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1 minute ago, Servant4Christ said:

That's an odd combination.

Stir fry over rice here. Coconut aminos instead of soy sauce is delicious. 

I am tired of the same thing every day so I'm eating something else. I have limited options. I love Brussels sprouts.

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3 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

That's an odd combination.

Stir fry over rice here. Coconut aminos instead of soy sauce is delicious. 

I am not supposed to eat grains, dairy (Imma just have a few bites!), sugar, legumes, carrageenan, sulfates or gluten and now I'm on keto so no root vegetables or fruit, though I am having 1/4 cup of pineapple tonight which is shockingly low in carbs.

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16 minutes ago, Slache said:

I am not supposed to eat grains, dairy (Imma just have a few bites!), sugar, legumes, carrageenan, sulfates or gluten and now I'm on keto so no root vegetables or fruit, though I am having 1/4 cup of pineapple tonight which is shockingly low in carbs.

Hmm, I like a good challenge. Let me ponder this for a bit. 

No sugar, or no processed sugar? Honey and maple syrup are both a part of my cooking arsenal.

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I went to some stores to look at stuff and then came home and bought the things online.

We're having baby potatoes cooked in my new Mother's Day Cast Iron Skillet which were then topped with ham, a white sauce, and cheese and stuck in the oven.  I think it's ready.

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11 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Hmm, I like a good challenge. Let me ponder this for a bit. 

No sugar, or no processed sugar? Honey and maple syrup are both a part of my cooking arsenal.

No added sugar. To be clear, I had GF pineapple upside down cake a week or so ago. I have my rules and I brake them on occasion. Tonight I'm having about an ounce of mozzarella and my Brussels sprouts have a little glaze. My rules keep me from being bad, but aside from gluten none are 100%.

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4 hours ago, Slache said:

I am tired of the same thing every day so I'm eating something else. I have limited options. I love Brussels sprouts.

4 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

Me too! Unfortunately, I'm the only one in my house who likes them so we rarely have them.

4 hours ago, Slache said:

We are defective, together.

So does Gymnast. I don't know where she got the taste from. I'm thinking I may have tried them once with a menu plan and she's liked them ever since. She likes them plain. Just plain roasted brussel sprouts. She also likes roasted cauliflower and steamed broccoli. Strangely wonderful child, she is.

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I love vegetables. I am not inherently a healthy person and would prefer to make bad choices, but if I had to choose one food for the rest if my life it would be a salad. Green beans and artichoke and spinach. Dat's the good stuff.

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We had fajitas, which are relatively healthy if you pile on the peppers and onions. And we had guacamole. 

I went to the AFSA and barely survived. 

I have two cats here at the table with me. Each occupying a chair. Goldi is still basically a kitten, though he is huge. He keeps trying to get Cleo's attention because he wants to play. And Cleo keeps looking at him like, "Get away from me you freak." 

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Good morning!

I realize that one major source of my anxiety is ds17's BSA Philmont trip in July.  There seems to be no one in charge of the crew/training, and there is no communication about transportation to NM or anything.  This isn't something you can just throw together at the last minute.  I am finding that this just seems to be the way the troop is run now and it is pretty bad.

Gotta take the pup for a walk.  The Three Youngers have a recital this afternoon.  There is a rodeo parade this afternoon so traffic should be very exciting for a while today, lol.


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Morning, Happy Saturday. Today dh is finishing oiling the new living room walls and I can start putting things back on shelves on the wall he already finished.  Hopefully that means I can get dd back to doing school.

Ds finished his first full semester of college and got two A's.   

What do you guys do with teenagers who want to sleep all the time or weird hours?  I know teens need more sleep but now that ds's classes ended and dd basically only comes with me twice a week, I'm worried they are just laying in bed too much.   Once I'm done we'll go to the lake in the afternoons but until then I feel like I should be doing something about it.

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Good Morning!!!



It was well after 8:00 when I stumbled out of bed.

Hoisework today. I got a gorgeous geranium from the AFSA last night, so I will put that in a nice pot that I got there as well.

This afternoon the girls and I will go to a musical that a couple of my students are in. That should be fun.

Edited by KrissiK
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Ds finally got his car back.  The mechanic felt bad that ds was going to be spending so much money on work that would not even fix the problem so he replaced the other broken part at 1/3 of the original quote.  So all together it cost almost $2K instead of $3.2K.  
The girls have gone across the street to the park to see the horsies.  Gotta put on something nice, eat lunch, and leave for the recital.

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4 hours ago, Renai said:

@Wheres Toto oiling the walls???

We put up new pine paneling and decided to do a natural oil rather than paint or stain.   It needs two coats before we can put stuff back on the walls so he's finishing that up today.  

I did put out a lot of knickknacks and books but there's a lot more still to do.   We have to get the living room (and bedrooms a little bit) back together because new kitchen cabinets are coming in the next couple weeks and we'll have to empty the kitchen into the living room.  

Fun times. 

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I can't remember if I mentioned I hired another teacher.  She'll start over the summer and came and watched/helped with a class this past week.    She's young, 20 I think, in college, has been very involved in 4H clubs and camps working with younger kids.  She'll do pre-k and junior (K - 2nd grade) classes.   I've known her for years.

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I helped install smoke detectors in homes that didn't have working ones. (At one of them, as soon as the resident opened the door, we could hear one chirping for a battery.) The fire department believes there may be tens of thousands of homes in this county that don't have working ones.

If you have doubts about the ones at your house--they need to be replaced if you're not sure they're less than 10 years old--or if you want to plan a family fire exit plan, the Red Cross has you  covered. https://www.redcross.org/sound-the-alarm.html

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