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Good morning!

You can do it, Tuesday!

I am happy that I don't have to go anywhere today, and poppyseed chicken is all ready to bake for dinner.  Just have to set up rice in the instant pot.  So.  I will plan to work on a couple projects depending on when the laptop is available.  I might mow the lawn when the grass dries off a bit.

Dd17 is feeling stressed because School and other Commitments.  I am pretty sure most of her stress is due to the fact that she spends most of her time on Things That Are Not School and Commitments.  So the cycle continues.  "I can do it myself!" 🤣



And this is the best Booya/h in the whole world because it is a COFFEE Booya/h!! (Imagine, if you will, yours truly planting a flag that says "Booya/h" in big, bold letters and a cup of COFFEE under it! on the Rocky summit of.... The tall craggy mountain in the middle of the ITT Island, where we have our lodge. This lodge is in the middle of a forest with hardwood floors and throw rugs and huge stone fireplaces and wrap around porches with comfy Adirondack chairs. This is what I'm talking about.) (I think my imagination is getting the better of me).  

KrissiK Documentation of the ITT Flag 5/1/2017

Edited by Susan in TN
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I remembered Math.   I was at work rearranging so I would have remembered when the kids showed up anyway.    

I think I found a really workable set-up for my classroom this year.   It will only work because my classes are small (8/9 kids max) but I think it will be more functional than what I tried last year.  We shall see.  

Storage unit clean out today.  That should be fun!

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2 hours ago, Dianthus said:

What is poppyseed chicken?

yeah, I was thinking that we might be needing a recipe here, Susan! (insert foot tapping guy). You can’t go around throwing about terms like, “poppyseed chicken” without any kind of follow through.

Edited by KrissiK
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4 hours ago, Dianthus said:

What is poppyseed chicken?

It is a classic Southern casserole.  No vegetables involved, lol.

1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

yeah, I was thinking that we might be needing a recipe here, Susan! (insert foot tapping guy). You can’t go around throwing about terms like, “poppyseed chicken” without any kind of follow through.

OK.  You asked for it.

Poppyseed Chicken

2 lg chicken breasts (cooked, shredded or diced)    
8 oz sour cream    
1 can cream of chicken soup    
1 tsp poppyseeds    
2C shredded  sharp cheddar (some use parmesan)
1 sleeve Ritz crackers, crushed    
1/2 C butter, melted    
3-4C Cooked rice

Mix together shredded chicken, sour cream, soup, and poppyseeds.  Spread into greased casserole dish.  Sprinkle with cheddar cheese, then crushed crackers.  Pour butter over the top.  Bake at 350* for 25-30 minutes.  Serve over rice.

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Did a bunch of work at the storage unit.  I think if I'm brutal about it I could probably get rid of it in a couple months.   Selling or giving away or throwing out a bunch of stuff and giving up on my yoga/exercise area in the upstairs storage (that I've honestly not used enough to be worth it, I usually yoga/exercise in my classroom and the new arrangement makes that easier) should make it possible.  

Then I got a text that someone tried to go on my website but it was down.  So I checked on my phone and it didn't come up there (but I was inside a big concrete building), so I finished up quickly and went to go home to check it on my computer and got a text that it may have been a problem on their end since it was back up.    

So I went to work, dropped off stuff I had loaded from storage (computers mostly, I have to check all my computers to make sure I have enough for class), then sent a note to dh asking if I could bring a bunch of cardboard to the dumpsters at his work.  That was okay so I ran home for some that was there, put it with what I pulled out of storage and ran to dh's work.  Threw that in the dumpster and he asked me to go to the bank.  

And my car needed an oil change before we drive to Maine Saturday.  Planned to do that Thursday but instead ran by Jiffy Lube after the bank and got it done today.  

Then since I was half-way there, I ran to Joanne's to buy green felt that matched the green felt I already had but needed a bigger piece of for a green screen/Chroma-Key workshop I running.   

Then home to shower and relax, but then got a call that an electrician was stopping by in 15 minutes to check on my sockets that weren't working so I had to run out to work again.   It was a simple(ish) problem but the guy didn't have the two parts he needed to do the full fix so he's going to have to come back again.  So I had to give a code to my door to the guy who is coordinating stuff for the new landlord in case they can't come back by Saturday. 

Then home, dinner, putting together rough rosters for my teachers since we are having a lunch tomorrow to go over things for the new year.  

Still need to finish setting up my classroom, test the computers I have and see if I need to buy more, decide on some arrangements for the lobby, clean my upstairs storage area so things can be found.   We come back from Maine on Saturday and classes start that Monday so I need to have things done before we go.

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2 hours ago, popmom said:

One more. A southern classic. Just cook the chicken ahead of time to reduce "day of" prep time. One of my most requested dishes by my kids and their friends. 🙂


Pro tip: Don't pulverize the Ritz Crackers. Leave some bigger chunks. Makes for a crispier, heartier topping. Serve with an easy bagged salad, steamed broccoli, Sister Schubert's rolls if you can get them. 


Oh my goodness. Never heard of this but now twice in one day on the hive.

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Greetings, popmom!

Life gets more hectic Monday (DS's two non-year-round extracurriculars start back up), DH is out of state for work hopefully only through Friday, and we have one working(ish) car and a deposit on a new one that should arrive any day now.  And assorted other Things to check off the list. Hoping for no impacts from Idalia--we're pretty far inland.

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

School for some, work for others.

Today I’m driving to the West Side to visit two of my new families. Hour and a half drive each way, but that’s fine. it’s a very easy drive through farmland and gives me a chance to think.

Wednesday night at church starts up tonight. I am in charge of The Littles, as we like to call the preschoolers. I just adore them.

Went to the dentist unexpectedly yesterday. I called to reschedule next week’s appointment and they said, “are you available this afternoon? We just had a cancellation and haven’t had a chance to try to fill it.” And I happened to not have any appointments yesterday afternoon, so I went. Their hygienist retired. She was a legend and we all adored her. The new one was good. The appointment only took half as long because she didn’t talk. At all. The other one talked your ear off.

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Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday!

I had a three minute telemed appointment with my allergist yesterday.  He said that it appears that I have outgrown my food allergies and that we can do the food challenges in the next month or two.

He clearly is not working on the same timetable that I am.

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Good morning!

I have to leave in 5 minutes for the Pup's annual vet appointment.  Checkup and rabies shot and etc.  They'll probably look at his left ear again.  It's been doing much better though still sensitive.

After that I drop pup off at home then go to grocery store then home and leave for string quartet.


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I'm back from the vet and Aldi and sitting down for a sec drinking another coffee and trying to regroup my brain.

I was so grateful that we got to see our regular vet today.  He recommended doing a Super Duper Lab Culture for Sir Pups-a-lot's left ear to see if there is some weird bacteria in there that is keeping his ear from getting totally better.  Much better than the other vet who wanted to jump right ahead with a monthly $100 shot treatment. 
There's a shot we forgot to do.  Kennel cough, I think.  Maybe we can get that done when the lab results are in.   

Aldi eggs were up to $1.10/dozen last week but are back down to 97 cents.    

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I'm beat.  I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer before leaving for string quartet but I was planning to IP it, so not a big deal.  Imma see how long I can just sit here and rest my brain before dd14 begs for help with biology.

There is a bonified tomato growing on the tomato plant out back!  And I saw several flowers.  Looks like maybe we'll get some late season tomatoes.

I need more water.

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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

I am beat. Yesterday about did me in. Today is going to be a bit better, not quite as much going on, but pretty busy. The drive out to the West Side was pleasant, as usual. I met two new families and they were both very appreciative of the in-person visit. Then Back to School Meeting for High School and the. our first Wednesday night meeting at church. I was wondering why it was so completely chaotic and then it dawned on me that we had a bunch of kids who had never been in a school-type setting before, so no wonder they didn’t want to sit and listen to the story. Anyhow, I think will do some reading up on how to train preschoolers to sit for five minutes and listen to a Bible story.

Today I only have one meeting that is half an hour away in the foothills. I teach my Home Ec class and then that’s all. The rest of my day will be spent doing paperwork, lesson planning, etc.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!

Everyone is gone.  Except ds28 who is working from home today.  But all the cars are gone and it seems everyone has gotten to where they need to be.  Pup had a good morning walk and I am looking over my last freezer meal recipe for the season - lobster bisque.  By far the most expensive meal, though I found lobster tails on a good sale at Kroger and I am using half crab.  But in the end it will run about $20 per meal (including biscuits) for 6 people, so it's not too bad.   Normally they run $7-10 per meal.  I need to chop a whole lotta onion, celery, and carrots and attempt to get the meats out of their shells and make the lobster/crab stock.  I sure hope it turns out OK.
Tonight is orchestra rehearsal.  

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Morning, Happy Thursday.

Today is another day of errands.  Dropping off a bunch of donations in a donation bin, running to the AFSA for a few things that can't wait until we get back, cleaning up my upstairs storage at least a little bit (I think I'm going to give myself an hour to do whatever I can get done), finish setting up my classroom and lobby, and testing computers.  

Tomorrow I"m staying home, helping the kids pack for our trip, cleaning house a little bit.  

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On 8/30/2023 at 7:04 AM, 73349 said:

Greetings, popmom!

Life gets more hectic Monday (DS's two non-year-round extracurriculars start back up), DH is out of state for work hopefully only through Friday, and we have one working(ish) car and a deposit on a new one that should arrive any day now.  And assorted other Things to check off the list. Hoping for no impacts from Idalia--we're pretty far inland.

Are you getting swampy?

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6 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Oh, I feel like my kids don't remember what it's like to have a stomach virus. It's been since before covid. 

Almost Friday!

You know, I was thinking about that the other day. I remember getting stomach viruses many times as a kid. I’d be throwing up and I would stay home from school and sip 7-up on the couch and watch The Price is Right. I think a couple of my kids have thrown up as young children but middle DD I’m pretty sure has never thrown up in her life and I cannot figure that out.

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Good Morning!

Happy Friday!

Almost finished with the first week back to school and we have mostly survived.

Usually, we continue homeschooling through the summer so that we don't have the back-to-school I-don't-wannas.

However, since dd21 got married this summer, we ended up taking quite a bit of time off and had to do a re-set.  It has gone really well for me and two of the girls left at home and okay for the other.  She has struggled with school for a long time and I really don't know what to do.

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Good morning!

I was late to orchestra last night.  I need to remember to leave at 6 so I can hopefully get there a couple minutes before 7.

I need to rearrange some things in The Big Freezer so I can fit the lobster bisque containers.  I should make a to-do list.  Ds18 left for CC class a while ago.  Ds28 has the day off work and dd20 is leaving for work in a few minutes.     

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!



September!! Don’t forget to celebrate that fact with a little Earth, Wind and Fire!!

School and work! Park day today. It should be a pleasant day for it. 10 degrees cooler than yesterday.

But it's not Late September.   or 1963.

Aaannnndd I just realized that's Late December back in 63 and is Frankie Vallli.

Edited by Wheres Toto
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Morning, Happy Friday!

We leave at 6am tomorrow morning for the drive to Maine!  So excited.  

Today I need to shave (I think, not sure I'll bother), maybe do my toe nails since I'll be wearing sandals.  Take my car to get gas.   Help the kids pack.   Go through what I packed and cut down.   We will have a washer/dryer and plan to do laundry at least once so I really don't need to pack as much as I did.   

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