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How do they know?


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I was downstairs folding laundry and cleaning for 2 hours, during which time, I was happy to help my children with whatever they needed.


The instant I retreat to the restroom for...some essential sitting, to put it delicately...It's like a parade of kids beating on the door hollering at me.


"What'cha doing?"




How do they know?

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How do they know?


It's similar to pheromones. You know, those little physiological cues our brains are perceptive to, but to which our consciousness is not aware. They say women ovulating throw out more pheromones than at any other time of the month, and some women's pheromones are simply more biologically attractive to certain men ("love at first sight"?). These pheromones aren't charged by sex but by other biological impulses such as "need" and "pay attention to me" and "answer me this completely unexpected question before I melt into a puddle of tragedy on the floor," and "look what I can do!" I suspect babies get this through the breast milk, even bottle fed babies as they sat in utero for some time while the breast tissues created the milk supply. Adopted babies clearly transfer this magic, er, biology to adopted mommies. As they get older, the pull of this particular pheromone like substance wears off, which is why teenagers no longer bang at your door like so many zombies hell-bent on getting right there on your lap regardless of what other obligations with which your lap might be obligated. I understand the recidivism rates for men increase soon after marriate, which is why they come wandering around the corner aimlessly whenever you're on the phone or ready to sit down after a long day. Rather than clamoring to get onto your lap, they find some mature excuse for your attention, like they can't find the butter in the fridge.   ;)

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It's similar to the mechanism whereby they are all playing happily early in the morning, but when you and your partner decide to have some "locked door sleeping in", they are suddenly all knocking on the bedroom door with apparently life-threatening problems.

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My mom used to complain constantly that we were only hungry immediately after she had cleaned the kitchen. She said we must have a clean kitchen alarm installed somewhere. :-)


My children are always hungry, so that one doesn't apply here, but bathroom and phone time? Oh, yes, everyone needs Mama, and, yes, of course it is an emergency.

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I just know our next house is going to have a HUGE master suite with its own little kitchen, hearth room, study and luxury bathroom, so DH and I can get in there, lock the door and not be bothered. This is especially important as the teen yeas approach. We might need a hot tub in there too.

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I was in the basement laundry room.


Dh yells "Where are you?"

I respond "The laundry room."

He yells "Whatcha doing?"


Dancing? Eating popcorn and watching a movie? Writing The Great American novel?

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