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11 hours ago, Slache said:

Dorothy and Toto conditions

So...New Jersey?

Yay!  It's a New Jersey Booyah!   

This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.  

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends  

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends

It's better than a Mercedes Benz

It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too

Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you


This thread keeps going on and on

with record-setting length and fun

It started forty-eight months ago from curiosity

and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be


This is the thread that never ends...

And the place where one finds special friends,

the kind that have hearts that are strong and true

Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! 


This is the thread that never ends

Yeah, it's superior to other trends

Friends start out scratching their head in confusion, perhaps

But then the laughter strikes and they gratefully tip their caps.


This is the thread that never ends

I had no idea when I entered in

That what seems a little nuts might actually save me

From going insane on days that are crazy 🤗


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!

We are home. Took us 5 1/2 hours to drive home from the airport on a Tuesday afternoon, whereas on a Sunday morning it took 3 hours to get there. Silicon Valley is a mess. And literally every other car is a Tesla.

Anyhow, the cruise was amazing. Alaska is the most wonderful place I have ever been. Every view just takes your breath away. We took a train up into the Yukon and you just get sort of a glimpse into the idea of untamed wilderness and it kind of makes you shudder. I do feel pretty much like garbage, though. I caught a very bad cold on the tail end of the trip. My head is completely congested, which made the plane trip (ascending and descending) very painful.

So, anyway, we are back into 113 degree California summer heat and not being waited on hand and foot, so…not very happy about that.

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Good morning!  
Peach Jam Prep is in the works.  I need to pay a couple bills and go to the eye doctor for some kind of special screening test.  One of the Pups was just whimpering but I can't tell if it was Big Pup or Little Pup.  OK - it was Big Pup.  He was whining because ds29 said he was going to take him for a walk but then went downstairs.  Now ds29 is upstairs and Pup is happy again.


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23 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Trip Report!    
Trip Report!  
Tell us ALL The THINGs!


What boat were you on?  What did you like/hate?  What was your favorite port?  Favorite activity?  What did you wish you'd brought and/or left at home?

We were on the Ruby Princess (Princess cruise Line, which I give 10 stars) and sailed out of Vancouver. 

What did I like? Everything. Absolutely everything. It was so amazing. The service was excellent, the boat was beautiful, the food was good. We were able to keep ourselves pretty much entertained on sailing days. Mini-golf and cornhole on the top deck, anyone? And the girls spent a lot of time in the pool. DH and I went to lectures on Alaskan history and flora and fauna. We did line dancing and went to shows.  What did I hate? Nothing at all.

Favorite port? Probably Skagway. So much beautiful scenery.  We took a bus and train ride into the Yukon. Our bus tour guide for that excursion was just amazing. She was in her mid 40's and she and her family come up every summer. She and her husband drive tour buses. She was very knowledgeable but what's more, she was just a fun person. She was always laughing and and was one of the most likable people I have ever met. The glacier and salmon bake in Juneau was great and jn Ketchikan we canoed across a lake that was just gorgeous.  Ketchican gets like 150 inches of rain a year, but the day we were there the sky was the deepest blue and not a cloud in it.

As far as packing....very glad I brought this multiple outlet/charge port thing. The staterooms are small and have hardly any outlets.

I would definitely say cruising is a great way to see Alaska.  I could never piece together that kind of trip on my own.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!

We are home. Took us 5 1/2 hours to drive home from the airport on a Tuesday afternoon, whereas on a Sunday morning it took 3 hours to get there. Silicon Valley is a mess. And literally every other car is a Tesla.

Anyhow, the cruise was amazing. Alaska is the most wonderful place I have ever been. Every view just takes your breath away. We took a train up into the Yukon and you just get sort of a glimpse into the idea of untamed wilderness and it kind of makes you shudder. I do feel pretty much like garbage, though. I caught a very bad cold on the tail end of the trip. My head is completely congested, which made the plane trip (ascending and descending) very painful.

So, anyway, we are back into 113 degree California summer heat and not being waited on hand and foot, so…not very happy about that.

Welcome back!

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Good Morning!!


Friday Eve!!!


Baby keeps begging me to go back to Canada. It was in the 70’s in Vancouver. Yesterday it was 111 here.

Laundry today. Trying to get over my cold. Need to tackle my office. it is a disaster of epic proportions. Reading to do. I want to try to finish “Nicholas and Alexandra” this summer.

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Tonight I am going to the Great Homeschool Convention, just the exhibit hall.

I know. I've been an empty nester for over 20 years, but I still love me some homeschool exhibit halls. 🙂 And also it's free, because it's the first night. And also it's less than two miles from my house, so there's that.

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15 minutes ago, Ellie said:

Tonight I am going to the Great Homeschool Convention, just the exhibit hall.

I know. I've been an empty nester for over 20 years, but I still love me some homeschool exhibit halls. 🙂 And also it's free, because it's the first night. And also it's less than two miles from my house, so there's that.

Oh how fun. I love those exhibit halls, too. I used to go to Valley Home Educator Convention in Modesto back in the day with my BFF. We'd get a room at the Convention center hotel and spend two days in seminars, exhibit hall, have a nice dinner out and the evening watching chick flicks, eating snacks and going through all the carp we picked up at the exhibit hall. Good times.

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46 minutes ago, Ellie said:

Tonight I am going to the Great Homeschool Convention, just the exhibit hall.

I know. I've been an empty nester for over 20 years, but I still love me some homeschool exhibit halls. 🙂 And also it's free, because it's the first night. And also it's less than two miles from my house, so there's that.

I'll send you my list!

I am jealous. 

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Good afternoon!

I spent the morning working with dd21 to clean out her old Bedroom of Doom.  We made a bit of progress.  Some of the stuff belongs to dd25 so we are just using our best judgement.  Son-in-law came over and we had lunch and they played a game with ds29 until dd had to go to work.

Then I made the cranberry pepper jam which I think turned out really good.  It will make good Christmas gifts.  Now Imma just sit here for a few minutes.


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Good morning!

There was something yapping outside at dark o'clock this morning which got Sir Pups-a-Lot going.  Might have been a coyote or a fox.  Today I need to get jam and canning stuff put away and do a bit of tidying and look at some administrative things.


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Good Morning!!!




Our poor plants are really showing signs of the heat. Ferns are burnt to a crisp, I had to move my jade plants under cover because they are looking terrible, some of our miniature roses look like they may not make it…. The forecast shows that maybe by Monday we will be under 100 degrees. Here’s hoping….

More laundry today. I need to get more reading done. Got started on the Office of Doom yesterday.  Lots more to do there. Will go grocery shopping at the AFSA tonight after the sun goes down.


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55 minutes ago, Slache said:

I'm so glad Isaac likes the harmonica so much. 

The entry drug of annoying instruments!  Soon he'll move on to the accordion.  Then banjo.

I say this as a person who owns a harmonica and an accordion and is trying to figure out how to acquire a banjo for Christmas.

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The girls are back from West Virginia.  They had an amazing time - whitewater kayaking, zip lining, and visiting an old mining town (population 5, lol).  

It has been reported that leaders from the other scout troops were very impressed with our girls.  They were the first to volunteer for tasks and helped out even when not asked and were friendly to all the other scouts and had fun and made sure everyone else was also having fun.  It was the first time many of the crews had encountered a girl troop so I'm glad they represented the BSA well.
I took everyone out for ice cream at the new Dairy Queen in town. Do you remember when the DQ Blizzard first came out?  Those were exciting days, let me tell you!

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John is back from camp. He was bullied and beat up and had a flashlight and $40 stolen. Some kids got black eyes. The trip was 99% positive, I'm just shocked by those things. He can't wait to go back next year and has not stopped talking for two hours.

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10 minutes ago, Slache said:

John is back from camp. He was bullied and beat up and had a flashlight and $40 stolen. Some kids got black eyes. The trip was 99% positive, I'm just shocked by those things. He can't wait to go back next year and has not stopped talking for two hours.

Oh wow, Slashie. That is not ok. What kind of camp was that?  You should talk to the people in charge. 

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33 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Oh wow, Slashie. That is not ok. What kind of camp was that?  You should talk to the people in charge. 

Church camp, obviously. I will talk to Pastor, but honestly I doubt anything will be done. They put the kid in time out, but authority figures really don't have authority in a lot of situations and the people in charge often don't care.

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7 minutes ago, Slache said:

He's been talking for hours about how much fun it is. 

He stood up to the bully 3 times. 

Well, good for him. Bullies won’t quit until someone stands up to them.

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On 7/11/2024 at 1:32 PM, KrissiK said:

Oh how fun. I love those exhibit halls, too. I used to go to Valley Home Educator Convention in Modesto back in the day with my BFF.

Oh, I loved that convention! I sent people there instead of to the Bay Area Chea Convention. It was more reasonably priced, and it had pretty much the same stuff. I drove over from San Jose...a nice drive it was, too.

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1 hour ago, Slache said:

Church camp, obviously. I will talk to Pastor, but honestly I doubt anything will be done. They put the kid in time out, but authority figures really don't have authority in a lot of situations and the people in charge often don't care.

Wow. That's awful. I'm in Colorado now, having rendezvoused with the church bus coming back from their youth camp. It was nothing like the one John went to. The one snafu occurred was we did not meet at the time or place we initially planned. They left almost an hour earlier than they originally planned, and I left home almost an hour after I had originally planned. If either of us had left at the original time, it would have been fine as I had built-in snafu time. However, it worked out in the end.

I'm staying with one of my sisters now and will head out to scout camp on Sunday.

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9 hours ago, Slache said:

Church camp, obviously. I will talk to Pastor, but honestly I doubt anything will be done. They put the kid in time out, but authority figures really don't have authority in a lot of situations and the people in charge often don't care.

Um, do they have a phone to call the kid's parents to take him away?  "Some kids got black eyes" is a fairly big deal.  I mean, at the girl's scout camp, one kid fell out of the gagaball pit and had to be taken to the ER for surgery on his arm, and there are always mishaps and bruises and scrapes, but kids need to feel safe at camp and they need to know that they will be cared for by the adults.  
If they can't find adults who can be responsible for the kids, then camp should not be happening.  The abusive situations that can happen in kids camp can have serious long-term emotional and psychological consequences.

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Good morning!

I forgot to get eggs at the store yesterday.  I think we have 6 left which is not really enough to cover the weekend.  
We have 4 days with essentially nothing on the calendar and then a week-and-a-half of crazy.  Then school starts.


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I know the situation isn't OK, that's why I'm upset. But in my experience nothing ever changes in these situations and he wants to go next year regardless. I will be talking to people, I just don't expect anything to come of it.

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Ok. I cleaned out the fridge, freezer and pantry, wiping it all down and making a list of odd ingredients we have. I made a 2 week menu based on the odd ingredients to get rid of them. I have created a Costco list for tomorrow and we have a Walmart pickup on the way. 

I am done.

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