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Last Day of School Traditions

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My oldest is getting excited about finishing Kindy. I'd like to do something fun to celebrate and would love to hear about your Last Day of School traditions. How do you celebrate the end of each school year?

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We take a photo of DD beside all the books and paper for the full year, and then go through, pick selected favorites and samples to keep forever, and recycle the consumable pages, or move books in the box for resale. Although the enormous pile of papers gets smaller every year since a lot of what she's doing is now digital.



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My K'er told my husband today that she'd like to go to Red Robin to celebrate being done with K and going into high school.  :)  Kids. 


I like the idea of Chuck E Cheese though.  And for sure the photo of what she's gone through for the year is a fun idea too!!

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Love dmmetler's tradition! That would have halved my admin. work and storage of stuff, if only I had thought to do that! ;)



Up through 6th grade: we would clean out the desks and box up the still-usable supplies; use windex to clean the desks/chairs, and then I would set up a "podium" in the yard (something sturdy they could stand on), and would announce: "___(name of child)___ to the podium, ___(name of child)___to the podium". The child would come stand on the podium, and I'd say a few sentences summing up highlights of their accomplishments that year, hand them a certificate I printed on nice certificate paper showing they had completed that grade, and have something fun to go with it -- a blue ribbon from the Dollar Store, a special pin or badge to pin on their shirt, etc. Then we'd do the other child. They liked having a short "promotion" ceremony. :)


We often would have a special lunch or dinner to celebrate.


If I'd thought of it, I would have "book-ended" the year with an end-of-year photo, since each year on the first day of school we would do a first day of school photo, get out all the new supplies, look through all the cool stuff we were going to do, and put the new workbooks etc. in the desks. And then go do something fun, like a field trip, or start a read-aloud, or get ice-cream.

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We usually do a kid-planned day. The zoo, a hike and a picnic, the first popsicles of the year, out for ice cream, go to a movie etc. They get to pick the day's activity and foods. We try to end on a day that local schools don't so that our fun places are not crazy busy. Not a Friday. Dh takes the day off and comes with us if he can.


I usually arrange a day with my mom for them shortly after we wrap up so I can organize and clean uninterrupted. I set up our summer box of games and fun math stuff, box things to sell and make lists of what I still need to do and get for the next year.

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Well dd is a senior and graduating. I'm planning on getting a banquet of roses(white or yellow) with ribbons, giving a small speech with , and then cutting the ribbons to symbolize moving on and opening a new chapter in her life. She likes this idea. I also think we might go to six flags again. That seems to stick with out tradition :)

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Last year we went out to dinner, and during dinner, I officially conferred their new grades upon them (which was particularly exciting because our fourth child was 2, almost 3, at the time, and we officially named him a Preschooler that evening).  I'll do the same thing this year, but it would be more fun if we have an ice cream party (everyone picks a topping and a flavor, and we make our own sundaes).

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