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What do you with your old books?

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I've been trying to sell books and they just aren't selling. I hate just handing them to good will where they may sit on a shelf forever when I know there are people who could probably use them. What do you do with your old books? My kids are eight years apart so these are books that I would want updates versions of.


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Homeschool materials? I usually offer them at super cheap prices and people generally buy them. But anything that people don't buy or I think isn't worth selling I bring to a park day or something and give away. Usually someone wants it.


For other books... I do just give them to the thrift store. There's a good market for books there. If there's no takers, it wasn't meant to be taken.

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Most of my books have not been worth selling.  I either give them to friends (homeschool books to friends with kids younger than mine) or to our library for the book sale.  Ratty old paperbacks go in the recycling. 


ETA:  If they are books people want, they won't sit on the shelf at Goodwill forever.  :-)  There are a lot of books out there. I've said before that I wonder how many copies of the Little House books there are floating around the world.  Probably a lot!

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I just took my books to a homeschool consignment shop. I dropped them off 3 days ago, so I don't know how this will turn out. I hope to get a little bit of money back and hope that another homeschool family is happy with them.

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Usually, I do this:
I send out a group email to those friends at church who may be interested--a quick list of the books I have for Free, Cheap, and more Expensive.

It catches those who are interested, quickly, with no obligation.  I guess you could do FB.

Easy for me to pass the books to them without shipping.

Seriously, it's a great way to encourage friends with kids a little younger than yours, to help them build their libraries.


Also, our annual homeschool used curriculum sale here is in mid-May.

What I can't sell there for cheap (50c PB, $1 HB for the "junk"), goes directly to the library donation box.

I'm on the Library Board, and our semi-annual sale depends on generous donations . . . which in turn fund extra library activities.


I feel like I've received lots of Hand-Me-Downs over the last two decades, and passing my surplus on to others Pays It Forward. :)

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I try to sell ones that I think will sell.  I take some to my homeschool co-op and say, "Up for grabs!".  and I donate lots to a local thrift store.  The books have a huge turnover, and I am constantly finding little treasures there.  Our library bookstore has a good turnover for homeschool materials too.


There are LOTS of homeschool moms scouting the thrift shops, and your stuff will get found!  I will say that in our town, Goodwill has the lousiest book setup and i DON'T think they would sell as well there--it always looks trashed.  Find a thrift store with a neatish, tidyish book area and donate them there.



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I have taken a couple of boxes of ratty looking kids books to kindy where they were placed near the door with a 'Please take some' sign.

It was a fairly poor area and apparently all were gone in two days.

Then I took several boxes of the rest of the unwanted and asked if I could place them in the waiting area of a refugee assistance centre with a similar sign.


Our goodwill type shops would have binned most of these but they were grabbed.


This was several years ago and needs to be repeated now.

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I offer them for shipping to on-line friends and/or offer them for free to nearby homeschoolers. Whatever is left I throw out.


I hate throwing stuff out, but anything else I've tried hasn't really worked.  


I looked into the library donation route, but they have very specific criteria for donations and nothing I have ever seems to satisfy it.  

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