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How do I answer this?

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I got an email from my mom this morning. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.


Why are you posting pictures of DD on your Blog? There are sick people

out there, they can trace your url. Remember that picture of the baby you

copied and pasted to your blog, people can do that to her pictures also.


What? How do I answer that?


Dh's mom called last night and mentioned how she is enjoying the blog. My mom sends me this

email this morning. I can't win for loosing. :banghead:


Oops posted in the wrong forum.

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I got an email from my mom this morning. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.


Why are you posting pictures of DD on your Blog? There are sick people

out there, they can trace your url. Remember that picture of the baby you

copied and pasted to your blog, people can do that to her pictures also.


What? How do I answer that?


Dh's mom called last night and mentioned how she is enjoying the blog. My mom sends me this

email this morning. I can't win for loosing. :banghead:



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Dear Mom,


Hundreds of thousands of pictures of children have been posted on the Internet by homeschooling mommies with blogs, parents with blogs, and even a few grandparents with blogs. Have you ever noticed the pictures of babies in hundreds of national magazines? What about in television ads?


It is true that there are sickos out there. These same sickos are probably watching my kids when I take them to the mall to play. I am being as careful as is reasonable, but I'm not going to stop posting pictures just because someone "might-but-the-possiblities-are-really-slim" do something.


There are ways to be less conspicuous: being careful which pictures you post (nothing suggestive), not using their names, not ever posting your last name, not posting every minutia of your life. Also, you can do something (I don't know how) where general programming can't and doesn't recognize your IP address or location. Someone would have to be a real hacker to find out. If you want to tell your mom you are taking such precautions, you can.

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I got an email from my mom this morning. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.


What? How do I answer that?


Dh's mom called last night and mentioned how she is enjoying the blog. My mom sends me this

email this morning. I can't win for loosing. :banghead:






:grouphug: Cant please everyone.. I don't know how to answer but maybe say " thanks for caring?" ??? I don't know....


Have you ever looked into copyscape? I have not yet.. but it supposedly helps prevent this very thing... copying....

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Dear Mom,


Hundreds of thousands of pictures of children have been posted on the Internet by homeschooling mommies with blogs, parents with blogs, and even a few grandparents with blogs. Have you ever noticed the pictures of babies in hundreds of national magazines? What about in television ads?


It is true that there are sickos out there. These same sickos are probably watching my kids when I take them to the mall to play. I am being as careful as is reasonable, but I'm not going to stop posting pictures just because someone "might-but-the-possiblities-are-really-slim" do something.


There are ways to be less conspicuous: being careful which pictures you post (nothing suggestive), not using their names, not ever posting your last name, not posting every minutia of your life. Also, you can do something (I don't know how) where general programming can't and doesn't recognize your IP address or location. Someone would have to be a real hacker to find out. If you want to tell your mom you are taking such precautions, you can.

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I'm assuming that you are posting fully-clothed everyday pictures of your DD and you're not posting her full name, birthdate, address, and social security number. Oh, and that you're not a celebrity with potential stalkers. :)


I'm not exactly sure how you would answer that, but I would start with talking about perceived dangers versus real dangers. It's far more dangerous for her to ride in the car or simply be at home than all of the perceived dangers that we are warned about by the media. Furthermore, for those sick people out there, there are MUCH easier ways to view children than to do random searches for blogs with pictures of children.

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I got an email from my mom this morning. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.


What? How do I answer that?


Dh's mom called last night and mentioned how she is enjoying the blog. My mom sends me this

email this morning. I can't win for loosing. :banghead:


Oops posted in the wrong forum.


The truth is, although the dangers are very real, they're also very low.


I would thank her for her concern, thank her for the warning, and assure her that you've given it thought and looked into the risks.

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I have relatives with these concerns, so, I put my blog on the most private setting, where only those who I invite to read can view the pictures and read - I want to post pictures for them to see and I want to use real names (not last and not where we live). Then I invited my very computer savy mil to try to hack in... she tried all sorts of things all day and couldn't get in, then when I invited her to read it (through a preprogrammed email), she tried to forward that to others and get others to access it... we worked really hard to determine how safe my blog is... that helped her and those who ask... No, I am not on blog lists and all, but I don't have a lot of time anyway, this is a blog for me to enjoy making and writing and share with close friends and family... that works! Best of luck with it,



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The truth is, although the dangers are very real, they're also very low.
And, unfortunately, statistically speaking children are in greater danger from those they already know than from strangers.
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Hmmmm. Well, if my mother asked me that, I would tell her that the purpose of my blog is to share what I am learning and researching about homeschooling and to give others a glimpse into our experience in the hopes of convincing other parents that it might be a viable option for them, too. And give them some encouragement and a starting point. It's hard to convey this in a warm, personal way and to describe some activities well unless you include pictures. And I think that what I am trying to share on my blog outweighs the small risk of someone putting my pictures to bad use.


I would also tell her that we live in a society of fear that is constantly fed by the media. And while we need to protect our kids from real risks, we also need to be aware that a lot of the things that we hear about every night on the news are very, very rare. It's my belief that we are given talents (however large or small they are) and passions for a reason, and that we need to share them with the world. And while I want our kids to grow up safely, I don't want my fear for their safety to keep our family from living out our passions and purposes.


Can you tell I've been thinking about this a lot lately? And yes, my mom is also paranoid.....about all the wrong things. :lol:

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There may be some backstory to this of which I'm unaware. But my initial thought is that this sounds like a grandmother who is just expressing concern. Remember, too, that the internet is way more foreign to your mom than you. She could very well have heard stories from friends or a speaker or the news about internet dangers. Secondly, I've found that caution escalates as you get older. My dad is way more cautious about things now than when we were young. He is very wary of his kids swimming in the ocean because of riptides, but used to let us go down by ourselves and swim all day.


So, I would make sure you address her concern. I'm sure she speaks out of love not control (again, don't know any background). I would return that and reassure her in love.



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Hey You.... Randy could help you on that one....just call me in the evening.


That is one of the reason's I don't pull up a picture from off of my computer files. I host the pictures out like photobucket or flickr.


You would have to divulge your personal info like your address and such to really cause that kind of problem.


In order to get any of your computer info...they would have to be a really good hacker to hack an ISP address.


Tell your mom you have taken all the necessary precautions and can only do so much without living and doing everything in your life because of fear.


Like another person posted over on the identical thread.....she is in more danger from people that live close to you and or family/friends than actual strangers.



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I have two blogs, the horse blog and the family blog. Lots of info on the family blog, but still I don't think anything to worry about. I used to have concerns, not so much anymore.


But if our grandmas worry, I can tell them it's private. And sometimes we post pics with friends, they don't have to worry about anything.


Thank grandma for her concern and tell her you'll look into it. Then do what you're comfortable with.

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Is your blog a password protected blog?


I and my siblings have a family website--password protected--on which we blog, post pictures, etc. I, personally, would be uncomfortable without the password protection, because I want to share some things with just my family and selected friends--not the WHOLE WORLD. But that is just me. It is true that anything we ever post on a website or send in an email could be hijacked for other purposes; and, for that reason, I try to be "prudent" in what I do in that area. But, that being said, some people are just more open than others, and if you feel comfortable with opening yourself and family to ALL of the outside world, then you should probably just explain that to your mom.

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Have you ever looked into copyscape? I have not yet.. but it supposedly helps prevent this very thing... copying....

Not to make anyone more paranoid, but those websites out there that prevent you from copying...you can still "print screen" to get the picture. I do, then I put it into Word or Paint or some program where I can crop it down to the actual picture I wanted.

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Password protection may or may not help. It protects the blog itself, not the pictures. People can still access the pictures directly in most cases.

For example:

http://www.welltrainedmind.com/catalog.gif this accesses the little ad at the top about the PHP catalog, without connecting to the forum.


I stopped writing a blog when my kids were old enough to know I was writing about them. How can I tell them about internet security if they know pics of them have been shared with strangers already? They won't be able to make the difference before they're in their late teens, possibly in their 20's!

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There may be some backstory to this of which I'm unaware. But my initial thought is that this sounds like a grandmother who is just expressing concern. Remember, too, that the internet is way more foreign to your mom than you. She could very well have heard stories from friends or a speaker or the news about internet dangers. Secondly, I've found that caution escalates as you get older. My dad is way more cautious about things now than when we were young. He is very wary of his kids swimming in the ocean because of riptides, but used to let us go down by ourselves and swim all day.


So, I would make sure you address her concern. I'm sure she speaks out of love not control (again, don't know any background). I would return that and reassure her in love.




I missed your reply earlier.


No, backstory that I know of. I've only had the blog about a month. I think the concern stems from how easily I got the army baby picture to put on. If I could do that, then someone else can copy photos of her dgd and turn them into kiddy p*orn or something.


I'm still working it out.

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