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Well, she did allow the boy to put his arm around her so she is complicit in having a boy-girl relationship with the boy.  If the boy is a bad egg, then at the very least this means that you can't trust the wisdom and discernment of a 16 year old girl.  (Ha!  I remember how foolish I was at that age. . .   )  It is tricky because I'm sure you didn't want to make the boy the "attractive and misunderstood bad boy".  I guess I would tell her what I had to tell my much younger daughter (sigh) -- that you love her and want her to pursue relationships that will honor her as the beautiful young woman that she is.  No matter how many good qualities she might trot out, the recent drug activity would be a deal breaker for me.  And then schedule some really neat mother-daughter things with her?  (Some of how you address this will also depend on your family's approach to dating in general.) 


I think I'm going to use this line. It's interesting we were both talking of similar issues on the same day, and I hadn't even been on ITT yesterday.

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Watched Titanic with the kids last night because we are studying it. I knew there were three (smut) parts that I wanted to avoid, no biggie right? Jeez, I forgot the potty mouths in that movie. My priority with the kids at their ages is avoiding smut in movies. Some language is not a big deal. But apparently people in 1912 really liked their cussing. It is so funny how different movies are when we view them through parental eyes.


Other than that, I am getting the cold ds11 is now getting over :crying: But I have my list for today, and I will persevere with the help of el cafe!

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And she is Hobbit-sized.  All Hobbits are cute.


(I might be in trouble for calling her a Hobbit. :leaving: )




Since it's my birthday, I'll let this pass for today. Except, I don't have big, ugly feet. I have nice feet. But, you don't like feet, so it doesn't matter.

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And your gorgeous spirit shines through in all 600 pages here.  So there.






That pic is old hair. My hair fell out with the birth of Gymnast and I now where a short afro. My hair has not grown back much since that crisis.

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That pic is old hair. My hair fell out with the birth of Gymnast and I now where a short afro. My hair has not grown back much since that crisis.

Stop trying to convince us you are ugly or I will be forced to engage you in hand to hand combat. I will lose, because I'm only trained to take down small people and to verbally deescalate everyone else. But I will give it my best. Someone must fight for your honor.
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Gymnast just came in whining about something with a really squeaky high-pitched voice. (the things she learns in prek...) As usual, I told her I don't understand her when she talks like that. She started clearing her throat and said there was something stuck in there. I said, yes, it's called a whine.  :lol:

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Just got off the phone with SIL. She's at t mobile and found out she's powerless with our account. She said the sales people are going to help lower her bill by changing our plan. What they aren't telling her, or she doesn't understand, is that the change she wants to implement will raise everybody's bill, but lower hers. Instead of everyone paying $25 and her paying some astronomical amount we'll all pay $60 and get more goodies. I don't want goodies, I want a low bill. She doesn't believe me. She's mad at me now. I was on the phone yesterday with a t mobile rep who isn't a sales person and learned all about our options and she told me they're going to try to do this because it really will lower her bill and allow her to keep her goodies.

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I came "this close" to hitting the neighbor and her dogs again tonight while backing out of my drive-way.  I do look.  And I inch down the driveway, stop and look again.  But I didn't see her.  I didn't see her when I was walking the car parked outside either.

Dh almost hit her and the dogs last week.  It was dark.  And rainy.  And she was wearing a dark coat.  She did have a headlamp on though but I didn't see that until almost too late.  The problem is that even when we're coming down the driveway, she doesn't take any steps to move to where we can see her better.  She will just stand letting the dogs sniff our mailbox etc.  Perhaps she just expects us to be able to see her?  You would think that two close calls would give her a clue.    Now I'm deathly afraid that I'm going to hit this neighbor but won't know it until I hear the bump. 



A Smashing Booyah to ya! 


Holiday booyahs to all and to all a good night! 


And now I've caught up to the post that had me going what?? when mentioned in a text last night. I had a lot of ketchuping to do last night.

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Poor dd. :( Ds13 had migraines for a couple of years at the beginning of puberty. He had one at 11 that did not go away. We tried everything, and it persisted for 9 days. I finally took him to the children's ER and they admitted him and gave him an IV med protocol for migraines that do not go away. I was slow to understand what was going on because I didn't know a migraine could last for days on end. I stayed with him in the hospital, and the treatment worked. He has not had a migraine since. That was October, 2014. I hope he is done. Of all the things I wanted to pass on to my kids, that was not one of them.

I remember that. So glad he hasn't had one since then!

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I just have to say here that college girl is going out on New Years Eve with a dude who is driving five hours to see her.  Seems like an okay dude, but I creeped his FB page cuz I'm a nut like that, and I saw something I didn't like.  Also, he has the same name as a disgraced famous athlete.  :leaving:


I am also that nutty mom.

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I sleep walk and sometimes I do housework, but I do it incorrectly. Last night I collected all of the glasses and a plate from around the house and put them on the coffee table. I didn't think much of it but now I can't find my face lotion, deodorant or water bottle.


Wait, you sleepwalk doing housework? Wow.



Ok, read further. Quite interesting. My middle sister was a sleepwalker and tried getting out the house once. One of my cousins on the maternal side sleptwalked, and once the family had moved to a different house and he almost peed on my aunt's head. Gymnast sleepwalks, but mostly when stressed. She doesn't get very far because we catch her in time. Dd16 is learning not to talk to her when she is like that, because she just doesn't realize she's sleeping.

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Ds15 and I just finished making peanut butter fudge!  We are almost ready for Christmas tomorrow.


Presents are wrapped, the house is mostly clean, and the food is as ready as I can get it tonight.



And dd5 seems to be OK.  She's not feeling great, but it doesn't seem to be a virus.  I think it might be a migraine.   :crying:   Poor baby.


Our presents are wrapped, the house is a complete disaster, and I'm really happy our Christmas is not today. It is my birthday though.


ETA: Read a bit further and saw birthday wishes have been bestowed and a party has begun. :D

Edited by Renai
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Just got off the phone with SIL. She's at t mobile and found out she's powerless with our account. She said the sales people are going to help lower her bill by changing our plan. What they aren't telling her, or she doesn't understand, is that the change she wants to implement will raise everybody's bill, but lower hers. Instead of everyone paying $25 and her paying some astronomical amount we'll all pay $60 and get more goodies. I don't want goodies, I want a low bill. She doesn't believe me. She's mad at me now. I was on the phone yesterday with a t mobile rep who isn't a sales person and learned all about our options and she told me they're going to try to do this because it really will lower her bill and allow her to keep her goodies.


In essence, they want everyone else to pay sil's bill. Seriously? Not happening. Thank goodness you took her off as having management power.

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Stop trying to convince us you are ugly or I will be forced to engage you in hand to hand combat. I will lose, because I'm only trained to take down small people and to verbally deescalate everyone else. But I will give it my best. Someone must fight for your honor.


Even ugly people have honor. Not everyone has to be pretty. I have a good heart and have a lot of compassion for others. That's where my beauty comes from, and I'm fine with that. Really.

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Wait, you sleepwalk doing housework? Wow.



Ok, read further. Quite interesting. My middle sister was a sleepwalker and tried getting out the house once. One of my cousins on the maternal side sleptwalked, and once the family had moved to a different house and he almost peed on my aunt's head. Gymnast sleepwalks, but mostly when stressed. She doesn't get very far because we catch her in time. Dd16 is learning not to talk to her when she is like that, because she just doesn't realize she's sleeping.

I do it when stressed too. Everyone around me is having miscarriages and I just don't feel invincible this pregnancy. I don't know why, I just keep thinking I'm going to miscarry. So I'm stressed.


I've heard moving is bad for sleepwalks. Matt says that when we move I just wander around like I'm lost. If I get frustrated sleepwalking I begin to sob uncontrollably. Every time we move he finds me in the living room crying and he has to come get me.


I stopped wearing my fitness band but I loved checking it in the morning. Hmmm. 2,000 steps. That can't be good.

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Hugs to Tsuga and Slache.  Bad weeks stink. 



Tsuga -- arguments here all the time too.  And lately we are flunking the whole "Okay, whatever you say, I'll obey, right away.."  thing.  

Time to dust that one off, along with a few exercises in Yes, Ma'am Is The Only Correct Answer.  




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Dh cuts his own hair.  I used to do it for him (at his request) but the results were... meh.  He didn't care, but as I kept telling him, I cared.  Unlike him, I had to stare at it all the time.  


Ds8 has thin blonde hair;  I fail miserably cutting it so gave up when he was about 5.  


Dds' all have fairly easy hair to cut.  So I can do theirs, for the time being. 


Mine is not easy, and costs a fortune.  





So now y'all know.  Because I know you were dying to know. 

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I finally mailed Christmas cards the other day, so now I have one for all of you.  Merry Christmas to all my ITT friends!  (hope I remember how to do this....)





Oooooooooh!  What a gorgeous family!  If only MarkW were there in his Chewy suit.... He's handy with computers; maybe he can photoshop himself in.  


Merry Christmas to you, too, Lynn!

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Ok, now I am convinced that germs can be transmitted via the internet. I have a barfly now. Fortunately he only barfed a couple of times and now seems to be on the mend. We were all fine and healthy until all you people decided to start getting sick.



Yup.  Dsbaby has a fever.  I blame all y'all. 

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I did ok. The tooth is removed. I am not pain free, but it is bearable. Now I have to figure out something to eat. Probably soup or milk and crackers.


It should be illegal or something to have dental work, birthdays, sick children and Christmas within the same week. I wish my ITT Friends lived closer 'cause I could use some help. I feel nauseous now. Hopefully it is just from the numbing injections and not the virus.



Hugs.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I'm so glad it's over with for you.  Rest up.  Be pampered.  Take drugs.  

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I need to find a dentist. Any tips on choosing a good one? I'm leary of all of the postcards I've been getting for local dentists offering low, low rates. I want someone good, you know? Teeth are important.


For yourself?  Or kids?  Or both?


We love our pediatric dentist for the littles, even though I initially thought it was silly to have a special dentist just for them.   They can do two at a time in one room, and are amazing at making the whole process fun.  


If I were looking for another dentist myself, I'd choose one who is a) nearby, and b) can do one-visit crowns (Cerec), and c) is friendly and chatty in a non-annoying way, and d) doesn't mind my littles hanging out in the waiting room.  Ours has all this, and it makes my life 1000% easier.  

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I have been thinking about one of my grandmothers a lot lately myself.  One of my deep regrets was that my daughter was terminally ill at the same time she was. I didn't get to do all of the good-bye-ing that I had hoped to.  I really wish that I could've spent more time with her and just really talked.  She went through some hard things in life (like losing a young daughter herself) and she was one of the kindest people I have ever known. She was always bringing people meals, caring for them, and showing a lot of love and acceptance.  I hope to become more open with my heart.




I had no idea.   

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I finally mailed Christmas cards the other day, so now I have one for all of you. Merry Christmas to all my ITT friends! (hope I remember how to do this....)



Love it! What a beautiful family! (I think your hair rivals Tex's!) Merry Christmas to y'all!


(I fully intend to send out a short Christmas letter by Epiphany. Hah. Been saying that for years now.)

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Just got off the phone with SIL. She's at t mobile and found out she's powerless with our account. She said the sales people are going to help lower her bill by changing our plan. What they aren't telling her, or she doesn't understand, is that the change she wants to implement will raise everybody's bill, but lower hers. Instead of everyone paying $25 and her paying some astronomical amount we'll all pay $60 and get more goodies. I don't want goodies, I want a low bill. She doesn't believe me. She's mad at me now. I was on the phone yesterday with a t mobile rep who isn't a sales person and learned all about our options and she told me they're going to try to do this because it really will lower her bill and allow her to keep her goodies.


Which is why she should not be in a contract with you.  She's mad at you anyway so I would tell her to get her own contract - one she can actually afford. 

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I am also that nutty mom.


Spoke to her about what I read on his FB wall, and she texted him about it.  He responded in a way that I approve of.  I also told her that she can tell him that her mom is smart, mean, and has guns.   :hat:   His responses passed my test.  So far, he is an okay lad.

Even ugly people have honor. Not everyone has to be pretty. I have a good heart and have a lot of compassion for others. That's where my beauty comes from, and I'm fine with that. Really.


Okay, girlfriend, here's the deal.  Beat me up for it if you wish.  It would not be okay for you to go up to a friend and say, "You're ugly but you have a good heart." so don't say it about yourself.  I don't like it.  It hurts. :crying:   No one talks about my friends that way because it's mean.  I win. The end.  I am prepared for the beating now. :hat:

I finally mailed Christmas cards the other day, so now I have one for all of you.  Merry Christmas to all my ITT friends!  (hope I remember how to do this....)



What a fun family!  Love it!

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You guys!  We made a video singing Renai the birthday song, and it was so bad it was almost good! :lol:


ETA:  Happy Booya(h) to you!  etc cuz I have quick run the boys to get their hair cut. :leaving:


My bday kid wanted a case of baked beans and a tiny trash can for his bday. :lol:   Yes, that is what I got him.  He also asked to go to the grocery store and buy junk so I gave him carte blanche.  He was so happy.   :hat:

Edited by texasmama
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Even ugly people have honor. Not everyone has to be pretty. I have a good heart and have a lot of compassion for others. That's where my beauty comes from, and I'm fine with that. Really.


Tex has sort of changed my mind on this but not entirely.  I am what was commonly referred to in the past as plain.  On my really good days I was cute.  I am not physically beautiful and that's ok with me.  Physical beauty is not a goal of mine and esp. with illness has been replaced with physical comfort.  ;)  But I do understand her discomfort with the word ugly.  Inner beauty does change a plain person into a beautiful person.  That is what I aspire to and I see it in you as well. 


Editing to say that I'm saying that I see you as beautiful because somehow that came out sounding like it could mean something that I didn't mean it to say. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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