positive and hopefully the correct decision becomes abundantly clear.

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Number 2, well as I briefly mentioned when Joy talked about her yoga teacher training I have been thinking about it here as well. I had strongly considered it about 10 or so years ago but I always thought I had to have more experience or be more advanced and then kids came and I haven't had the ability to do anything like that because I never had that much time I could be away from them. Anyway, so it had been on my mind again and then Joy brought it up and then my new teacher was talking about this week as well. So, I started doing a little more thinking and some research. I've found a place that is only 1.5 hrs away so I sent for more info. Lots to think about, we'll see if my thoughts about this continue to be positive and hopefully the correct decision becomes abundantly clear.


That sounds like a really exciting prospect.



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I walked to/from the gym for my training session. The temp was about 50 F but with a really biting wind---it took 1 mile for my hands to feel warm!


My trainer says I'm ready to squat with a bar :D Unfortunately, my shoulder won't let me hold onto the bar properly (not enough flexibility), but he says they'll order this special squat bar with handholds in front of the body.


In other news, I took a look around while I was there and noticed I can leg-press more than this really fit dude was doing. Yay for this 48 yo!

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Geez, I'm only at 10414...


*looks around for a dog to borrow*


A dog really does make it easier to get higher step counts, I find.  Big brown eyes.  Plus, if she doesn't get a good walk, she pees (or worse) on the kitchen floor during the night.  Serious motivation there.....


My steps are high at the moment because of the mulching I am doing: back and forth, back and forth with a wheelbarrow across the garden.

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I'm having another 2 cu yards of mixed soil delivered tomorrow afternoon :D

Just how mad are we? My 8 tonnes of compost is not much diminished. In theory we are paying a guy to do some work, but he's busy with mowing....


Just think how strong we will be, you and I.

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Backing off the mileage today to save a little for Sunday's race.  Did 2.5 today and didn't feel like stopping...so much energy.  Went to chiropractor, learned some new hip stretches and strengthening exercises.  Spent 40 minutes doing that and feel so good and loose.  Ready to race!..or ....erm.... jog at my own pace. lol

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gave me a NASTY tea to drink and I was better in less than 48 hours. I went from shaking with chills and fever, a nasty cough etc, all set to be in bed for a week, to feeling totally fine late the next afternoon. I say the nasty tea chased the virus right out of me!


I want to know what that tea was!



Evidently I tweaked my shoulders a bit, I'm really feeling them this am. .


Number 2,  I've found a place that is only 1.5 hrs away so I sent for more info. Lots to think about, we'll see if my thoughts about this continue to be positive and hopefully the correct decision becomes abundantly clear.


Be careful that shoulder and I hope the yoga training works out for you. It's always nice to move in the direction that inspires you.


My trainer says I'm ready to squat with a bar :D




I'm having another 2 cu yards of mixed soil delivered tomorrow afternoon :D

That sounds crazy!


Just how mad are we? My 8 tonnes of compost is not much diminished. In theory we are paying a guy to do some work, but he's busy with mowing....


Just think how strong we will be, you and I.


8 tons.   Um....  :svengo:

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I'm having problems posting.


Yesterday I went to PT and my shoulder hurt a lot afterwards.    This morning I feel much better.   I'm not allowed to do any arm exercises and none of my upside down skillwork for the time being.    :(

So, I have to reorganize my workouts.  


Today:  wo, stretch roll sprints.


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Gentle Yoga last night, well gentle in speed but she really has us hold some poses, goodness my legs were already sore from the night and morning before so I felt it. Considering some yoga this am but trying to avoid my shoulders so I don't push them too hard. I don't know I'll have to think about it.

I'm having problems posting.


Yesterday I went to PT and my shoulder hurt a lot afterwards.    This morning I feel much better.   I'm not allowed to do any arm exercises and none of my upside down skillwork for the time being.    :(

So, I have to reorganize my workouts.  


Today:  wo, stretch roll sprints.

Sorry to hear that, I know your disappointed. :(


Nothing. I slept. A lot. I just don't feel well. I know that exercise will make me feel better, but I can't even do that.

Sorry to hear that Negin :(


Backing off the mileage today to save a little for Sunday's race.  Did 2.5 today and didn't feel like stopping...so much energy.  Went to chiropractor, learned some new hip stretches and strengthening exercises.  Spent 40 minutes doing that and feel so good and loose.  Ready to race!..or ....erm.... jog at my own pace. lol

Sounds like your ready and that the backing off is working well for you.

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Skipped yesterday. Very tired right now but I will turn on my video and do it. It's only 30 minutes and it's low impact. 


You're tough.


It's set to pour with rain for the whole day tomorrow.  I'm sure I'll walk the dog, but otherwise, I'll take it easy.

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Have to woot, this am I held my longest headstand I've done in ages. I had been practicing regular headstands as my new teacher has said she thought they were easier, well last night and this am I've been practicing my crow-->tripod---> tripod headstand and finally was able to do it fairly gracefully and hold it! I use to be able to do this quite easily but this is the first I've done it in a good while. 

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I put my big girl pants on and took the boys hiking in a really hilly park to shake the cobwebs loose.  They're happy now and I realized I'm still dragging and must be fighting off something.  I am officially off the clock and am taking a sick day for the rest of the day.  Happy weekend all!!

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Laura-just amazing

Soror- hope the yoga works out. And watch the shoulder

Lucky mama-you'll be on a flexcam soon


In an effect to shake things up I did a kettle bell workout, tried a recumbent stationary bike...and then caved and took a short run. Tomorrow is jam packed and scheduled to be cold and rainy. We shall see what I manage.


In other non-fitness news I went to Goodwill (with a coupon :grin: ). I need to weed down to my spring/early summer stuff and send some things on to donation. Not sure when I will find time to do that.

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rieshy- oh, no- I hope you don't have the plague now!


mom ninja- hope you get to feeling better.

Yoga yoga bo boga banana fana fo foga mi my mo moga... YOGA!

Did you finally find some yoga you like?




Ended up  mostly taking a break today, it has been awhile.I did some work on headstand and crow and Mutu(10 min- core), was going to walk at the park but it started raining, just as well, feeling a bit tired, not enough sleep the last 2 nights.


I have scheduled a meeting with the director of the yoga school, May 5th. 

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I didn't get all 2 cubic yards moved, but I ran out of daylight! I think I have about 10 cubic feet remaining on the driveway.


You should see my fitbit stats for today :D

Darned sunsets! You are a wild shovelling woman!


I just opened my curtains and it's not raining! Time to be up and out the door. Mulching awaits.

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Nothing yet. Didn't wake up early enough to exercise. Have to run errands very soon - take my parents to the airport (they're flying to the U.S. - dad will have cataract surgery soon). Then I'm going to have a pedicure, which I'm really looking forward to. I really feel like Classical Stretch today and hope to do at least one routine. Sorry but I have no time to read everyone's posts. I will later.

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Some of this. I just hate yoga. I want to love it, but I just don't.




I'm sorry.

LOL, yes it is a personal offense to me that you don't like it :) It is just with yoga there are many, many different types. Judging by what you like you'd probably enjoy something a bit more in the power yoga realm but as a beginner that can be dangerous as your not familiar with the proper postures. Then again I think back to starting out and it was a challenge to me to sit still and move slower but I think it has been beneficial to me to learn to enjoy that but I had a desire for that, if you don't then your not obligated to keep trying. You can do stretches without doing yoga. 


Its like all the people on here that just love running, I don't get that at all. I'll do sprints here and there but I pretty much have no desire to be a runner, tried a few times because that is what people in fitness are supposed to do but I just don't really like it.

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I got in a singles tennis game yesterday evening, which was an excellent run around. Dh and I are playing doubles tennis this evening, too! Then I have a ladies tennis match tomorrow! It's looking like a great weekend. ;)


I've been increasing the dog's walks lately, too. Hopefully he will shed a few pounds he's gained over the long, cold winter when I was too wimpy to take him outside.  :mellow:  

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It's already too hot to do much gardening here. 


Actually fell asleep normally and woke up with my normal energy. Did day 5 of the challenge. This challenge was "For Busy People" so all the videos are 30 and under. I like that's it is finished before you know it, but I like longer workouts too. I feel like I'm cheating when I only do 30 or under. I can say that I was not really sore doing this challenge unlike the regular 5 day challenge. That one leaves me ouchy. Don't know if it's the increased time, or maybe I just didn't lift heavy enough for the shorter lengths. 


Now off for the normal weekend bustle. Dance class, dance rehearsal, finding pants/shoes for rehearsal, grocery shopping, homework for myself, homework help for ds, and so forth. Ya'll know.  

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LOL, yes it is a personal offense to me that you don't like it :) It is just with yoga there are many, many different types. Judging by what you like you'd probably enjoy something a bit more in the power yoga realm but as a beginner that can be dangerous as your not familiar with the proper postures. Then again I think back to starting out and it was a challenge to me to sit still and move slower but I think it has been beneficial to me to learn to enjoy that but I had a desire for that, if you don't then your not obligated to keep trying. You can do stretches without doing yoga. 


Its like all the people on here that just love running, I don't get that at all. I'll do sprints here and there but I pretty much have no desire to be a runner, tried a few times because that is what people in fitness are supposed to do but I just don't really like it.

I would love to be a runner. I want to love yoga and running and I hate them. Passionately. I plan on trying different types of yoga after I really get the basics down.

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