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My father is being sent home because of insurance. He cannot walk more than 10 feet, cannot sit, keeps passing out, cannot eat, has not eaten solids since he got there, cannot control his waste or even know when it's happening. And he's restarted chemo on top of just being a blob to begin with. He should not go home. He has this whole plan of creating a pully system so he can get into his walker from bed and buy a bunch of oatmeal. This is not the solution. 

And what is my literal millionaire uncle going to do? Pick him up and drive him home if he has the time. You see, my uncle is in the process of buying their second vacation home right now, and it's really just too stressful to do anything difficult like visit him or pay a $15 copay so my dad doesn't die. He's an awful person. Truly awful. He's not even going to pick him up. He's promised to pick him up several times, never has. Just leaves him stranded at the hospital and won't answer his phone.

This is a stupid Booya.

Edited by Slache
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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

School and work!!

I had a good drive yesterday and good meetings with the families. It makes for a long day, but I think it is worth it to visit with people in-person. Zoom meetings just don’t cut it.

I’m sorry, Slashie, about what’s going on with your uncle. Sometimes families do suck.

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Good morning!

Is this the new Dune or the old Dune?  I haven't seen either.  The book is great.

(((Slachey & Pops)))  

I was verklempt last night when I tried on my dress for the rehearsal dinner next week and couldn't get the zipper up because too fat and then broke the thingy off the zipper.  I gave it another shot this morning and the dress fit as long as the zipper is zipped up before putting it on.  It feels a bit like trying to escape from a straight jacket, which I haven't ever actually tried.  I will bring along an alternate dress.

I found a wedding invitation that I am trying to convince dd20 to use which says in big letters "YOU SHOULD COME TO THIS THING WE'RE PLANNING" 😂  

I need to drink more water.


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1 hour ago, Green Bean said:

All my older kids declared it the best movie they ever saw.

Lol, nope. Absolutely not.

My favorite is Cinderella 2015. I don't like Cinderella, but that one in particular has the most beautiful writing. My second is Moulin Rouge. But that's about a prostitute so the kids haven't seen it.

If anyone hasn't seen the 2015 Cinderella I highly recommend it. I don't care how you feel about Cinderella or Disney, that movie is amazing. 

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So dd20 wants to walk down the isle to one of dh's piano compositions.  He has a handful that would work OK but finding the right ones on the laptop is a difficult project.  We spent at least an hour looking through files, all named "piano idea" and a date.  
piano idea 2017-05-18    
piano idea 2009-02-23     
Piano idea 2014-11-30

and so on.  So. Many. Files.  Many of them are the same piece but saved under different dates.  Most of them also have names but may or may not also be saved under their title.  Then the music program has an updated version so every freaking time I checked a file I had to save it under the updated program and hope I wasn't messing anything up.

Anyhoo.  I now have printed out a copy of the most likely candidates with their names so we should be able to find them again - I will need the sound file to give to the pianist to help them learn the piece.

Also I came across a couple of pieces I've never heard before: piano idea 2017-06-18, piano idea 2017-06-20, Piano idea 2019-07-06, and The Entrance of Hadrian.

Edited by Susan in TN
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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Is this the new Dune or the old Dune?  I haven't seen either.  The book is great.

(((Slachey & Pops)))  

I was verklempt last night when I tried on my dress for the rehearsal dinner next week and couldn't get the zipper up because too fat and then broke the thingy off the zipper.  I gave it another shot this morning and the dress fit as long as the zipper is zipped up before putting it on.  It feels a bit like trying to escape from a straight jacket, which I haven't ever actually tried.  I will bring along an alternate dress.

I found a wedding invitation that I am trying to convince dd20 to use which says in big letters "YOU SHOULD COME TO THIS THING WE'RE PLANNING" 😂  

I need to drink more water.


New Dune movie. After DS18 saw it, he asked to read the 6 book series.

I still have to find a dress for the wedding and shoes. I'm the one who is supposed to do the rehersal dinner and I really don't want to. I am also not a good cook or have money to cater. Our families are also totally different so the less time together, the better. I would rather spend the time with the members of my own family I haven't seen in years. Her family is flying in the day before the wedding. I figured we would all be busy decorating and stuff so a drive-through night. I'm supposed to feed all these people lunch after the wedding AND have refreshments for the open house. AGG!!

DS24's bride's step-mom made them a wedding website instead of sending out actual announcements/invites. Everyone I have told gives me squinty looks. My mom was diplomatic about it saying well it is the digital age so that is probably acceptable etiquette now. Emily Post is rolling in her grave, y'all! But hey- I'm just the Mother of the Groom so not a huge hat in the ring, and it is their money.

I am really worried about this wedding thing. I am not a big party person. They want to be married in our living room and have an open house reception here, but I have a HUGE immediate family (7 sibs and we all have lots of kids) and her side is bringing 14-16 more people. I think the step-mom is under the impression I am moving all my TX sized furniture out for the day. Umm- no unless she is hiring pro movers to move it in and out. They aren't local, either, which let's face it, is a blessing.

Thank you for listening, as always.

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So to relieve my worries/anixety about DS24's internship search and wedding I decided to go ahead and spruce up the small kids' bath upstairs. I hate everything about the builder grade stuff: HUGE tank toilet, ugly never drains square sink, stains galore vanity, and no storage. DH knows I need a diversion so he took me to Lowe's tonight where I picked out a new one piece toilet, storage cabinet, and vanity top. He's a good man.

The mirror was a huge ugly de-silvering piece of mirror that DS18 and I discovered was not actually held into the wall. I'm so glad I took it down before Little Man got smashed by it. He tends to put his hand on it while climbing to the sink. I have some extra paint from another project I am gling to use along with re-homing the pwdr room mirror. That room is next!

We have never replaced any of the big things before so I have been watching YouTube videos. It seems pretty straight forward. I will let you know tomorrow night.

Home Ec school tomorrow! Yea!

Edited by Green Bean
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Good Morning!!!



Nobody is taking this thread seriously!! You can’t all still be asleep. I am in the last time zone on this thread.🤣🤣

Oh well.

So, park day today with work. I am so far behind with any number of tasks. so I need to work on those, too. DH and I have an appointment at the bank. 

Oh and it’s Baby’s birthday today. She’s 13. Now, for 5 months I will have all teenagers. Then, in March, DS will turn 20 and I won’t have all teenagers.

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Morning, I was hoping to really sleep in today but instead I was up by 7:30am (EST).   I'm just relaxing with my tea and oatmeal. 

I have to compose a couple emails to a couple of moms who have a problem with the teacher for their class.   Which would be fine, we won't be right for everyone, except they were downright nasty and making accusations that were baseless.  They basically said that she was on her phone too much and ignoring the class.  I watched 2 hours of class time (and 1 hour of lobby time because I was curious about their behavior during classes) to see if there was any basis for it and there's not but despite telling them that and offering to allow them to watch the video they just continue to be nasty and repeat their "concerns".    Even dh, who doesn't have the emotional reaction I do to this kind of thing, was shocked at how downright mean they were about it.    My teacher is young (20 years old) with tattoos, piercings and colored hair.  She has a bunch of experience working with kids, more than some of my other teachers, is background checked and does working with minors training because she's a junior 4h leader, and is really good with the kids (she teaches 4-6/7 year olds).   IMO, these moms took one look at her and decided it wasn't going to work.  

None of this would be an issue, except they have kids in other classes that they want to continue.  I don't particularly want them around given how nasty they were.  But if I "kick them out" I would have to give them a refund for the remaining portion of the session.   We are half-way through so there's 4 weeks left.   It might be better to just finish out the session and ask them to not register for the next session.  

Our classes don't work for everyone so we definitely have people decide not to continue after one session, but it's rare that we get someone this nasty and I always hate dealing with it.  It's happened to this extent one other time but it was over and done quickly.   I may have to continue dealing with these people for 4 more weeks.  

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Adding more to the fun, in watching the lobby video and talking to my other teacher that teaches in a room that's open to the lobby, the mom that was really mean has a toddler (maybe 2 years old but probably a little bit younger) that she's not keeping a good eye on because she's on her phone/laptop.   The kid walked into the classroom and was pulling out t-pins (sharp!) that we had holding a curtain in place and the teacher had to stop class to return her to the lobby.     Then the mom pulled a folding chair over by a set of shelves where we had tanks (we have madagascar hissing cockroaches, a scorpion and fish) and let her toddler climb up to stand on the folding chair while she returned to sitting down looking at her phone.    

So if they do stay to see out the session, I have to ask the mom to keep a better eye on her toddler so she doesn't wander into the other class while they are doing something truly dangerous (it is possible for small magnets or button batteries, not to mention various liquids and sharp objects to be out), and to not allow her to climb on folding chairs that could collapse underneath her if she puts her weight on the wrong side.


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Good morning!

ugh Toto.

It took me almost an hour and a half to get to rehearsal last night.  🙄 So annoying.

I've been up for a while doing the Things.  I made veggie scrambled eggs for breakfast and took out trash and broke down a couple boxes.  Then I made 3 (three!) phone calls - our regular mechanic, the body shop, and the car insurance.  Dd17 is packing for weekend backpacking and dd14 is studying for a test.  
I should get some laundry done.


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Toto- I’m sorry you are having to deal with irresponsible and mean parents. I hope things can be resolved quickly and quietly with no impact on your business or that poor teacher.

I’ve been up since 7 getting started on my bathroom project, removed the side piece from the vanity and most of the wall covering came with it. Then the toilet seems glued to the floor as is the faucet to the vanity top. I had to call for reinforcements. Dh is not amused. Youtube makes it look so simple but for us it never is. This was supposed to be an inexpensive thing. Sigh! At least my paint color looks fantastic! When it’s done, I’ll post pictures.

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GB, a few months ago I decided to replace the ceiling vent covers.  Simple job, obviously, unless the covers have been stuck on there with paint since 1995, so getting them off was a whole ordeal, and then had to get ceiling repair goop and paint to fix the bits of ceiling that were torn off in the process.  I replaced the two worst ones and called it quits.

The girls are practicing putting makeup on each other.  It's funny.

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The flower girl dress for Wedding Part Deux came today - it's just perfect!  Also, it somehow cost only $16 when all the other sizes and colors were $60+.  Can't beat that!

Later I need to pick up dd20's bridesmaid's dress from the alterations place and ds18's clothes from the dry cleaners.

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34 minutes ago, Junie said:

I picked a new book to read on the back deck before I make dinner.  I will say that telling the girls "I'm going outside with Don Quixote" had a much more whimsical feel than telling them "I'm going outside with Dracula." 

You are reading the misquitoes a story? How kind of you!

Edited by Green Bean
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3 hours ago, Junie said:

Plus, I've never read Dracula before, but what I know of the story, I think it would probably be to the mosquitos' liking. 

It was a long time ago that I read it, but I do remember really loving the journal/letter method of telling the story.  It works well for the suspense and drama.

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Good morning!

Dd17 woke me up at Dark o'Clock having already made me breakfast.  She is eager to get going on her back packing trip - I'll drive her to the meet-up place in a couple minutes.  Otherwise today I need to banish goat and get my hair cut and do more stuff to get ready for Wedding Part Un.


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Morning, Happy Saturday.

I have a robotics workshop I'm running this afternoon, then at some point this weekend I have to go to BJs, and we're going to my mother's house for dinner tomorrow.   

I sent out my emails to the two problem parents and I actually feel pretty good about it.   Based on the videos, and their behavior around the issue, they are definitely in the wrong.  There's no real subtleties around it.  (I tend to second guess things a lot and get a tad obsessive worrying about things so having this mostly settled is a relief).   I'm still not sure if they will be back or not. 

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24 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Morning, Happy Saturday.

I have a robotics workshop I'm running this afternoon, then at some point this weekend I have to go to BJs, and we're going to my mother's house for dinner tomorrow.   

I sent out my emails to the two problem parents and I actually feel pretty good about it.   Based on the videos, and their behavior around the issue, they are definitely in the wrong.  There's no real subtleties around it.  (I tend to second guess things a lot and get a tad obsessive worrying about things so having this mostly settled is a relief).   I'm still not sure if they will be back or not. 

Sending hugs from another second-guesser.  You did good! :)

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Good Morning!!!



This is my first Saturday off since Labor Day. I slept till after 8:00am. Felt so good.

Homecoming was last night at the girls’ school, which is also my alma mater. Good game, but very close and very dramatic at the end. I think the other school was a better team. We just capitalized on turnovers and had some penalties go our way. I’m glad DD didn’t make the Court. She was in the running. I just feel sorry for those sweet girls standing there who don’t make it. One gets the crown and the rest of them just stand there and have to keep smiling.

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3 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

Morning, Happy Saturday.

I have a robotics workshop I'm running this afternoon, then at some point this weekend I have to go to BJs, and we're going to my mother's house for dinner tomorrow.   

I sent out my emails to the two problem parents and I actually feel pretty good about it.   Based on the videos, and their behavior around the issue, they are definitely in the wrong.  There's no real subtleties around it.  (I tend to second guess things a lot and get a tad obsessive worrying about things so having this mostly settled is a relief).   I'm still not sure if they will be back or not. 

I read somewhere that BJs is coming to town - but if I remember correctly it would be a 45 minute drive, so prolly won't make it there.

I am also an obsessive second-guesser.

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I did get another reply from the meaner of the two moms involved in my drama, but I just had to laugh.  Her whole response basically boiled down to "no I didn't" and "you're wrong" with no proof, evidence or anything to support her statements except that.  One thing she accused me of lying about, you can clearly see ON A PICTURE I SENT HER that she is the one lying.

People are crazy.

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