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Part of my complex system is that it goes on hangers or that non-hanging stuff is put in various baskets by person.  I need more room in my laundry room - you know, for my complex system.


We have a closet for our laundry room, and I am quite grumpy about that (our previous house had a separate ROOM, which I loved).  That said, we are making it work.  DH installed doorless cabinets above the machines for detergent and other supplies.  Then he installed a wire shelf and hanging bar BACKWARDS inside the doorway, over the door, so we can hang clothes directly from the dryer.  I also use the banister railing for laying things out flat before hanging or folding (especially helpful with tablecloths and sheets), and the machines are right outside the master bedroom, so I use our bed for folding and we keep the clean clothes baskets in there.  The ironing board lives folded up and stood on end next to the washer.  (I bring it out to iron flat the leading edge of flat sheets -- I SO want cotton/poly blend sheets again so I don't have to do that!)  We can use the hanging rod and hangars for drip dry clothes, or we can use the bar we hung over the monster tub in the master bathroom.


At least one up-side of having a laundry closet instead of a laundry room is we have more incentive to get the clean laundry at least delivered to other rooms, if not put away completely.

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I guess the site went down last night. :thumbdown:  But I didn't know that, I thought it was my internet connection. :confused1:  Then I thought I was kicked off because I was bragging I had 0 warning points. :crying:  


Paranoid, aren't I?

I have no friends, you all are all I got. :grouphug:  :001_wub:

Same here. I'm a stay at home mom that doesn't drive. My two best friends are in their early twenties and don't have kids. They're so much prettier than I am so I try to avoid being seen in public with them. 

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Finally, someone who understands me!!! :thumbup:


He needs a talking to, for sure!  And a cat to spray him!  We are in the process of making the decision for him to build a small house on our property, as he is getting older and is alone, and I will be the one to provide all but medical care in his aging years.  So now is NOT the time to act like the back end of a horse.  He rarely does this so I don't know what came over him.  Now, I am very, very patient and kind with him almost to a fault, but he got some pushback for the stunt he pulled on Saturday. :rofl:


I kinda get where he is coming from, but I agree that he needed the push back from you.  Last year I told my own Dad to "go to h3ll", in writing because I had a sinus infection and used up the last of my voice making the doctor appointment he insisted he needed and then refused to go to (because I had the nerve to do it without him standing over me telling me exactly what to do and how to do it), and I had stayed in his town to help him with medical matters while DH and our kids continued on to SD to see more family.  He now doesn't remember that, or chooses not to remember it, and everything is hunky-dory between us again.  I have decided and told him, however, that I will NOT do ANYTHING for him anymore regarding medical care or his living situation, since he has made it abundantly clear (through his actions and very poor treatment of me) that he doesn't actually want me to do so, regardless of past conversations and requests.  He has not complained once since then, either.

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I'm great with laundry. I do it throughout the morning, toss it all on my bed which gets made every morning, fold it at nap time, and it gets put away before hubby gets home. I *hate* laundry and I *hate* dishes. Everything else is a piece of cake. Someday I'll have this in my kitchen.


Eta: And yes that's my pinterest, so if you wanna know what kind of person I really am...


Pretty, but I wouldn't like tussling with that many doors to get laundry in and out of the machines.  Then again, I'm in the USA, where we don't normally put laundry and food prep in the same rooms.  (However, the kitchen makes more sense to me than putting the laundry out in the garage, which is STILL being done in some new houses -- go figure!)

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I guess the site went down last night. :thumbdown:  But I didn't know that, I thought it was my internet connection. :confused1:  Then I thought I was kicked off because I was bragging I had 0 warning points. :crying:  


Paranoid, aren't I?

I have no friends, you all are all I got. :grouphug:  :001_wub:

I think our thread broke the board, maybe the entire interwebs.


I will be your friend!  Did you see the I Love Lucy episode in which she joins the Salvation Army, only they don't call it that, so she can have friends?  That's me to you!

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I kinda get where he is coming from, but I agree that he needed the push back from you.  Last year I told my own Dad to "go to h3ll", in writing because I had a sinus infection and used up the last of my voice making the doctor appointment he insisted he needed and then refused to go to (because I had the nerve to do it without him standing over me telling me exactly what to do and how to do it), and I had stayed in his town to help him with medical matters while DH and our kids continued on to SD to see more family.  He now doesn't remember that, or chooses not to remember it, and everything is hunky-dory between us again.  I have decided and told him, however, that I will NOT do ANYTHING for him anymore regarding medical care or his living situation, since he has made it abundantly clear (through his actions and very poor treatment of me) that he doesn't actually want me to do so, regardless of past conversations and requests.  He has not complained once since then, either.

Oh dear.  You do feel my pain.  (((hugs)))



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Oh dear.  You do feel my pain.  (((hugs)))


True story:  My dad always thinks there is something seriously wrong with him.  It has been Emphysema (lifetime nonsmoker), Diabetes (thin, no family history, very healthy eater), and Congestive Heart Failure (see Diabetes).  I kept arguing with him, and his doctor reassured him, but he kept insisting he has Emphysema because a crazy doctor told him once he had it and put him on meds that made him nuts.  It was bad.  I told him that the next time he said he has Emphysema that he had to pay me $100.  He is a super cheapskate, so he never said it again.   :)


Ma'am, your father is neurotic. 


That will be 80 bazillion dollars, please.

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No one has posted since 2 a.m. People are not taking it seriously.


No one could post. I thought we had done something and broke the board with this thread, but it's still here. I heard the same thing happened the night prior as well. 


Ya know, it could be all the spam we've been getting at those hours. 


Or maybe they're trying to slow us down so we don't break the board too fast. Even though most of us are asleep then.


Except the spammers. Who create their own threads...that's starting to look more and more like real threads...


yeah, that's it

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No one could post. I thought we had done something and broke the board with this thread, but it's still here. I heard the same thing happened the night prior as well.


Ya know, it could be all the spam we've been getting at those hours.


Or maybe they're trying to slow us down so we don't break the board too fast. Even though most of us are asleep then.


Except the spammers. Who create their own threads...that's starting to look more and more like real threads...


yeah, that's it

It was still early for me whenthe board went down. I missed catching up on this thread before bed.

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No one could post. I thought we had done something and broke the board with this thread, but it's still here. I heard the same thing happened the night prior as well. 


Ya know, it could be all the spam we've been getting at those hours. 


Or maybe they're trying to slow us down so we don't break the board too fast. Even though most of us are asleep then.


Except the spammers. Who create their own threads...that's starting to look more and more like real threads...


yeah, that's it


Nope.  It was me. 


Tread carefully.

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Me, neither.  And I'm going to bail out of Facebook once I get some cousins' email addresses.

I quit Facebook before it was cool. It was too busy. I couldn't stand looking at it. I do miss regular updates from my across the country friends.


Pretty, but I wouldn't like tussling with that many doors to get laundry in and out of the machines.  Then again, I'm in the USA, where we don't normally put laundry and food prep in the same rooms.  (However, the kitchen makes more sense to me than putting the laundry out in the garage, which is STILL being done in some new houses -- go figure!)

Ah, logic. I'll have to contemplate this. I thought you were in Canada? I'm from California and currently live in Oregon.


Nope, paranoid about what social media is doing with our data! 

I have no shame.


No one could post. I thought we had done something and broke the board with this thread, but it's still here. I heard the same thing happened the night prior as well. 


Ya know, it could be all the spam we've been getting at those hours. 


Or maybe they're trying to slow us down so we don't break the board too fast. Even though most of us are asleep then.


Except the spammers. Who create their own threads...that's starting to look more and more like real threads...


yeah, that's it

I thought it was me with my sexy pink panties. It even came back up when I got a shower and changed into blue ones.

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I missed you all SO.MUCH!!!!!!



My browser decided to hate WTM forums for about about a day and a half.


I've been in withdrawal.  



I'm only caught up to page 32 and dc need computer, so I must bid you all a brief farewell.  Looking forward to a good laugh tonight so pleeeeease.  Entertain me.  That's an order.  


Well, ya'll's cursing and weirdness and pictures of epic cake fails and horse videos have cheered me a bit from this bad day!


True story:  I am friends with SWB on FB, and I showed my teen son a cute pictures of the lambs at her farm.  Being 14, he typed "I hate you!" in the comments and thought it was so funny, only he accidentally posted (from my FB account).  UGH.  So now she probably won't be my BFF any more.   :scared:  And then when my son realized what he did, he melted down and cried.  Ugh.  I was just trying to show him a picture of a cute lamb and bring some distraction to our sad and sorry lots.


Follow up:  I erased it quickly, but then I had to post "Adorable" and apologize for my "funny" teen boy's comment.  <sob>


:drool: HOW did you friend the GP?????  So very impressed. tho i must now totally distance myself from you and your heartless comment.   :lol:



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Well, ya'll's cursing and weirdness and pictures of epic cake fails and horse videos have cheered me a bit from this bad day!


True story:  I am friends with SWB on FB, and I showed my teen son a cute pictures of the lambs at her farm.  Being 14, he typed "I hate you!" in the comments and thought it was so funny, only he accidentally posted (from my FB account).  UGH.  So now she probably won't be my BFF any more.   :scared:  And then when my son realized what he did, he melted down and cried.  Ugh.  I was just trying to show him a picture of a cute lamb and bring some distraction to our sad and sorry lots.


Follow up:  I erased it quickly, but then I had to post "Adorable" and apologize for my "funny" teen boy's comment.  


1) I never saw the comment, so no worries.


2) I have had THREE 14-year-old boys so far, so it wouldn't have caused even the tiniest dent in my composure. AND I would have probably figured it was a kid, not you. So no worries.


3) WHY IS HE CRYING??? Tell him to stop crying!!! I will send him some chocolate!!!!



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Okay, looks like I WILL be entertained tonight.  


Love this reliable old thread.  


You do realize this "old" thread was started less than a month ago, right?  Still, I agree!  It has become another home refuge, hasn't it?  Kinda like a distillation of so much of the WTM forums....



Maybe we need a red shoes icon for when we need to wish ourselves home (to this thread or anyplace else safe).

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1) I never saw the comment, so no worries.


2) I have had THREE 14-year-old boys so far, so it wouldn't have caused even the tiniest dent in my composure. AND I would have probably figured it was a kid, not you. So no worries.


3) WHY IS HE CRYING??? Tell him to stop crying!!! I will send him some chocolate!!!!



This is the bright spot in my bad week.  


Also, if you send him chocolate, he might forgive you for Writing with Ease.  :D

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My dad minded his P's and Q's while here.  But then he suggested that I train the dog.  <sigh>  He said his brother has trained his Pyr.  I suggested that his brother come and train mine, and he said that his brother probably wouldn't want to drive that far.  So then I said, "Yes, probably."


It sometimes works for me to be full of dry sarcasm around literal folks. I got 99% of my sense of humor from my mom.


Wow, you sound SOOOOO much like my friend and me!

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My pets are unschooled.


My cat comes in at night when I call her because she wants me to sing Dreamland for her as well as for DD.  She even wants Dreamland if my DDs are sleeping over at Grandma's and Grandpa's.  :rolleyes:

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An EMPTY post?  Somehow you have trumped my own shameless post padding with just one post.  Empty post, indeed.  This should not be allowed!


And it wasn't even done to get to the top of another page, either.

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And here's us. Aren't we cute! Did I forget someone? I feel like  forgot someone... oh well.


When I scrolled up the finger on my pointer ended up right in your nostril.  What fortuitousness!


You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you shouldn't pick your friend's n....  You get the idea, I'm sure!


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Good morning. The next time you feel that you've failed at parenting know that my 21 year old sister in law vomits on the carpet as well and has her mom clean it up because it's "too hard" for her to make it to the toilet. It's funny how when she's sick at my house that she doesn't have that problem. I wonder why that is.


I wanted to like this post in agreement, but thought it might be misconstrued and give my cat ideas.  Eww.


My dad once -- just once -- drank himself to the point of vomiting.  He then promptly set about cleaning up the entire mess and claims that doing that sobered him up quite quickly.  He does like beer, but doesn't drink much.  One or two in an evening, not every evening, and it takes a while for him to finish even one.  And I think he's like me -- if overheated will think NOTHING of putting ice in the beer, too.


I will clean up after someone who is legitimately sick.  If I have good cause to believe it is self-inflicted, however, I will harry them until they clean it up themselves. 

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I do this too. It truly is a gift. And, it usually takes a lot to make me wake up. But, the sound of a hacking cat (or her catching a mouse) will do it every time.



Lovely pic!


Also, I have to say:  Whenever I see your avatar I keep thinking it is your head and you have stellar dreadlocks.  You do, don't you?  :001_cool:

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An EMPTY post?  Somehow you have trumped my own shameless post padding with just one post.  Empty post, indeed.  This should not be allowed!


And it wasn't even done to get to the top of another page, either.

It was supposed to be a picture of my dog. It was my first attempt at posting a picture.

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I'm dyslexic and being able to make the font old lady size has changed reading for me forever. 



Also, I do have one 5 tear(?) bookshelf of just books already.


Eta: And 2 more shelves of kids books.


You would start talking of tiers of bookshelves after DH and I were talking about bOOkshelves....


Stop giving him ideas!  I do NOT want to look like a creature from Star Wars!

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I have already decided that I am hosting a summer gathering of the fabulous people here in the "Ignore this thread!" thread so please clear your calendars.


How about August?  By August I'll need another break from the heat, humidity, and stealth mosquitoes in my part of Texas!

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I hereby proclaim that JoJosMom and lotsoflittleducklings need avatar pictures. They post too much to not have them. And we still need a nickname for JoJosMom. I'm not calling anyone fat anything.


Umm.  That IS my picture.  Stick figures are people, too.  Just call me "FA Sticky."  (Actually, that sounds like a rap singer, or something. :laugh: )

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When I scrolled up the finger on my pointer ended up right in your nostril.  What fortuitousness!


You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you shouldn't pick your friend's n....  You get the idea, I'm sure!


That's wisdom right there.  Gettin' a bit intellectual, aren't you AMJ?


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I think JoJosMom and texasmama are going to duel.


They better be careful, or they'll scare SWB away from the slumber party.  She already promised to put her sleeping bag right next to mine so we can braid each other's hair and do atrocious make-overs on each other, so I will be miffed if they scare her away.

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Umm.  That IS my picture.  Stick figures are people, too.  Just call me "FA Sticky."  (Actually, that sounds like a rap singer, or something. :laugh: )

FaSticky! That works!


They better be careful, or they'll scare SWB away from the slumber party.  She already promised to put her sleeping bag right next to mine so we can braid each other's hair and do atrocious make-overs on each other, so I will be miffed if they scare her away.

See, this is the kind of creepy stuff I'm talking about.

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They better be careful, or they'll scare SWB away from the slumber party.  She already promised to put her sleeping bag right next to mine so we can braid each other's hair and do atrocious make-overs on each other, so I will be miffed if they scare her away.


Back OFF.  That's MY bestie you're talking about.  She only said that to you so you'd stop stalking her.

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