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I am still here. Just caught up. I love all ya all. Thanks for the laughs and wonderful distraction.


Still needing prayers for dad. The report from the specialist is not good. We are going for a second opinion in the morning. I will try to update more later.



:grouphug:  and praying!

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With dh's grandmother living with us, little dd has seen how the nursing home wrote her name on her white socks and she suggested I do the same with the boys.  Not a bad idea.   :D


One ds and I have similar socks.  I put a pink dot on mine with a permanent marker.  Permanent marker lasts a pretty long time. 


Also, the kids have a number of t-shirts the same from various activities they've done together.  I just cannot keep up with sizes and some are the same.  So, I started writing their names in any t-shirts that are the same. 



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Sorry, I did not explain well.  The basket is not full of loners or mismatches.  The basket is full of every clean sock in the house (except mine, lol).  They must dig through the basket to find two socks that match.  (In other words I did not match up the socks when they came out of the dryer; I just left them all in one basket). 


Then they are still in need of matching, which makes them lonely socks.  If you would like to make the lonely sock basket more fun you can dress it up like a yellow submarine and dub it the "Lonely Sock Club" and give them instruments so they can form a band.


It was a stretch, but I did make the pun, didn't I?


*wacka wacka!*  (I need a Foz E. Bear icon now, Renai!)

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I am still here. Just caught up. I love all ya all. Thanks for the laughs and wonderful distraction.


Still needing prayers for dad. The report from the specialist is not good. We are going for a second opinion in the morning. I will try to update more later.


Lots of hugs.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I have spent far too much time reading that thread, and I am amazed at all the loving, kind advice. I now feel I can post almost anything and you all would still love me. :D


Well of course we would!

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My "system," such as it is:


I have taken to piling DD's clean laundry on the chair from which she writes her novels. She has to fold and put them away to gain access to the chair.  If she pushes them onto the floor, she will die.


I have given up on DH.


DD13 decided to do her own laundry so I would have one less thing to boss her around about.  Now her system is to procrastinate on it until she has no clothes and someone else is using the machines, complain about having nothing clean to wear, finally do her laundry, then pile it into baskets all crumpled up, hide said baskets under a blanket in her room (what, like I wouldn't notice that!), and wait for me to get on her case about hogging all of the baskets.

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With dh's grandmother living with us, little dd has seen how the nursing home wrote her name on her white socks and she suggested I do the same with the boys.  Not a bad idea.   :D


That'll do, especially if they wear them out before they outgrow them.  With my kids I had to deal with scribbling over names written in hand-me-downs ( we are in a circuit with some cousins as well as our 2 kids).  That got tricky.  Much better to wear out the clothing before it goes that far.

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A sock story

My dad was in the merchant navy and as a young officer at sea one day there was some thing where they had to dress in fancy kit and he was down to last pair of socks. No problem, right? Until he went to put them on and realized my mom had packed my little girl knee highs instead of man's socks.

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A sock story

My dad was in the merchant navy and as a young officer at sea one day there was some thing where they had to dress in fancy kit and he was down to last pair of socks. No problem, right? Until he went to put them on and realized my mom had packed my little girl knee highs instead of man's socks.











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Off topic: Just when I am convinced that I stink at this whole parenting thing and really should just hurl myself off of a bridge...DD wants to talk and share her growing up discoveries and feelings. Sigh. I really love that short person.

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A sock story

My dad was in the merchant navy and as a young officer at sea one day there was some thing where they had to dress in fancy kit and he was down to last pair of socks. No problem, right? Until he went to put them on and realized my mom had packed my little girl knee highs instead of man's socks.

This reminds me of a time when college girl was about ten.  I walked around all day wondering why my underwear was so ill-fitting and tight. Yep, I was wearing hers.  Nice.

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Off topic: Just when I am convinced that I stink at this whole parenting thing and really should just hurl myself off of a bridge...DD wants to talk and share her growing up discoveries and feelings. Sigh. I really love that short person.

That sounds about right.  (((hugs)))

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Yesterday, ds12, who has Middle Child Syndrome (and we discuss it freely), asked me how much money I had spent on little dd at Payless buying shoes.  Also, he said I have to give him as much money as her church camp will cost.  I told him that I had added up all of the costs of his basketball program and he actually owed me.  Smarmy kid.  I have only myself to blame.

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Love that song, Duckie.  :)


In other news, the cat pooped on the couch. :huh:


Ds12 sat in it. :closedeyes:


Ds14 laughed. :confused1:


I touched it because I thought it was a hairball, as the cat does not generally poop on the couch. :mellow:


It was a rockin' way to start out the day,let me tell you that much.


My theory on cat pooping on the couchalypse:  This morning the large uncivilized dog was all over the couch and the floor next to it because I was taking another run at cutting her nails.  Sigh.  The spay and neuter clinic where I got her shots refused to cut her nails because she was too jumpy.   :glare:  In about five minutes, I managed to cut ONE dew claw, but it was a long one and needed it.  So the cat was smelling all over the couch this morning and evidently found the dog smell wanting so marked it with her own scent.  I would have preferred the usual chin rub she gives people's shoes, but whatevs.  At least it was solid.  Then she went and LAID INSIDE THE DOG CRATE for a few minutes, contaminating it with her scent and proving to the dog that she is the Queen Diva, and the dog is a mere peasant.  Sigh.


Animal Wars. :gnorsi:

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Good morning. I began my workout regimen this morning and now I have to get ready to go to the beach. John's feeling better. :)


¡Hasta la pasta!


:zombie:  This is me.  I cannot relate.


Happy Monday morning everyone!


An oldie but a goodie and Oh So Fitting For My Day Ahead….


(this is likely to be a link, since I can not embed these darn things to save my life)





ETA: Yup, a link.   :sneaky2:


Now this:





To this, I can relate.


(Sorry for the whole inbed, thing.  I just wanted to capture and post the last frame, but that action is seriously above my pay grade.)

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Love that song, Duckie.   :)


In other news, the cat pooped on the couch. :huh:


Ds12 sat in it. :closedeyes:


Ds14 laughed. :confused1:


I touched it because I thought it was a hairball, as the cat does not generally poop on the couch. :mellow:


It was a rockin' way to start out the day,let me tell you that much.


My theory on cat pooping on the couchalypse:  This morning the large uncivilized dog was all over the couch and the floor next to it because I was taking another run at cutting her nails.  Sigh.  The spay and neuter clinic where I got her shots refused to cut her nails because she was too jumpy.   :glare:  In about five minutes, I managed to cut ONE dew claw, but it was a long one and needed it.  So the cat was smelling all over the couch this morning and evidently found the dog smell wanting so marked it with her own scent.  I would have preferred the usual chin rub she gives people's shoes, but whatevs.  At least it was solid.  Then she went and LAID INSIDE THE DOG CRATE for a few minutes, contaminating it with her scent and proving to the dog that she is the Queen Diva, and the dog is a mere peasant.  Sigh.


Animal Wars. :gnorsi:


You makde me choke on my coffee. I'm gagging as i type


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Nice try, BB, but I've been warned. The coffee cup was on the desk and the mouth was clear when I read your post.

I don't even know what my name is anymore. Was BB Boo Boo or Booya Babe? I feel like a cross between Mindy and a serial killer. Ohh. Cereal. Why don't we have that?

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Good morning. I began my workout regimen this morning and now I have to get ready to go to the beach. John's feeling better. :)


¡Hasta la pasta!

What did ya do?


My workout regime this weekend consisted of having an awesome rib dinner with friends before the symphony (and getting to feel like a grown up.) Until around 3am Saturday night. When I woke up sick as a dog. I actually had to build a next of towels by the toilet so I could sleep there. Ug. Yesterday, sick all day. Upside.... I should have lost at least 5 lbs. :lol:


Oh and I don't think it was the food. Dh ate half of my ribs and he was just fine :glare:

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:zombie:  This is me.  I cannot relate.



Now this:





To this, I can relate.


(Sorry for the whole inbed, thing.  I just wanted to capture and post the last frame, but that action is seriously above my pay grade.)


HOW did you do that?????  


I'm blaming it on my browser.  It certainly is NOT user-error.  I mean, obviously.

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HOW did you do that?????  


I'm blaming it on my browser.  It certainly is NOT user-error.  I mean, obviously.


try using the URL from the browser address bar, not the youtube generated share link. 


That's the difference for me whether it shows as a link or a playable box.

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Love that song, Duckie.   :)


In other news, the cat pooped on the couch. :huh:


Ds12 sat in it. :closedeyes:


Ds14 laughed. :confused1:


I touched it because I thought it was a hairball, as the cat does not generally poop on the couch. :mellow:


It was a rockin' way to start out the day,let me tell you that much.


My theory on cat pooping on the couchalypse:  This morning the large uncivilized dog was all over the couch and the floor next to it because I was taking another run at cutting her nails.  Sigh.  The spay and neuter clinic where I got her shots refused to cut her nails because she was too jumpy.   :glare:  In about five minutes, I managed to cut ONE dew claw, but it was a long one and needed it.  So the cat was smelling all over the couch this morning and evidently found the dog smell wanting so marked it with her own scent.  I would have preferred the usual chin rub she gives people's shoes, but whatevs.  At least it was solid.  Then she went and LAID INSIDE THE DOG CRATE for a few minutes, contaminating it with her scent and proving to the dog that she is the Queen Diva, and the dog is a mere peasant.  Sigh.


Animal Wars. :gnorsi:


I'm quoting this so that I can find it in a few years, when I start to think we need house pets around….

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Good morning. I began my workout regimen this morning and now I have to get ready to go to the beach. John's feeling better. :)


¡Hasta la pasta!


My husband surprised me with some new sneakers yesterday, so Jillian and I have an appointment today.  :gnorsi:

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try using the URL from the browser address bar, not the youtube generated share link. 


That's the difference for me whether it shows as a link or a playable box.



Okay, I'll give that a try.  This one's for you, Tex.  Your house on a Monday morning, I'm sure.  






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What did ya do?


My workout regime this weekend consisted of having an awesome rib dinner with friends before the symphony (and getting to feel like a grown up.) Until around 3am Saturday night. When I woke up sick as a dog. I actually had to build a next of towels by the toilet so I could sleep there. Ug. Yesterday, sick all day. Upside.... I should have lost at least 5 lbs. :lol:


Oh and I don't think it was the food. Dh ate half of my ribs and he was just fine :glare:

Insanity Max 30


My husband surprised me with some new sneakers yesterday, so Jillian and I have an appointment today.  :gnorsi:




It's 52 at the coast so we're going to the zoo.

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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.

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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.

(((hugs)))  I am so very sorry.

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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.


I'm so sorry.  :(

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My husband asked me which lotion to get, the purple one or the red one, but I'm color blind and I was like they're both red so he sent me a picture and I said the bottom one and he was like that's purple and I was like no it's not and apparently I'm more color blind than I thought.

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Well, bad news, dad's eye can't be saved. The doctor said the nerve was "shot". Dad wants it removed completely because of the pain, and the doctor thought that would be best to keep infection from developing. So we will continue with the big university specialist on Wednesday and see what their plan is.


Again I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and hugs.


:grouphug:  to everyone.


Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.  Prayers and hugs to both of you.

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